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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I didn't get the Soup Nazi connection to your remark until you posted the pic and I'm a soup nazi fan. So while I agree having to explain a joke kinda makes it not a joke anymore, the point is if a good portion of the people reading your remark aren't going to get the reference and know it's a joke then what's the point of posting said joke?
  2. Why do you think a new Horizons? Why not new Linden Homes? Horizons was auctioned off as mainland purchasable parcels. Linden Homes are not able to be bought and sold. I seriously hope it's not something like Horizons. We absolutely need new Linden Homes with 1024 parcels to use our newly increased tier allotment.
  3. I love my name and my main's name. Honestly, I always thought LL provided many very good choices for avatar names. I also remember that they had names from many cultures included in the list.
  4. I believe if a listing appears to be breaking TOS anyone can flag that listing for LL review. Having something delisted doesn't necessarily mean a DMCA has been filed.
  5. Reading this definition, perhaps you need a better word to convey your message than macho.
  6. I rarely posted on the old forums. I only went there searching for answers to problems I encountered while building in SL. I pretty much stayed away from the reincarnation of the forums as well until very recently. Again, I came searching for information and found a wealth of it. Unfortunately, I have also encountered a lot of drama here as well, and I'll admit that I have added to the drama. I am easily bated when someone misrepresents my position in a response to one of my posts, but I'm doing my best to stop that behavior. I'm not always successful though. That said, there is enough blame in the world and these forums to go around. We didn't get to this place on our own or because of one side. As the old saying goes, it takes two to tango. If people would stop blaming and name calling and stand up and be the example of the behavior they wish to see, then perhaps things would change.
  7. Seinfeld could be hilarious or silly, but the Soup Nazi episode was one of the most hilarious and memorable of all the Seinfelds IMO. It's well worth finding it and watching it.
  8. The new Frank's jeans and the last release before this one also has a great butt .. they are the Jolene jeans. Try both of those. You'll like em.
  9. I was so happy to see BB add this new butt .. was so tired of the butt crack look. Sorry for derailing .. but I thought that new jean butt deserved mentioning.
  10. It still amazes me that after nearly 15 years I am still learning things in SL everyday. I've used the area search for years and years. It's one of my favorite tools, but somehow I missed the fact that you could right click on an object and edit it from that box. So thanks for enlightening an old timer. That's great news!
  11. Everything I'd like to see in an SL2 is promised in a completed Sansar. So I'll just wait for Sansar to reach maturity.
  12. Yes, those are exactly the ones. I really love the height on these knee boots. They cover just the bottom of the knee, which is perfect.
  13. In the FS viewer, perhaps others I don't use those, you can use local textures. I love that because I can see real time changes to the texture on whatever I've applied it to each time I make a change and save the change in Gimp, or whatever photo imagining software you use.
  14. Number of pages isn't nearly as important as time frame. Responding to something said 13 hours ago is relevant. Remember some people have to sleep.
  15. The insult troll is a pure hater, plain and simple. And they don't even really have to have a reason to hate or insult someone. These types of trolls will often pick on everyone and anyone – calling them names, accusing them of certain things, doing anything they can to get a negative emotional response from them – just because they can. In many cases, this type of trolling can become so severe that it can lead to or be considered a serious form of cyberbullying. source: https://www.lifewire.com/types-of-internet-trolls-3485894 While you may not be a pure hater, you were definitely calling names. Having taught many students with autism and having a nephew with severe autism, I find this statement extremely hurtful and unkind. Perhaps a little sensitivity training is in order.
  16. If your computer can handle the higher graphic settings and you can use advanced lighting model then you should not have to resort to using the bright light windlights that wash out everything including the background. However, if your computer/graphics can't handle ALM and enabled shadows then using one of those skin optimal windlights is your best bet. I'd try testing both and see how your machine handles it and which effect you like better. Good luck!
  17. Enjoying my Uber finds and the new boots from Blueberry.
  18. Personally, my charitable donations are done in RL and not SL. I'd rather give directly to the charity than having even as little as 5% go toward processing the donation. The only situations where I will shop with the express idea of the money going toward a cause is one directly organized to benefit an SL resident in need.
  19. I really hope this feature gets implemented. Honestly, it's at the very top of my list of how to improve the marketplace. But it worries me when I see "hopefully" and "if" used in these statements. I'm looking forward to hearing that it's in the works and not just waiting to be considered.
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