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Cinos Field

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Everything posted by Cinos Field

  1. If I had to guess, one (login?) server is malfunctioning, and if you happen to be assigned to that instead of one of the good ones, this happens. Regardless of where you are. Would explain why I didn't have issues yesterday but do today.
  2. This was happening yesterday too. I recommend not panicking. Good excuse to do dishes.
  3. Having a bit of issues with logging in and staying logged in again, today. Some kind of server is definitely having a bad day somewhere.
  4. Unnecessary rigging, or not including unrigged options. The most obvious example would be short hairstyles. Rigging has no benefit at all and makes it impossible to adjust. Other examples would include simple earrings (the ear already has an attachment point!) and bracelets and whatever else... It bothers me! As if rigging by itself was a selling point!
  5. We have two of those three as opt-in experiences! People like different things.
  6. Slightly misleading topic. They're no longer allowed on ad farms. Presumably still on other lands, though.
  7. I follow the sim day cycle/region default unless I'm doing something that requires light, in which case I'll be using CaiWL. But I tend to use the standard so I can see how others are seeing me. Plus it's a little more immersive.
  8. I know quite a few creators who just create Maitreya stuff without their devkit, specifically because it's so hard to get. That's probably why Maitreya clothing seems to be a little glitchy more often than the competition. Part of why I stopped using it.
  9. I never entirely understood why you'd use this instead of saved outfits. That takes three or four clicks. This, quite a few more - plus all the prepwork to actually take screenshots of each and every outfit. And that's assuming all your outfits are for one body!
  10. My favorite SL search example is when I search for, say, "furry hangout*" and going through the results, quite a few are just generic human places that have "no furry avatars" in the description. It's very useful. *I forget exactly what I was searching for, might've been "furry club" or such
  11. Not all sims, but they are very prolific in the roadside ones. Prok is correct in that the ones that drive around without passengers effectively amount to spam. If the whole system was purely on demand and I think everyone would enjoy it.
  12. We're these the bad ones that everyone hated or the good ones? I remember two people having "public transport" and one was widely loathed.
  13. No? At least the part you described is very similar. Namely, "if your partner is an *****, you're going to have a bad time". The specifics of the equipment matter far less.
  14. The official Opencollar stuff works just as well as Peanut. The same way too; you get a script, put it in a collar, and it does the rest. You can find it by searching for the name in-world.
  15. I meant - incorrectly - that there were no automatic updates. Turns out there are, but the whole setup is a little more oblique than Peanut's.
  16. This got on my nerves a lot too, and I'm both a woman and support the same positions she does. I still loathe being forcibly advertised to! Sadly, with no refunds, the only real options are moving back to the free open source scripts, or scripting your own if you can - the latter being what I opted for. The only tricky part was having the follow function because I'm vector-challenged. edit: extra bit deleted - regular Opencollar works just like the Peanut clone, it's just harder to figure out where to get the scripts. OpenCollar Headquarters, for the record, and you too can stop being annoyed!
  17. Over 14 years of SL I've not once gifted a demo nor been gifted one, so I tend to assume the paid demos are just an excuse for the creators to earn some extra upload money. But maybe other people do it all the time?
  18. Oh, it's a great idea for stuff that isn't rigged. But for rigged clothes you do kinda have to see how it moves with the body.
  19. Why sell their things to the public at all, if some arbitrary customer type is all they want? Undesirables might slip through. A private shop or club would be a better idea.
  20. It's an interesting way of doing business for sure. Losing some number of sales by putting in extra effort, while gaining nothing, isn't historically successful, though. Personally, when selling my craft, I want as many people as possible to buy it. I'm certainly not picky about customers.
  21. It all depends on the specifics. 5 minutes isn't enough (I need to try it with different outfits, and check how much it clips with different animations). There's only one kind of demo that definitely and instantly ends a purchase for me. The timed demo, with textures that say it's a demo, and big attached prims that also say it's a demo, and a picture of the texture hud instead of one that lets you actually preview textures. There are a couple of clothiers who do that.
  22. It's surprisingly low. Generally because I only demo things that appear to be high quality to begin with. More or less, if I get a demo and don't buy something it means it was poorly made for one reason or another (clothing that spams text, entirely too much clipping that's annoying to alpha out, a misaligned skin, hair that floats above my head, grotesque amount of polygons...) which happens now and then... but I'd approximate it's only about 5 demos to 1 purchase. edit: And I have a personal blacklist of vendors who are frequently rather poor, so I know not to bother with their demos.
  23. I managed to slot myself in and... the whole setup is just weird. You have to register for limited-hour events to just walk around and play games. If you want to play any more involved games, it costs money. There's very little with any kind of mass participation or spontaneous drop-in stuff. And then, like I said before, the sim shuts down instead of letting people explore freely once scheduled events end. I dunno, I strongly feel like they should've looked at how SL events usually work before trying it. Better luck next time. I do hope it doesn't discourage other conventions from trying to have events on SL.
  24. I planned on going but they're doing it in a really weird way, where the sim is only open a few hours per day. They're not exactly playing to the strengths of a digital platform...
  25. I think what this author means is that camping is a thing (members getting paid for staying at someone's land...) but has some difficulties mastering the art of communication. Further evidenced by them thinking that IP in this context means Internet Protocol.
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