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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. For sure do this and you need to actually check by trying to return items. Very often something will not visually cross the line but because of it's physics or invisible geometry it will cross the line and you can return those items. Also, do keep a record of her first contact with you in IM where she said you cannot buy that land. Those words along with her actions equate to extortion.
  2. I think this needs a more refined definition because any time anyone is selling a no-copy item that item is limited quantity to them and to them ONLY. Just because something is no copy doesn't mean that the item is from a limited quantity release. IMO only those items, where the supply has been terminated, should be considered as limited quantity. Limited quantity items by their nature are more valuable than regular items. There is a certain amount of prestige associate with a limited quantity item. So labeling no-copy unlimited supply gacha items as limited quantity is misleading IMO.
  3. I have to agree, I never thought limited quantity had anything to do with permissions, it simply meant there were a certain number to be sold and once those were gone the item was retired never to be sold again. This is a very common practice with full perm template sellers, but it also is used for special releases or events. We used to have a regular in world shopping event that had limited quantities sold. Once they were gone they were gone, period. Nearly all of those items were copy items. So, I do think there's some confusion on the terminology. The thing is that gachas aren't necessarily limited quantity items (unless the gacha was retired after the event, typically they are simply no copy items). Just because there aren't any available now doesn't mean there won't be latter. Also, most of the time those gacha machines are still located in world so again in reality the item isn't a true limited quantity. Just because one seller only has one to sell IMO does not make the item limited quantity. I honestly don't think there's a win in this dilemma. It's kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation. I'm just glad it's not my job to figure it out.
  4. Final touches done on my fireplace, I think! I love how the morning sun in SL makes everything so rosy.
  5. I would!! I don't care if I lag like crazy. I just want to see it in person. Yes, I was the kid who kept asking if we were there yet. lol And when the answer was no, I'd say why not? lol
  6. This evening I was reading Inara Pey's blog and saw what looked like a very festive build at Mesmeric Cove http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Silver Lining/75/165/32. The train drew my attention right away, so I climbed aboard. I was so taken with the scene and the lighting that I had to snap a pic or two. Do you think Santa would hire me as a helper?
  7. If I were in your shoes, and I have been though not in a long time, I would do my best to camouflage her walls. Make yourself a nice little home you can be satisfied with, but then I would also set the land for sale but charge an additional 10% of what you paid. Had the person been nice and really wanted the land I might have sold it to her for what I paid and just found something else, but in this case since she is basically extorting you to get that land she doesn't deserve your kindness. Whatever you do don't let her bully you into abandoning the land or selling if for less than you paid.
  8. I think I have a better chance of winning the lottery, and I don't buy lottery tickets, than you do of having you suggestion adopted.
  9. Here's my honest view of SL in MY neighborhood. Three views all at 1024 draw distance. I normally keep it at 120 though. You can see some sky clutter at this draw distance but honestly there's not that much in the sky and since I don't run draw distance so high I never see that clutter. I actually love my view of SL. I guess it just depends where you live in SL.
  10. Follow the signposts was a good hint. Made it out with my books before lunch!
  11. The LI count of the previous two is why I wasn't so sure I was going to hunt for this one because I have no idea where a tree that glows is located in LR. But that book is a must have! So I'm here searching. Someone send a guide or at least a sack lunch.. lol.
  12. So I wasn't so sure I really wanted to get this week's gift, but seeing this now I must have it!!!
  13. I'm not understanding why you want to eliminate gacha items if they fit the criteria of your search. If you're looking for hair and you see hair from gachas does that mean you don't want to see it just because it's a gacha? I love gacha stuff but I almost always buy them on the MP because I'm too stubborn to spend my money on a chance. Please don't make it harder for me to find the cute little gacha items I love. It seems that LL is doing a pretty good job of finding a middle ground for both those who favor gachas and those who do not.
  14. I notice this often myself. The more recent AOs don't seem to have the issue, but there are still many older AOs out there that aren't motion capture based. Also, I see this all the time in animations for furniture. My arms almost never end up where they should be because some animator made the poses for someone with arms much too short.
  15. Wouldn't it be awesome if we could!!! LOL... I'd have too many to choose from and would end up debating until all the ones I actually wanted were already claimed.
  16. I haven't been buying much in the way of tattoos or skin effects because they just won't work with our current onion layer system. So for me, I know once BoM is here I'm going to be shopping a lot for those kinds of things. And I'll be just straight up honest, if creators decide to charge for BoM enabled heads, like many did with Bento, I'm going to be one of those who will gladly lay my lindens down to get one. Also, I have no problem buying system layers for the skin appliers I already have. I don't expect creators to go through all that trouble to make system layers and not get paid for their work.
  17. That you even question this shows that you have a failure to see beyond your own bias. I am very excited for BoM. Does that mean I am excited to be able to use it to wear age old system clothing? No! But I am excited to use tattoos and skin add-ons, like freckles, wrinkles, etc. All of which are impossible to use now with alpha glitches so prevalent. So please get a grip and stop being so narrow minded. I think you use more system clothing than I do. Look at how you complain that you won't be able to use materials with BoM for all your skin tight latex jumpsuits. Personally, that's not the look I like to wear so it won't affect me in the least. I wear mesh jeans, thank you! I own over 400 pairs of very high quality mesh shoes rigged for the Maitreya body. I know shopping patterns but everyone does eventually come to their limits. I've reached mine unless I see a pair that is really different from the ones I already own. Then I would be tempted to buy more shoes. I don't see that. Perhaps you need to think about what's happening today and stop accusing me and others of being backward thinking because we embrace BoM.
  18. I agree. This is a major change for some and not so much for others. A heads up would have been great and prudent in this situation.
  19. Rather than changing the system, which personally I am very happy to see implemented and have wanted it for a very long time, I think merchants need to rethink their method for updating their products. I think if a merchant is updating a product to the point that it's changed so significantly as to warrant charging for the update, then that product should be renamed and a new listing created. The old listing then would be retired permanently but those who bought the old version should be able to have that version redelivered. The same holds true for changing perms on a product. If you're going to sell copy and a trans only version, then make two listings with that indicated in the naming of the product. The copy version would be able to have redelivery while the trans only would not. I think having the merchant be able to set the option on or off for redelivery is going to cause confusion for the buyers. There should be a standard that customers can depend on.
  20. IMO, Theresa hit the nail on the head. How many pairs of jeans does one person need? How many mesh heads? Shoes? ETC! I think animesh and bakes on mesh will spur a new reason to go shopping. So we'll see. I haven't seen any of these performance issues you mention. I'm not saying that you aren't having issues but what I am saying is that it's not the case for everyone, and I don't think it's changed. If you are having issues then you most likely have had the same issues since you purchased your current machine or acquired your internet connection. And as for the packaging annoyances you refer to I personally consider those to be improvements. I simply love not having to rez a box to unpack it and better yet, if it automatically unpacks so I don't have to click anything even better. I suppose if you want to find something to be negative about it's easy to do, but I prefer to look for the good rather than just complain about the little things.
  21. Since the adoption of mesh (well the new SL mesh, since everything has always been mesh) there's been a substantial move toward more realistic sizing of avatars, buildings and furniture. I for one am very happy that people are changing. I haven't used the default camera position for years and years. I fixed that problem even before mesh was an issue. I never liked feeling as though no matter how high a ceiling was I always felt like I was going to hit my head. Fortunately, I read an article explaining the issue and how to fix it with the debug settings. That one improvement made my SL so much more enjoyable. I really have to chuckle when I see super tall avatars these days. It's typically someone who just can't drag themselves into the present but tend to live in their memories of the "good old days". Now if I offended you with that remark, I'm sorry, but maybe it's time to reconsider why you really want to be a giant.
  22. I've been working on my Christmas home this week. I'm taking a break warming up by the fireplace. I really think this is my favorite time in SL. But come the day after Christmas I'll be ready for bikini weather.
  23. Nautlius City is in the middle of Blake Sea. All the parcels in Nautilus City are double prim. So looking for a few parcels that actually touch the water would be the only ones that meet your criteria. Warning prices are usually quite high.
  24. I don't like trying a demo in a store. I want to be able to fiddle with my shape and walk around awhile seeing if I like the animations. I was seriously considering buying a genus head but having to demo in the store is a no go for me.
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