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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Recent-Inventory-Issues/ba-p/2876369 Though seems whatever the problem is is still obviously ongoing.
  2. https://bellezaskin.wordpress.com/2014/12/11/belleza-venus-mesh-body-dmca-update/ Well it appears the whole DMCA filing was falsified. Very interesting. And good for Tricky standing up and fighting.
  3. You can probably call them as well. I had an old account that got closed in error. I called and they looked up my security question. You answer that and they'll fix you right up.
  4. Check out this https://fabfree.wordpress.com/fabfree-30-days-list/ That will get you started with some good basics at no cost. Go shopping, explore. Most of all, have fun
  5. Which body are you wearing? There are 4, the free one that has no additional layers, the 1k one that has one additional layer, the next one up with 2 and then the full one that multiple. If you are wearing the free one, it won't work.
  6. The built in AO in FS is like a free AO hud you can get from the MP. You still have to add your own animations, there aren't any in it. You also need to make the notecard for it...you use the ZHAO II format for it.
  7. I had a friend in RL who had one parent with red hair and green eyes, the other was a Hawaiian native. He had red hair and beard as well a green eyes with a goldon skin tone...very striking combination.
  8. Basically, as long as you are sitting, you can't be "orbited" or "caged", griefing tools that can throw you up in the air a good distance, or place you in a cage and sometimes throw you as well.
  9. Some of the Sinewave and Akeyo were in a box called Holy S**t, Sinewave dances or something along those lines. They were pirated several years ago, actually. I know I let Sinewave and Akeyo know and they just got around to taking them, at least 2 years later....rolls her eyes. These were dances, at least for Sinewave, that came out back when I joined, at least 5 years ago if not more. The ones I had go were: Item: Animation named "purple whirlpool" Item: Animation named "room with a view" Item: Animation named "rubadub" Item: Animation named "dip me in chocolate" Item: Animation named "weloveyou-girl" Item: Animation named "milk and honey" Item: Animation named "danish" Item: Animation named "AKEYO_groove1-NI_02"
  10. Cute Azz/Phat Azz are no longer available after the maker chose not to fight a DMCA takedown. Your current choices are Perfect Ass by GInc, Banned Booty and Fusion.
  11. One option would be to cut the small swath of land that is in the water off from the rest. You can still set it to group and set it for group only rezzing and autoreturn but leave the group only access off on that small piece. You still get the benefit of the prims since it's still in the same sim but it would allow easy passage for those navigating the waters.....just a thought.
  12. Depends on the set up. If you are on a private sim, some have a buy in or a minimum amount you need to rent for and then you have your weekly/monthy rent. Same for rentals on the mainland. If you are premium and buy the land, then you only have your monthly tier that goes to LL. If you decide to rent, be very careful that you rent with a reputable rental group and not one that will disappear on you with your money and you're left with your stuff returned and no place to put it.
  13. Sounds like you tried The Mesh Project, aka The Shops for your mesh body foray. It's probably the least user friendly mesh body, IMHO, on the grid. Try the demos for Slink, Perfect Body, Kitties Lair body called Lena, and Banned. Much easier to use and more user friendly. All but the Slink are also compatible with a universal applier system by Omega. Sculpts I basically use for things like rocks. Prim trees can sway in the breeze where the Mesh don't. Mesh is great for tops you want that aren't fitted or pencil skirts and dresses. As a designer, I use sculpts and prims for sleeve and pants cuff attachments to go with the system clothes and appliers. Like a previous poster put, prims can give you flow in a skirt where mesh is static. One thing some designers have done is replaced the ugly glitch pants many gowns/skirts have with a mesh fitted sheath underneath, which works very well. Just depends on your application and what you are trying to achieve.
  14. Too, some land owners aren't familiar with what some of the options you have in the about land actually do. They may not realize that when they check group only access, ban lines go up because the owner doesn't see them. I've seen that a time or two. You can always try dropping a NICE notecard to the land owner, something like ...Hi, I was trying to sail through the waterway that borders your property today. I don't know if you know but when you check group only access on the about land, you create lines that no one else can cross. By the way, you place is really nice......then sign it. You get more bees with honey than vinegar.
  15. If you "donate" land to your group, you get and extra 10% before the tier goes up to the next level if you are premium and buying mainland. For security reasons, it's always a good idea to have a group set up that you have yourself and any alts as members of that you deed your land to, when you can. That enables you to set autoreturn on and to set no build or object entry to any except your group. Entirely up to you though.
  16. Check out Lapointe and Bastchild and The Plastik. The Plastik has some really cool corsets and L&B has great goth clothes. Also check out NV Corsetry. Good luck.
  17. https://fabfree.wordpress.com/fabfree-30-days-list/ Lots of stuffs there. If you can afford 5L, 7 Deadly Skins fee for their group is 5L for the month. She has an advent calendar up with lots of skins in it as well as monthyly free skins.
  18. Seems someone filed a DMCA against the Belleza Venus mesh body. https://www.flickr.com/photos/shyladiggs/15309370624/in/photostream/ Someone must really have a hard-on against mesh body parts or they're trying to eliminate competition and going after the popular ones. I have no doubt that this one will be cleared up in a hurry, it's just annoying for the makers to have to counter file and get their stuff back out.
  19. It's also there to protect you. If your account gets phished. that delay gives LL time to track down and return your money. I know it's an inconvenience, but I know of at least 2 people that the safeguard allowed them to get their money back, and we're talking 500+ USD.
  20. Most applier layres work like system layers. So...try this....Turn all the layers off. Next, turn on the tattoo layers..and yes sometimes things are put on the tat layres. Then the panties/stockings/feet, then the pants layer and see if that solves your problem. If not. drop a notecard to Ivy, the Sn@tch owner, and see if she can help...there may be a glitch in the applier. WHen you do the notecards for them, you have to be really careful to get the right layer and sometimes you mess up. As a designer, I've done that several times.
  21. What browser are you using? If you are just trying to take pictures, try the Black Dragon viewer. It's the standard SL viewer that the creator has tweaked specifically for picture taking. He has menues with extensive camera controls and lighting settings as well as ones he's created himself. Take a look.
  22. Since you have mainland, don't forget, when you know it's not active avis, to make a live chat call. Avs sitting around that are not registered as bot/scripted agents are still against the rules for trying to game the traffic system.
  23. Keep after them...bumping the ticket, etc. They finally got back to me 3 weeks after the initial ticket. Make a live chat call as well.
  24. Another good place to start and not spend a lot of money is Grendel's.
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