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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. I apologize. That was an unnecessary comment. You just caught the tail end of my frustration with LL trying to get some abandoned land....been 3 weeks and there's no one to work on it now until Monday. ...sighs and blushes
  2. Might I suggest to the OP that they look at the grid status first when they have problems logging in?
  3. I'm afraid I'm in a bit of a rant mood. I'm usually very patient. The way LL has set up for you to get abandoned land is very clunky. Have to send a request in to purchase on a support ticket. Then the land management people look at it and if they think it's too much, then it gets listed on the auction site and you have to bid for it, even if it's right next to land you already own. That's bad enough, but I filed a request 3 weeks ago that's still marked a new. I pay enough tier that I'm supposed to have concierge service. I waited 2 weeks for action before I contacted live chat. It's supposed to be being worked on and looked at according to the Live Chat people, but the ticket still shows as new. And now, when I contacted them today, Sat, I'm told they aren't there on the weekends so it's going to be Monday before they do anything. I know y'all can't do anything but commiserate with me, but It still feels a little bit better to rant about it and blow off a bit of steam. I want the land to expand my shops and want to have it done before Dec 1 when several hunts and events I'm participating in start...So much for the "concierge" service.
  4. http://gyazo.com/4c1b696273608d9ccc82543e1bddecb0 Once you initiate a search you can refine the search by areas, price and permissions, as shown in that picture. It's right there on the left side of the page.
  5. It is...However Belleza worked with Chel and there is a hud you wear that the Omega communicates with the hud and the hud with the Belleza body.
  6. Actually, you'll only need the Belleza applier if you are making skins or gloves/stockings/socks...for regular clothing you'll only need Slink, Omega, TMP (if you choose to support it).
  7. http://gyazo.com/68c1e5e19bda231c60e4353f75c5af79 That's what the parcel at Monty looks like....
  8. It has been slow for the menus to show up today. It may have to do with the maintenance LL is doing this week. I wouldn't do anything until they finish what they're doing. The maintenance will be going on all week. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/11/17/post2417/
  9. I've found that if the shoe comes with a shoe form, wear it, even though you have one with the slink foot itself. That form can affect the appearance of the shoe.
  10. I don't sell my stuff transfer, however, if you see something you like and give me a bit of notice, I'll sell you a transfer only..or...and this might be a better option that I'm sure merchants might like, is a no copy, no mod notecard that's good for a particular item. Then the merchant would only have to do the notecard and then could deliver the item to the winner when the notecard for the item is sent to them. Just a thought
  11. On the opening MP banner, How about some of the prefab builds that are sold..you could still have avis with appropriate fashions with the builds, grunge with some of the urban builds, medieval with castles, etc.
  12. Not sure if there is what you want but If you own the parcel you can set it to sell passes to get on the land. I will tell you that if you want a club to be successful you don't want to exclude people but include them. Your club will probably fail if people have to pay to get in with all the clubs around that are free. Clubs are rarely money makers and are usually money pits. You do it for the fun, not the money....just saying.
  13. If you look, though same venue, probably different DJ's or themes...also, the way you can post events sucks. You can only post them in intervals of a few days. So, if you have something that goes all day, like a garage sale thing, you have to make multiple postings for the same events to cover the times it's running.
  14. Be sure when you reinstall you do a clean install. This means, before you uninstall the current viewer, you go to preferences and find where your caches are and be sure to delete those as well. At least with Firestorm, it gets hung up at the point you're talking about when there's are corrupt textures...just uninstalling the program doesn't get those. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clean_reinstall?s[]=clean&s[]=install is the procedure for Firestorm. Just substitute for the SL viewer.
  15. You can also try playing with the sliders for the brow on the head section of your avi. A lot of times it's a slider setting, not the skin or eyebrows themselves. Look at the Forehead angle, Brow size under head as well as upper eyelid fold and puffy eyelids in the eyes.
  16. The skin hud part comes preloaded with all the appliers for the Belleza skins. When you get a skin from a different maker that uses the official Belleza appliers rather than Omega, you have the option to save it in the hud, rather like Lush implants do. Then you won't have to pull out the regular applier again. It only works with ones that have the official applier from Belleza. It won't save the Omega ones.
  17. As I suggested before, up there ^, there is a thread in the forums for looking to hire...Also, if you go to your inworld search and search classified, employment....there are a lot of listings there, though most are for host/hostess/dancer, etc for clubs where you will work for tips. Do a little leg work and research and you should be able to find something rather than expecting someone to just hand you something...just like looking for a job in RL.
  18. For instance, I run 2 different shops with excellent customer service. I am an admin in one of the oldest RP sims in SL. I've been in SL for over 7 years. I worked customer service for Bewitched Hair before they closed. I've also worked as a bouncer for a bar that's long closed and worked as a stripper. In SL, managers can be picky and to be perfectly honest, you're better off just buying Linden. Even as a dancer, the best I ever did for tips was 1200L for 2 hours...that's about 5 USD. So basically, eat at home rather than grab the drive through or make your coffee at home rather than stop on the way and grab it from Starbucks and you'll have over 1K Linden.
  19. Take a look in this topic..quite a few listings that are looking. You can also do a search for classifieds inworld then employment...quite a few listings there as well.
  20. Try this....delete your payment method from your account then wait about 30 minutes and add it back. Sometimes, if there was a system glitch and it was refused. the verification system holds on to the denial. Deleting and reentering the info clears it.
  21. You might want to post this on the creation forum in the mesh section. You'll have better luck there for answeres.
  22. First question is what viewer are you using? Try logging in on a different one. If you are usinge something like Firestorm, use the official viewer. I know, at one point, I had 2 alts that had 25K+ intentory that stopped loading at between 4 and 5K for a while but loaded fine on the official viewer. Had to use a different viewer for those 2 for a while. When FS did it's next update, the problem was solved...there was something th LL did with the server those 2 accounts were on (both are 7 years old) that interferred with their functioning with FS coding that was corrected with the next release.
  23. It's an extortion ploy, basically. Like a 3 year old holding their breath cause they aren't getting what they want.
  24. Probably not yet. It's like the CtrlAlt Studio viewer is based on Firestorm but it's focus is different in that it was one of the first to start playing around with the settings needed for Occulus Rift.
  25. Blame the events spam on the wayLL has it set up to list events. I had a flea market going on my land for 3 days....If I wanted it listed in the events, I had to list it every 2 hours or so, I couldn't do one listing per day but for every 2 hours or so. So....if a club has multiple or an ongoing event, there is no choice but to list it the way they do. It's a real pain to have to list it that way, believe me. I'm sure the events coordinator that has to list the events is none to please with the way they have to do either.
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