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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. You've been reading my posts again haven't you.
  2. Man, I leave you guys alone for one minute and all hell breaks loose.
  3. Well... he was out of oxygen anyway. You must not have seen Space Cowboys. It's well worth watching. Funny and poignant. Top notch cast regardless of politics, etc.
  4. The 70s called. They want their village beach idiot back.
  5. , the horse they ride out on and any horse they ever ride,
  6. The world has lost its collective mind and has gone stark raving bonkers.
  7. I fit that description. As for the rest of your post, English is not my native language. The whole world has lost its collective mind and has officially gone stark raving bonkers.
  8. I'm one of those people your petition supposedly targets yet it won't do me a damn bit of good. You're not doing this for the little guys.
  9. Wow. I made two posts, two very short posts, and I'm tearing your comments apart? You had already lost the argument when you resorted to name calling within two posts.
  10. I think this pretty much says it all. Arrogance and entitlement go hand in hand.
  11. LL can't keep the grid up if they keep reducing fees without compensating for those reductions elsewhere. I know you're just trying to be helpful during hard times but you haven't thought this thing all the way through. LL has bills to pay to keep the grid open. If they can't pay their bills we won't have any SL to go to.
  12. Can't think of one. Most just are not interested. They'd rather be outside in RL, doing things with friends and family. Like me. Thankfully, it has finally stopped raining so much and I can get some yard work done this weekend.
  13. I remember seeing the price per gallon of gas on the pumps as 35 cents, a pack of smokes was 50 cents and payphones were a nickel. Threads tend to drift. That's just how people are. The thread wants what the thread wants.
  14. I've been online for well over 20 years and I didn't start hearing that bs until around 2005. Maybe it has something to do with the kind of people we hang out with. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. SL didn't exist in the 90s. Linden Lab didn't exist until 1999. SL opened to the public in 2003.
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