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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Hey! Give credit where credit is due. I posted it first!
  2. I have a nickname for Rolig... Chatty Cathy /me runs
  3. I'll never understand why people ask about 1099s on the forum rather than going to the IRS website and finding the information. It's all there. If you have questions, call the IRS. https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/when-should-i-call-the-toll-free-number
  4. You can only edit within 24 hours. My point was there is no such thing as generic First Nations words or language. Each tribe has its own language with similarities to related tribes such as the Dakota, Nakota and Lakota. Signed, A Lakota woman
  5. Yup. And that is why it is such a lame thing to do to attack someone with post count like so many have done and will do.
  6. For a long time there the SL forum was a race I wanted no part of. Something on the order of 10 years or so. If I had been posting the whole 16 years... I'd probably have well over 100k posts. lol
  7. *looks at her post count and slinks off in shame*
  8. Whether or not someone gets a check depends on whether or not they filed income tax for 2018 for those who haven't filed yet for 2019. If the IRS has their bank info on file, it will be direct deposit. If no bank info is on file they will get a check mailed to them.
  9. Oh Maddy. That is beautiful. I'm sorry she is gone and glad she was happy and lived a full life. Send them off with our love and best wishes. From stardust to stardust. The circle is complete. Her daughter is just as wonderful as she was.
  10. Doesn't make sense to me since cats and dogs are related. We have a cat. He never caught it from us. And he does sleep on the bed with me during the winter so he was close to me while I was sick. I need to walk away from this one because I know they are testing on animals and that just pisses me off to no end even though I understand it's the only way without using humans. Frankly, I would prefer it if they did test on humans instead of animals. Humans can give consent, animals can't.
  11. Holy! Do you mean to tell me that all these years and all those white feathers... that would mean I've been visited by hundreds of them. That's creepy stalkerish. Or it might mean I sleep with feather pillows. Duck down for the win! but chicken works as well. I still have the duck down pillow I had as a child but it's lost about half of its feathers. Even so, I like your version better.
  12. I got married in Townsend at the Heartland Wedding Chapel. It was so beautiful there in December 1992 and we stayed at the Pioneer Cabins & Guest Farm. I love that area so much but I won't ever get to see it again.
  13. The cases that you put the bullets into are called magazines or clips. Maddy subbed a magazine for the binder clips.
  14. I was laughing so hard I almost couldn't click the laugh emote.
  15. Stop that! Don't make me come after you again! 🤪
  16. I was teasing you. I wish more people would use the old style push mowers. Better for human hearing and the environment. The electric mowers aren't as bad as the gas ones noise wise. Want to come mow mine?
  17. Somehow I doubt they will go out that soon. Even if they do, be my luck I'll be one of the last ones even though the IRS has had my bank info for years and I did file 2018. Which reminds me I need to call them and ask them where the hell my gd PIN is so I can file for 2019.
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