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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. Fusion also has a nice set and my understanding is that Ghetto will be back shortly as well.
  2. be sure you have them checked and check your preferences to see where they are being saved. I noticed that where I had mine saved got changed to the default a couple of days ago and had to reset it.
  3. There are a couple of animation and pose makers that make them for "busty" avis. You'll have to do a search for them.
  4. This might be better in the mesh creation area than here.
  5. See it it's on the marketplace. You can give as a gift from there.
  6. Although everyone I've talked to cry and moan, wanting to have the surnames back. LL has declared that most people like it the way it is....I loved having the clever names...Sinfuldelight Fiul, Sufferingfrom Lockjaw, Pepperment Twist, Widget Engineer, etc. Adding the display names would still be possible. I personally thing LL is just lazy and doesn't want to be bothered coming up with the surnames, regardless of the fact that they've had how many lists over the years? All they have to do is recycle back from the very beginning. Shrugs...in the meantime, you have to live with Resident for a last name.
  7. And another thing to ponder...the mesh body parts makers have them mod. So...if they didn't want them to be modified in any way by anyone, then the permissions would have been set that way.
  8. I know Chel has talked to Tricky or she wouldn't have the channel for the relay to work. Since each listner script is specific to the body it goes in, it stands to reason she has spoken with the makers. Try talking to Chell before you decide her product shouldn't be supported. As I've found, making appliers, the notecards from applier to applier are almost identical and in some cases are exactly identical. That would imply that they scripting is basically the same from mesh to mesh part. The fact that these parts are mod also means they can be changed. All the Omega does is add an additional channel the parts can listen to for changes. I don't expect to change anyone's mind, but do talk to Chel. She's very open to speak with anyone. If she was out to make money, rather than provide alternatives, the conversion kits wouldn't be available for 1L, would they?
  9. Unless he changes the channel the body works on, the appliers will still work. The changes are in the mesh, not the channel it recieves info on. So yes, the appliers will still work. If he changes the channel, Chel will just do an updated relay and they will still work. Sorry you don't like the system. Many designers, includy Slutware by Lexi, use them.
  10. Actually, Omega is approved by Belleza. When you get the Omega kit for Belleza you get a relay that the Omega applier talks to then the relay talks to the Belleza body. Chel didn't hack that, she talked to Tricky and got the channel he uses. Designers can't see it, only Chel knows and she's not telling. She's been talking to Siddean with Slink but no luck as of yet. The only Slink that worked was some of the old Slink stuff that had notecards you could see, The current Slink, the script copies the info from the notecards into the script then deletes the notecards. Belleza, has not as of yet, released any kind of designers' kit. They advertise the Omega compatibiity because they authorized Chel for the creation of the relay hud. The Omega doesn't "hack" the mesh parts. If they are mod, you can change them. So...you can add the script to it so it works with the Omega system. As far as I know, Chel has spoken to the creators, those that are still on the grid, and they have no problems. Without the Omega, in fact, those that have the Wowmeh and Phat Azz products would be restricted to purchasing only from those that have the original designer kits that are no longet available.
  11. In another thread over in the General Discussion area, there is a discussion about Lola appliers. I decided, after some of the comments, I'd try to clarify some things, maybe? With the advent of mesh bodies and parts, you either have to use mesh clothing, which doesn't always work because of compatibly alpha layers, or go to the appliers to the mesh. These appliers are based on the old system layer templates. For those that don't understand how they work, our default SL "mesh" body has system layers that are painted on (tat/undershirt/shirt/jacket/underpants/pants). The SL viewer has the system built in to apply them when we "wear" the items. With the mesh body parts, the parts have to have a "listener" script in them that the "applier" talks to to tell the body part what layer and what texture to apply, hence why you use the UUID's in the applier system. Most of these parts are all using basically the same applier scripts and listeners, set on thier own channels, for their body parts. When you look at the notecards that designers deal with, they all look basically the same. But with all the parts, trying to keep up with all the appliers for the various parts for making clothes for them is a nightmare. I'd have to make separate appliers for Wowmeh/SKing/GInc/Lena/Phat Azz/Ghetto Booty/Lolas, etc. The packages with stuff would be enormous if I tried to support all the various parts, not to mention the time it takes to make the appliers. I would venture to say that most of the appliers use about the same scripts, judging from the notecards to input the UUID's for the layers. Now, Chellynne Bailey came up with a brilliant idea. Since most of the bodies are mod, why not add an additional listener script, like adding another crystal to listen to a frequency on the old crystal radios, to the body parts so that only one applier was needed? Which she did. Now, instead of having to make appliers for all the different bodies, only one applier is needed for the shirt layer for all the compatible bodies. Same for pants, underwear and undershirts. Omega system does that. I make the one applier for a shirt and it's compatible with just about everything except for Slink and The Mesh Project, both of which have their own systems. The new Belleza body even has a relay (good thing since there still isn't a designer kit out for it yet). This means I make 2 appliers, Slink and Omega, and cover probably 99% of all the mesh parts in SL. I include the system layers as well. This includes the Immortals petite and giant avie as well as the Yabusaka avis. For some reason, one of the posters in the other thread, seems to think that using the Omega system is using someone elses' appliers. I don't really see any difference between using it and using the the applier scripts provided in the various designer kits. Chell provides the designer kit free of charge. The kit that has the listener script in is 99L if you aren't in the group and only 1L if you are in the group and the group is free, so obviously, she's not make a lot of money from this project. What she has done is make life much easier for the designers and for the customers looking for applier clothing for their mesh parts. Without it, there are a lot of mesh parts out there that there would be virtually no support for.
  12. Deleted...silly forum duplicated the thread
  13. That's also the invisible horse style avi....still don't understand the attraction.
  14. Omege is a script system. It's your appliers. It's no different than using the designer kit script from Lola's or Slink in your huds. The Omega system just provides a listener script that's added to the body part so it hears the scripts. They already have a listener in them for the applier script supplied by the maker. No different than taking the scripts Slink provides and making your hud...shrugs. You put in your UUID's just like you do for the tango appliers in the designer kit.
  15. Also check Love N Lust. That group is for the Omega applier system that is completely compatible with most mesh parts in SL. The only exceptions, at this point, are Belleza hands, The Mesh Project, Slink and one other body that's just come out. Lolas are compatible as is. The others only require purchase of a script set that is only 1L if you belong to the group and still only 99L if you don't. As for the tats, are you using the full upper template or trying to use just the cut out thing? If you use the full upper template you're using for the rest of the body and use the offset and repeat formula, the tats should line up. If you use the Omega system, not only will you be compatible with the Lolas but with most of the mesh bodies, such as Fusion, GInc, Yabusaka petites, Immortals Giants/Normal/Petite, Lena, Eve, Wowmeh etc. Add the lower and you can add on Phat Azz, Ghetto, Sking. Then all you'd need is Omega and Slink. And yes, there is demand for tats. Only one other place does nice tats inworld that are mesh body compatible.
  16. You could always move the skybox up by about 10 meters or so. Then her landmark would be in empty space and down she'd go....grins... But then, I'm evil like that. My interesting thing on those lines. A sim I RP in is dark RP. On an alt, I had a small apartment rented and kept noticing the pose balls on the bed had been used. I was in the sim on another atl, RP looking for my downstairs neighbor. (Not a fantasy sim but post apocalyptic so angels/demons, etc.) Demon comes up, grabs me and ....wait for it...takes my to my alts apartment and makes use of the bed. I RPd along and then once he was gone, logged in the alt and locked the bed. Poor thing had to find someone elses stuff to use.
  17. Better yet, if the sofa is MLP...just go to options and make it owner only access..they'll get dumped rather quickly. .I'm evil like that....grins
  18. The player had several of the Hunter and Prey type islands that are in SL, hence why I told him to go play there. I also suggest the SIN meter...a tracker system that's out that you can register as hunter or prey and list your preferences. Others in the group can then hunt you down. The comeback was thought of later and I probably wouldn't have said it, I was just exasperated because I was trying to work and it sounded funny in my head.
  19. "Thank you for contacting us regarding the Midnight Madness Board that was returned to you. The board itself is not within a violation of the Terms of Service, or any Policy referenced within it. Unfortunately what did cause the violation is that in order to use it, they had to pay a fee to join a group, and then it was a chance on whether or not an item would be distributed based upon how many people signed up. The paying to access and no promise of a prize, is what makes the board a game of chance and not a game of skill. We have since reviewed the general operating premise of this scenario, and have decided that -- given the behavior outlined above -- it is not a violation of the Terms of Service or any Policy referenced within." Read it again...It's stating that the reason the board was returned was because Gov8 saw it as a game of chance.....However LL reviewed the scenario, ie group only board with fee required to join the group to play the board, and determined it wasn't a violation.
  20. Just be very very careful of free skins. They are frequently copybotted items and if the original maker files a DMCA, the skin will be gone.
  21. Depends on a lot of factors. Are you in a sim using Linden damage or a metered sim (CCS, DCS, UCE, XRP, etc.). The tactics are different between them If in a metered sim you're going to be using meter skills as well as the guns. I would suggest you practice moving around in mouselook so you get used to that. practice running backwards or set your viewer so you don't turn around when you run so it looks like you're running backwards. It also depends on the gun. Are you using a freebie gun or something from Brutal/Breach/Chaos/Havok's Bane/etc. Again, it makes a difference because of the difference in performance. Some guns are designed to work in general, some with specfic meters, DCS or UCE weapons, for instance.
  22. As I nderstand the reply, It was returned because the Gov8 Linden saw it just as a game of chance because of havig to pay to get into the group and that it didn't always pay out (ie the goal wasn't reached). We have since reviewed the general operating premise of this scenario, and have decided that -- given the behavior outlined above -- it is not a violation of the Terms of Service or any Policy referenced within. So they reviewed the decision that was made and decided it wasn't a violation. So MM boards are good to go. Which is a good thin given how many stores use them.
  23. RP isn't just about sex. In the sim I RP in, Bobbie is a healer and has just discovered she can do magic, so she's learning that with some....interesting results at times....like hot pink hair that's down to her knees. Sex is the least of the RP I participate in.
  24. I'm an admin in an RP sim and have RPd for 6+ years. I could probably RP rings around they guy and leave him dizzy....grins. I teach RP classes, in fact.
  25. Keep digging through the longer threads. They all eventually get hijacked and get into regular convos...some quite funny. Dig out the one about the tallest building in SL...I think we decided it was the Beanstalk that's still around.
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