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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. There was a thread in the missed connections that got hijacked a bit with a really cool comic strip story going on. Then the thread poofed. One of the characters was in DIRE STRAIGHTS. Inquiring minds want to know...then what happened?
  2. Marketplace...search there to get started. Some even come with AOs for you.
  3. On the dashboard, scroll to the botton and hit where it says download. On that page scroll down a bit and it says Second Life Viewer Beta...hit that link and you are at the alternate viewers. The Experience and Pipeline viewers are there for download.
  4. Drop into Minoa sim. From there you can go in either direction. If you open your map and zoom out, you'll see it's part of a very extensive loop. It even has a bus that goes by periodically you can ride in...I've covered about 1/3 of the loop so far and lots of pretty scenery and smooth road. I even found stores I'd TPd to for hunt but didn't really know where they were at the time...grins. Good luck.
  5. Exactly...the number of people online at the dead time of overnight is what the high point was. I remember SL crashing when 35K people logged on. But with more land, people are spread out more. Try one of the active hunt groups that have active group chats even when a hunt isn't going on, like the Twisted Hunt group. A lot of groups have closed chat now too because of all the spammer/beggars/trolls and they just don't want to deal with it.
  6. First question is, are you running an AMD or ATI video card and did you just update the drivers? If the answer is yes, the problem is there is a nasty bug in the newest drivers. Covered in detail here http://modemworld.wordpress.com/2014/12/09/latest-amd-catalyst14-12-drivers-continue-sl-rigged-mesh-woes/ as well as how to fix it. Good luck.
  7. Might I suggest converting to Omega rather than the Banned? Banned is completely compatible with Banned with the conversion kit that is 2L if you join the free group. Lots of help in that group too. Once converted to Omega, you'll be able to use that applier for any Omega compatible mesh.
  8. First try connecting using the official SL viewer to be sure whether it's you, your connection or the viewer. Chances are it's a matter of waiting for the textures to download. Go to a quiet sim such as Pooley and try logging in there with FS.
  9. For most jobs, you will need a decent looking avi, IE NOT the newb look. https://fabfree.wordpress.com/fabfree-30-days-list/ will give you the lead to get you started. But seriously, you're probably better off just buying Lindens. 1 UDS= about 240 Lindens. So for the cost of a meal at McDonald's you can get around 2400 L...just saying.
  10. Under 30 days, yu will have a problem. You need to invest in a good skin and hair. RIght now, through the end of the month, you can join the 7Deadly skins group for 5L and get the group gift as well as what's left on the advent calendar. You can also join the WoW skins group for 50L through Monday, 12/22. You can then get the group gift, the box of 30 past group skins that are also there as well as the MM boards and the 18 lucky boards she has there. Many of those skins come with a modifiable shape so you'll be good to go. You can then look for hostess positions at clubs or look at the inworled imployment and see who is looking for what. There are also listings in the classifieds in the inworld search. You'll actually be better off, though, just buying your Lindens. 1 USD= about 240 Lindens. So for the cost of a meal at McDonalds, you can get 4000 or so Lindens. Working inworld, you'll be lucky to get 500L in tips for 2 hours of work in a club.
  11. Belleza is back and available. Yay for the creator. I do wish that LL, before they enact the DMCA's would at least verify that the person filing is real. As shown when Tricky fought the one against his body, the person listed as the filer didn't have a clue and doesn't even play in Second Life.
  12. As a rule, I don't share my RL info..or very little of it. I do share OOCly with those I RP with that I am disabled so give me a bit to reply but beyond that, there are only a very few that know what part of the country I live in, and those are those that I've known for a number of years. Most are also admins in the sim I RP in as I am. I don't voice...or very rarely. SL is SL and RL is RL and that's the way I like to keep it.
  13. Easiest way is to message the maker of what the add is for and ask them.
  14. And with that set, you also have the color picker so you can match any color you like. The hud also has a place you can drop a texture you like and it will apply it to the Jamman nails so you virtually have unlimited choises. Lifetime updates as well.
  15. First, do check if they have a redelivery terminal. From there you can get the item redelivered.
  16. Let's see, I've seen a few of the old Sion chickens and turtles around...you have dogs, cats, meeroos, the fox things, horses and...wait for it....SHOES...that's right...there are breedable shoes that you can breed and the wear...
  17. The SL shoes are actually distored and the feet have to be to fit them. With the original prims shoes were made with, they were usually shrunk down to as small as they would go and that equated with the size 0 for women. Kid you not...a long time ago I took a class to learn to make shoes. We made it big and then once we finished and linked, we resized the prims to as small as they would go. The Slink foot is actually properly proportion. When you look down at your foot you actually only see 2/3 or so of it. You don't see from the ankle back. As was said before...take one of your shoes and holdi it up to your arm. You'll find it's the same length as your forearm from wrist to elbow. It takes a bit of getting used to but after you do, it's odd to look at other shoes.
  18. You do have to take that kind of thing into account. Another thing to look at is what the size of the textures is. Too many people use 1024 when a 512 or even lower will work. On a plain wall with just a color, why do you need 1024 when it looks exactly the same a 1 x 1. Same applies to jewlery...a band on a ring is so small, you could use a 64 x 64 or even a 28 x 28 and not notice the difference. The surface is too small, but you slap a 1024 x 1024 texture and you have lag contribution. Remember too that almost all the textures you see around you were created by the users. So they have to be loaded into your cache. Just a few things to keep in mind when your FPS drops...first thing, especially with the Interesting programming SL has implemented....lower your draw distance to 120 unless you are taking pictures...you don't need to see the next sim under normal circumstances.
  19. Robin Sorjener has a basic one that's free. The link to it is in the Wiki. Look for System templates. I'd post the link but someone got snarky with me in another post when I posted a link. There are also many on the MP. There are actually quite a few inworld too. I just used search inworld and got 350 listings for templates.
  20. Try learning to do something. Builders Brewery and Happy Hippo have classes on a regular basis. Relay for life can always use volunteers. There's lots to do but like you said, after about a year, you start wanting to do more than just hang around. Once you take classes, you get in the groups for those schools and both have very lively chats going almost all the time and not just about building. If you like shopping or have a favorite store, get involved with the group if it has an open chat group. Can't tell you how much I enjoy the conversations about anything and almost everything in the groups for my favorite store. You'll soon be making friends in the groups. Have a DJ you like, start following them around. You'll soon be seeing the same people that are also following them. If you like to hunt...I've had some of the best convos in the Twisted Hunt and Depraved Nation hunt groups.
  21. Try using keyboard command of Ctrl C for copy and Ctrl V for paste. Sometime the mouse has problems because of the being able to navigate with it. Highlight then keyboard commands are usually pretty safe
  22. Part of the problem is that many landowners have no idea how to deal with intruders. They don't have a clue on how to use the land tools they have. They are also the ones that when one of the various schools offers a class on how to use the tools and how to deal with griefers...don't go. It would be nice if, when someone purchases land on the mainland, they get a notecard or notice with basic landowner information or have to have read and understood before they can purchase, much like those that want to upload mesh have to read an prove they understand what they read before they are allowed to upload mesh to the grid.....but that's just a dream.
  23. As I understand it, Baby, the maker of the Wowmeh, used some premade parts that she thought she had full permissions on to use. The maker of those filed the DMCA. She's in Germany and the filing was in the US. She didn't want to disclose real life info and it wasn't worth the money for her to fight it. I have heard rumors that she's been working on something entirely hers and may be back.
  24. Orange Nova is a new body and it's Omega system appliers compatible. Just have to go to the Love N Lust sim and get the conversion kit. 2L if you join the group, which is free, or 99L if you choose not to. Lots of designers supporting Omega system btw so there are a lot of skins and clothes that will work with the Orange Nova.
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