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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. System clothing isn't as outdated as some might think. Each type has it's place. Mesh bodies/boob/ misc parts depend on the system layer templates for their appliers. Mesh doesn't exactly give your the flow of a ball gown that the flexi prims do either.
  2. For darker skins, you might want to check out Damn and Sweet.
  3. The Arbor group is still around and functioning. The land you showed the picture of is one they recently had AR'd. It was broken up into the infamous 16m2 parcels. The AR's got rid of that but not the ugly sign thing.
  4. and the Jiras are also set so you can't comment on them either....other foolishness includs XXS triggering the adult rating, even though it's a standard size for mesh. You have to put it as Extra XS.
  5. Cool Viewer isn't on the list of approved viewers here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory If you are wearing one of the mesh avis from LL or any mesh, it's quite possible Cool doesn't render mesh properly as well. Try one of those listed there.
  6. Same philosophy...a top versus a top and vest versus a top and pants versus a top, pants and vest, etc
  7. I am a seller. I do make mistakes, especially since most of my clothing depends on huds for appliers. I will tell you I don't look at that feed thing. The only thing I've ever gotten on that was advertisements to buy cheap Lindens. I clearly state that if you want to contact me you can IM me, as my IMs go to my email, or you can drop a notecard in my profile or you can go to either of my shops and drop a notecard in my messager that also tells you if I'm online or not. I usually reply as soon as I get the message. That being said, I have clear pictures of my stuff and models wearing it in the store. I've always known that for skin and shapes, you try the demo first. I don't, as most people don't, respond well to rudeness. I will refund if you've purchased 2 of the same item. I won't, however, refund because you've decided you don't like the look of the outfit. My ad photos are clear and untouched as to the look of the outfit. I even have swatches of the textures used on the ad. For no transfer items, which most skins and bodies are, you aren't going to get a refund because you decide you don't like the look of it, not when you had the demos you could try first.
  8. markkemp wrote: Established norms for your brand + Instinct about the product + How much coffee/alcohol you had this morning...... Love it...though you need to add how much chocolate you've had as well.
  9. You do have to wear the foot form with the feet. The Belleza feet are compatible with most of the Slink shoes. With the Belleza, you can wear the mesh clothes and you can get the Omega bridge and wear any of the clothes you see that say Omega Appliers on them. Because the body is fitted mesh, it does respond to many of the sliders so you can make the boobs and ass bigger. There are also quite a few skins that come with the Omega appliers now. Keep in mind that with the Belleza body you get 16 hand positions, the 3 Slink compatible as well as the JD compatible feet, the appliers for all their skins as well as some premade skin tones. You also have the option, if the skin maker is using the Belleza appliers, like WoW is, to store the skin in your main hud and not have to pull out the appliers again. You also get a second body without hands and feet so you can use the Slink hands and feet if you prefer. They have also thrown in all the appliers for the Slink hands and feet that match their skins. I believe you also have several skins in there...all for the 3995. To get the Slink body as well as the 3 feet heights and 12 hand positions, you'll spend in the neighborhood of 5K. The update that just came out fixes many of the problems that were there with the first release...which is not unusual to have: Slink had them too. It comes down to what look you like. The Belleza is curvier than the Slink and is Omega compatible. It's a really good deal. You will be happier with a full body rather than just the parts though...you'll get a smoother look and better transition. Some other bodies to look at include the Fusion Genesis, Lena Perky and Curvy as well as GInc. Feel free to contact me inworld if you have any further questions.
  10. When I price, depends on how many colors in the set and how complicated it was to make. A simple sweater with 10 colors will be less than one that is long so requires the additional template for the lower body. If it involves multiple layers, like a vest as well as the blouse, that will cost more.
  11. You can mute groups. Go into the profile and you can uncheck recieve group IMs.
  12. Clearing cache is like using a shotgun to kill a roach. The ONLY thing your cache does is store textures...If you max that number, you generally won't have a problem. Old days the standard fix for everything was clear your cache. All that does is force you to make new connections to everything, not fix the underlying problems. Chances are, the "lag" you have is client side, not server. If you do ctrl-shift-1 you can see the sim FPS. If it is higher than 40, the sim is in good shape. You'll see your personal FPS as well. If that is low and the sim is fine, you have client side. First turn your graphics and your bandwidth down. You really don't need it much higher than 800 or so...Increasing it can actually make things worse. Think of SL pumping out the info at a certain rate..like water in a hose. Increasing your bandwidth is just like running that garden hose into a 12 inch pipe...the flow actually slows down, not speeds up. Also turn down your particles to below 1000 or so. You can also adjust how many avatars you render at a time on your graphics page. You only need to see the nearest 10 or so. Same for your draw distance...dial it down to 120 meters. You don't need to see the next sim over, only what's near you.
  13. no, but....they should have a style card with the skin and hair sources at least...For the shapes I sell, I have the skin, hair and clothing sources from the pictures.
  14. PS or inworld light and shadows used to "enhance" the look of the avis as opposed to simply standing in front of a green screen is what I meant and many ads use them...Nothing wrong with that at all. Just saying that is why you demo.
  15. Whenever you see a shape or skin that appears with all the lights and shadows, definitely get the demo first. Chances are it's been enhanced with Photoshop and doesn't show the reality look. To get that look, if it was shot in SL, you would need the same windlight and lighting. It's not fake and not a lie, just not what you were expecting. That's what DEMOS are for...
  16. The nearest you might come to "A List" and well known are some designers in SL...Even those, though, there are probably a lot of people that would go who's that if I mentioned Belleza, WoW, Lapointe and Bastchild, Razor, Truth, Catwa, etc. Those are well known to those that hand out but I know there are others that have never heard of them....shrugs...Just like in RL...you become well known within your circle of influence. Even in RL there are people that have no idea who Chanel, Versace, Prada, Giorgio, etc are.
  17. If you need a place to change, please feel free to come over to my shop. There's a TP up to the dressing rooms I have in a skybox complete with a pose stand where anyone can have complete privacy You can join the group to be able to rez out stuff there or you can use the rez area on the ground level and then go up. It's there and free for anyone to use.
  18. You can also head over to the beta grid and upload. I do that all the time to check textures and to be sure an outfit looks the way it's supposed to. You get "play" money to upload stuff with to check stuff out. Good luck.
  19. There seems to be a bug running around that affects mesh rendering. I've noticed it lately myself.
  20. Unfortunately, Lola's don't have demos.
  21. Yes, you can use Visa gift cards...You can also use Pay Pal
  22. There is a lot you can do without spending a lot of money. If you are going to create you will have to spend some RL money but for the price of a meal at McDonalds or that cup of coffee from Starbucks, you should have plenty. There are templates available for the SL skins. If you are handy with Photoshop or Gimp you can make your own skins. The rest gets more complicated because you are talking about animations, flexi prims or mesh, etc. Again, you can create it yourself but it wll take time to learn the skills. To get set up as a furry, you probably are best to spend the money to set up. It will probably cost you in the neighborhood of 2000L..I know that sounds like a lot but the exchange rate for RL cash and SL Lindens, at least last night, was 245 lindens per 1 USD. So 10 USD is about 2500L give or take, depending on the exchange rate. If you do create, you do have to pay fees to upload what you've made. Textures and animations are 10L each, for instance. A good skin will be your largest expense...about 1K, give or take. For the tails, find one you like that you can copy then you can make copies and wear more than one. Ears, again, it depends. You can probably find a ready made furry avi that's close to what you want then add the modifications. SL doesn't have "rooms" per se. It's stepping into a wonderful creative world that's been created by it's residents. THere are furry groups you can join..just do a search. There are also a large number of adult-oriented groups as well where you can chat in the groups chats. Depending on what you are looking for, there are also private sims that have furry stuff. Just do a search for furry. I did for places and got pages of stuff including furry friendly clubs, sandboxes as well stores. Go and explore. Do be aware that for a decent setup,,,just forgo that McDonald's meal and you'll have the money. You can get some money in the Linden Realms but not a lot.
  23. Not sure about the fitted mesh, however the tangos are totally resizable. They can be shrunk down small enough to fit the petites or made large enough to fit the Immortals giant avis.
  24. Had that happen on my place...Person rezzed out a skybox with almost 400 prims. He didn't answer my IMs so I ejected him from the group and banned him from the land...THEN I got creative. Rather than return everything en masse, I chose a wall from one side a chair and then something small from different points in the house. I sent him back about 30 coalesced objects with something in it that was no copy so he'd have to rez it out in a sandbox somewhere to retrieve stuff...Of course it rezzes in the same relationship so he had an....interesting time of it. I'm evil like that.
  25. My bad..I thought he was talking about the avi at the top.
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