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Cinos Field

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Everything posted by Cinos Field

  1. This isn't going to be the last of the lockdowns and the restrictions, I fear. Countries will - as a fairly reasonable guess - be pretty stop-and-go for a while yet. Open up, treat the wave of infections and close down again, repeat until a vaccine is found. I do think it's a pretty decent time to go premium, but the only worthwhile thing about it, really, if you don't get the 500L stipend, is that you get to own land.
  2. Hey, in the old days SL was full of them! Companies like Dell, Nissan, and even Weather Channel (!!!) had sims. Some celebrities too. I find there to be a certain charm in interacting with them on what's basically a level playing field.
  3. They have all kinds of rituals to determine real life bits. One of the big ones is divining it from how you type. (formal means male, too much slang also means male) But the fact is that even professional linguists only can guess gender about 60% of the time from typing habits... and never sex.
  4. People who insist on knowing your RL sex/gender and especially the ones who want proof, in case you have no plans of ever meeting. God knows I've never cared what someone's RL bits or gender identity is. Only what they present themselves as in SL.
  5. Here, some of the better ones I've found, other than The Ark: Tabby Noir (bdsm-themed) Bare-Bottom Lounge (cuteness) The Bark (general club, but fun)
  6. If you want a human body with a wide variety of clothing, the choices are really Slink (hourglass), Maitreya, and Belleza (freya). Maitreya is still very much in business, but I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you to demo all three before buying one!
  7. I'd imagine "simple mode" would be proportion locked! So for example, your arm length would change automatically based on your overall length, and so on. Perhaps for other things there'd be a few settings ("small nose", "big nose" and so on) that'd then scale based on head size. And some options that are practically never used like the various lopsided eyes would just be locked out entirely.
  8. It's not as if Monet created his paintings from nothing. He saw something aesthetically pleasing and recreated it with a paintbrush. Just as in this case, we'd see a pleasant shape and recreate it.
  9. The answer is fairly simple: pay if you want. But I have to say I never understood why people do. I can replicate any shape I see by eye without knowing the numbers, and so can anyone else with a few minutes of free time. Or you can make your own from scratch, and as long as you know basic proportions (and which proportions you can flaunt to good effect) you can manage just fine!
  10. Shops in sims that only have a 20 person capacity. Particularly very big brands that could easily afford a full sim... Or if not a full sim, consider vendors in malls.
  11. Whether or not flexi or mesh look better depends entirely on your hairstyle and what you're doing. Ponytail, dancing? Flexi literally every time! Long, loose hair, taking photos? Sure, give me that mesh. Short updo, doing everyday things? Hear me out, I know it's a crazy idea, but how about mesh with flexi details? You get all the graphical fidelity and some lively detail!
  12. A lot of rigging is just done lazily and won't support some sliders - typically, when it happens, body fat and thickness are the ones that get ignored by creators. Sometimes smaller or bigger butts as well.
  13. The opposite. If someone claims an outfit fits, I expect it to fit without needing alpha cuts. If alpha cuts are needed, the creator should inform the buyer about that. This includes my nipples. Perhaps designing for a body with less prominent nipples would be a better idea for said creator. Either that, or full transparency. Failing to tell prospective buyers about shortcomings or eccentric design choices they won't be expecting is deceptive. The default is "fits the body it was made for, as it is, within reason".
  14. Stores that add you to subscription lists for daring to visit. And then refusing to take you off it. Like, please. I can just mute you, and that behaviour guarantees beyond the shadow of a doubt that I will not only not buy anything, I will also tell every shopping friend I have to not enter your spam hazard of a sim. I'm disappointed that reporting that kind of stuff doesn't do anything, though.
  15. A few events *are* too big. After a few sims full of stuff it all starts to blur together for me, especially if the sims are also laggy. It's a lot like the SL birthday sims, and there were some eight of them. That was too much for me to pay attention to, so I just ran through them picking up freebies and only saw a few actual vendors... I'm convinced that bloat can result in fewer sales.
  16. Being honest will not make you any friends when it comes to creators. SL reviews are generally in the range of "great" to "amazing" to the point that reading them on the marketplace is usually pointless. And you will be targeted if you go against the grain, even on a personal blog. The question, more than ToS, is if you can handle that inevitable conflict with both creators and fans, to shrug it off and not let it get to you?
  17. ...men complaining about their SL fashion options. Sure you have fewer options, but have you ever looked at what the majority of female outfits are? Yoga pants. Jeans shorts. Generic ultra short skirts. Abyssal cleavage shirts and crop tops. Repeated forever, yet expressing nothing. Then I go visit one of the man-shops to help friends and drool over all the cool shirts and pants and accessories.
  18. I do agree that a normal voice would be better, but I also sympathise with our nerdy linden overlords perhaps feeling uncomfortable using them. They might have a shortage of staff with euphonious golden voices.
  19. Finally, a opportunity to make the moon a literal block of cheese.
  20. It's perhaps not embarrassing, but it might be relevant! I'm far more social and confident in SL, and then when planning to do something requiring such skills IRL, I remember that I'm not. But why not? Both versions are, after all, me. Why should I only be confident in one instance? Sometimes, thinking like that actually works, and I manage to naturally channel the virtual extroversion.
  21. Not possible. Worn prims can't use that function. (llSetPayPrice) They'd have to have rez rights.
  22. I don't understand how the database is set up where a name change is so difficult that it requires $50 worth of labor. Do they have a very small man enter the server physically to hunt down all instances of your old username or...
  23. There's a lot of these names that I might pick if I was signing up now and they were free. Melodious is rather nice. Littlepaws too. None of them are worth $50 to me though. I'd only pay that much for maybe a handful of options.
  24. Far fewer actively mean people in the Internet sense (death threats, briefing, doxxing) and far more in the RL sense (low grade bullying, cliqueish behaviour, sudden *phobic outbursts) People in SL tend to behave more like real life than elsewhere on the net, which is both good and bad.
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