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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I don't know if renaming them would have made a difference. I had many copies of the same shape dropped into folders and all those copies disappeared. It happened right after the first bento heads came out. I had spent hours .. no days .. getting that shape correct to work with the bento head. I logged in a couple days after getting to the point that I actually liked what I was seeing and was an orange cloud. I did my normal thing which was to put on a default base outfit to decloud. I then went about rebuilding my avatar only to find that the shape I was using was gone. I then searched through my system messages and found a message saying that ***** shape couldn't be found. So then I knew the reason for the cloud. I started over. Got a shape I could live with, not as good as the lost one though. A few months down the road and it happened again. I got the same system message saying that **** shape couldn't be found. But this time I had all the numbers on a notecard. It happened again once since then. I hope to never get that message again but if I do I'm prepared.
  2. Copying the shape will not do anything if that shape is lost on the asset server. I've had this happen to me personally. The original shape and all the copies disappeared from my inventory. The first time this happened to me I hadn't saved any of the numbers. I had to start over from scratch. It's happened twice since then but thankfully I learned the lesson the first time. Granted it is a rare occurrence but it happens. Why do you have an issue with being safe by keeping a set of the numbers in a separate place?
  3. The problem isn't the head itself. The problem is the shape that controls how that head and her body look. Those numbers she is saving is so she can make another shape should the shape she is currently using either gets lost on the asset server or becomes corrupted. There's no way to duplicate that shape unless those numbers are stored somewhere.
  4. I am one of those ADD types of creators. I get bored or distracted trying to make one type of thing. So I make a variety and I sell a variety. I've never even contemplated trying to have more than one storefront to sell those items. But my MP store was a mess and had way too much to sort through until very recently. There were times when I wished I could sort products into categories for viewing to make it easier for my customers. Recently, when I had to switch to a new vendor system, I decided to clean up my storefront drastically. It just wasn't worth my time to process all those older items into a new system so I could provide redelivery services. My store now has a much smaller inventory; however, that will change as I make new things, so I'm really hopeful to see this new service implemented. I will use it for sure.
  5. I don't have issues with anyone listing items for 1L. I see it as a gift. Why would you assume that something being sold for 1L is junk? Why not think of it as a gift? I often buy items for my main using this account, since Blush has all the money, so finding things that are nice and more than zero is a good thing as I can't buy and send a gift to my alt if the item is 0L. And I'm loathed to log in on the web using Debi's account as I keep Blush logged in there at all times to provide customer support, while Debi tends to be logged in in-world far more than Blush does. There are actually times when I wish a demo was 1L rather than free in the MP just so I could have the convenience of getting it for Debi using Blush. Also, I don't see those 1L items as devaluing anyone else's work. I don't think of them as competition. I am my own competition. If my work is good enough it will sell. It just takes time and fortitude to keep working until people start to recognize that your work is good and something they actually need.
  6. I hadn't actually looked at the SSP area for a few days. Things are progressing!
  7. It's going to be one of the four system must haves: skin, shape, baldie, or eyes. A couple of times the asset server actually lost my shape, and I had to make a new one. This is why I keep all my shape slider numbers on a notecard because it happens.
  8. Reminds me of the gold farmers in another well-known game. They farm non-stop and then sell the gold for real bucks. Hopefully, we don't have that here to the same degree as other online games.
  9. And the size of his hands and arm length? But proportion has never been a strong suit in SL unfortunately.
  10. I know it's impossible, but I personally think that any lindens earned through LR should have some kind of block to being cashed out. I think those funds are being given to people to help the SL economy. Cashing them out does nothing to help and only drains resources. My 2 cents.
  11. Doesn't the money come from selling Lindens to other players much the same as any currency exchange? So technically it doesn't come out of their pockets they just process the transaction much the same as a teller would in a bank. What it might do is devalue the exchange rate, which I seriously doubt enough exchanges hands to do this though.
  12. Isn't having a filter the same thing as self-censoring? That's a good thing isn't it? I've always thought that using a filter shows signs of maturity. So filtering your comments based on your audience is using wisdom isn't it?
  13. And even more confused now as this pic was uploaded to Flickr back on July 26th days before anyone posted about SSP. Oh Patch you're making my head hurt.
  14. Okay, I saw the deal about super size parcels .. but we already guessed that ... so must be more to the story... and how does that relate to the pic with all the glytches? or was that not the pic he meant before? OMG .. I'm soooooooooooo confused!
  15. Now that's a cute picture....
  16. Well, damn!! goes back to Flickr
  17. Or Torley was growing mega watermelons?
  18. So very true. I spend hours creating my vendor covers. But there are just things that no matter how many times you go over it you just miss it. I even get friends to look at the pics to proof them and they miss stuff too. It's a battle for sure.
  19. The only pic that's ever annoyed me is this one and the other taken in the same shop (the two ladies at the counter with wondering eyes). This shop closed years ago. It was one of my favorites before fitted mesh killed it. I'd like to see more current shops on the front page.
  20. So basically they gamed the system and are mad because now it's harder to game the system.
  21. May I suggest you save an outfit and call it something like this, Mait/Catwa/(your brand skin)/(name of skin) ... So for me it would look like this Mait/Catwa/Skinnery/Sophia. Then make the outfit with your avatar naked and all appliers needed to apply skin for head/body attached. That way you can always get back to the basic look. This works well for people who have multiple skins they like to wear and make different shapes for those skins.
  22. I think self inspection is always a good thing. Lord knows since starting to post in these forums I've had to do a lot of it myself. I even did a good read about what constitutes trolling, because believe it or not I just wasn't sure. While reading that article I saw myself and it has tempered how I respond, or at least try to temper myself. All that said, I can't remember reading anything you've posted that was really negative or needing restraint.
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