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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. Today is my 15th rezday (technically Debi's rez day) so I decided to go find a fun "old" build. This one isn't really that old having been built in 2011, but it was old enough for my desire to get nostalgic. It's a fun build with all kinds of freebies. If you want to visit Rizal Games here's your taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rizal/119/108/23 Who knew you could do one arm handstands at my age! Don't know why I have so much fun on these bouncy house things. Ending the adventure with a bike ride and a chocolate ice cream. All freebies found in the shops here.
  2. Omega hairbases ONLY work on mesh heads. If you are still using a classic (system) head then you cannot use this hairbase.
  3. Well cr*p. I've never really paid attention to this: As many times as I"ve listed my products, I never paid attention. I think it really is my bias against the system body. I really hated that body for so many years that now I just refused to call or recognize it as classic ... because I tend to look at the definition of the word as So thanks for the correction. I'm going to have to adjust my verbiage now. *grumbles to self.
  4. And we love you! I think there's a difference between providing customer support and supporting customers. Of course I want to make sure that any customer who buys one of my products loves my creation and I will bend over backwards to be sure that's the case. But I don't owe it to my customers to give my creations away or provide a free VIP group.
  5. Honestly, I think I need to just remove classic as a word defining any of the body parts, whether system or mesh. The Merriam-Webster definition for classic: a: serving as a standard of excellence : of recognized value b: TRADITIONAL, ENDURING c: characterized by simple tailored lines in fashion year after year So, I don't think the word classic really is useful to describe any of the body parts. So from this point forward (if I can remember), I'm going to use system, rigged mesh, and bento rigged mesh. Sorry for the slight derail.
  6. Problem is that both the classic or frames mesh heads and bento mesh heads are rigged mesh. It's just that the classic heads were not rigged to the bento bones.
  7. For an answer to your premise I refer you to this thread:
  8. I've started thinking about a Halloween costume. I tried on last year's this morning. Moments before taking this pic my cat went nuts!!
  9. We're talking three different types of heads here: system, classic mesh, and bento mesh All three are animated differently. In the older furniture with facial animations, the poses were made to animate system heads. Those animations will not work on a classic mesh or bento mesh head. Classic mesh heads use frames to animate the face. As far as I know, no classic mesh head will respond to any furniture animations, period. Speed up to Bento mesh heads. Those heads are animated using special bento bones that were added to the system avatar skeleton. System heads do not respond to these bones. The only way to use these bones to animate a face is with a bento mesh head. Newer furniture that has bento facial animations installed will animate bento heads regardless of brand name or style.
  10. Klytyna did an excellent job of explaining what I meant. It's not where the huds are attached, unless you have too many huds on one attachment spot, then I suppose you could run into the problem with a hud dropping off without you knowing it, though I've never encountered that issue. It's that the body is attached to avatar center and then other things get attached to avatar center as well. The Firestorm bridge no longer attaches to avatar center; it attached to center 2 now so that's not the issue any longer. I find the biggest culprit is companion pets that must attach to avatar center or they will not function properly. So moving the body to another location for those who use companion pets is the best solution in those cases. I use pets on occasion and as such have moved my body to right pec as it hardly gets used these days.
  11. It seemed to me you were implying that a person should NOT delete the original box, as though it was the only way. My point is that it is a choice and that using the redelivery rather than keeping unneeded boxes in your inventory is an option, and for some like myself, it's the best option. I'm all about choice. I just want people to know what's available and that there is more than one way to do things.
  12. I'm not really techy but it seems to me that your question lies outside of the designed purpose of BoM and thus belongs in another thread. It seems like you are wanting something else entirely.
  13. Quoted from the opening post of the Bakes on Mesh Feedback Thread by Alexa Linden. "Bakes on Mesh is a new feature to allow system avatar baked textures to be shown on mesh attachments." What I gather by Alexa's statement is that it has to be an attachment. Are you suggesting it be used on regular objects and not attachments?
  14. Even popcorn would not make this thread palatable.
  15. I was one of those who kept my Maitreya HUD attached nearly all the time. But after reading that HUDs can cause texture lag issues, I decided to test performance with and without my favorite HUDs attached, and indeed my system performed much better without the HUDs (Mait and Catwa). Another wonderful feature from Firestorm is the Favorite Wearables box where I keep all my HUDs ready for attaching. It's wonderful!!! Being a mega shopper who is constantly trying demos, thus wanting to attach and detach huds often, using this feature has greatly improved my power shopping trips.
  16. It's also very easily available from the avatar menu under the avatar health options. It's a great feature!! And as far as I know, only available in the Firestorm viewer.
  17. There's still a lot of clothing out there with the old auto-hide scripts that didn't reset when the clothing was removed. You're probably running into those. I can't remember how long the old system was out before it was updated but it wasn't very long.
  18. My goal with my main, Debi, is to keep her inventory below 20k. So I don't keep ANY original boxes with her. Honestly, even with Blush, I don't like to keep anything in inventory that can easily be redelivered. I just hate a large inventory. In all the time I've been wearing my Maitreya body on both Debi and Blush, which has been since the first day the body was released, I've only needed to get a redelivery once between them. That's over three years. Honestly, if someone needs to get a redelivery that often they really need to troubleshoot what's going on and find a solution. And as I've said numerous times, there are a lot of us who are willing to help in the Maitreya Lara Friends group.
  19. All true, but this happens because you have the body attached to the same place as something else, typically avatar center. Rather than just relogging it's better to see what is attaching to the same spot and if possible move it to another spot or if it's something like an attached pet that can't be moved and work correctly, then moving the body to another spot that is rarely used. This will prevent it from happening again. It's never a nice thing to have someone message you and tell you the body you think you are wearing is missing. If you don't want to move things, and are using the Firestorm viewer, rather than relogging I'd suggest using the refresh attachments option. This is just one reason a HUD may seem to not be working. But there are others as well.
  20. The first Psycho was released in June of 1960. I was a kid, but I remember my parents talking about how shocking that movie was. We look at that movie today and think it's run of the mill .. not shocking at all. Speed up to the first Freddy Krueger movie, November 9, 1984, there is no comparison in the nature of the graphic violence between those two eras. But like you say that was 40 years ago. But you are correct in that they've always been around but to a much lesser degree in both quantity and severity.
  21. I said when I was young. You don't know how old I am. lol Yes, they have been around but we didn't see them advertised much on TV. And they have gotten worse in the past twenty years. Maybe thirty years. When you are as old as I am time passes much too quickly.
  22. So, like any troubleshooting, start with the quick fix and work your up from there. Make a change and follow the problem. If it goes away and doesn't come back your done! Added a bit to your response so I could agree with it.
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