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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. You think people panicked with the toilet paper bs, this is a damn good way to start a stampede and cause even more deaths as well as injury. JFHC. https://www.toptenz.net/10-deadliest-human-stampedes.php From the article Pam posted: Helloooo. Most windows open to allow circulation... and there are these wonderful inventions called fans. Box fans fit nicely into windows. Ceiling fans are wonderful. And then there are those old homes that were built with attic fans. A bit noisy but, man, do they move the air. Even heat and air units have fan only modes to circulate the air.
  2. I'm not a betting kind of person. lol All of the above and further back. Re: ETA There were matrilineal societies in the Americas long before anything was brought over. My own people being one example. At least we were before the European invasion. Many of the different tribes were matrilineal. So, no, the dominant culture has not always been European since indigenous peoples occupied the continent for well over 10,000 years prior to. Dominant cultures would be ones like Cahokia (moundbuilders), the Anasazi, Aztec, Mayan, Inca, etc. Granted those particular societies were patrilineal for the most part, but my point is they were the dominant cultures before the European one.
  3. There has never been a single person on this planet that I could ever talk to about anything and everything, much less fully and truthfully. Not even with my own mother. There are some things that just won't ever be talked about. Partly because I just didn't have the heart to break hers and partly because I lost her 15 years ago so there are some things I will never get to tell her. Sometimes you have to ask yourself whose guilt will be harder to live with, hers or yours.
  4. Except we are not adapting to our environment so much as we are adapting it to us (air conditioning, heating, etc) and making a mess of the planet in the process. I'm pretty sure the "preceding" social organization was fouled up long before the "current" reached American continental shores. If you get my drift.
  5. I'm in the same boat. You're never too old to need the comfort of a mother's arms in troubled times. Some of us are fortunate our mothers are still in our lives. The rest of us just keep going because that's all that can be done. We were promised a rose garden but there has to be a little rain along with the sunshine or the garden will die. Eep. I'm rambling again.
  6. Not scientific data per se but interesting nonetheless. COVID-19 Poll: Sentiments differ by party about concern on frequenting public spaces
  7. The Trump administration just changed its description of the national stockpile to jibe with Jared Kushner’s controversial claim
  8. Yep. Or it gets brought home to me from his work. As long as I avoid working in places like call centers (especially the ones who insist employee share equipment) or where I have to come into close proximity of more than a handful of people, I rarely catch a cold or the flu. Being misanthropic isn't always about not liking humans.
  9. I have no words for the greed and selfishness of the so called leaders of this country. We do not have a President. Our federal government is crippled thereby crippling state and local governments by the very same greedy and selfish people. They want us to die so they don't have to deal with us since we refuse to bow down to them and worship the ground they contaminate.
  10. Use a rolled up hand towel or some other cushioning that you can place across the small of your back (lower lumbar region) below the waist but just above the hip line to give your back the added support and if you have a kitchen chair cushion type 1/2" to 1" thick put that on the seat of your chair. There are also stretching exercises you can do for your back while seated. I usually do variations of the back bend arch. https://www.health.com/fitness/chair-yoga-back-pain Any thing that you can do while sitting to stretch those back muscles will help. There are many sites online that have different ways of doing this specifically for office workers.
  11. My highschool sweetheart taught me something back then that I've never forgotten. "The stupidity of the human race never ceases to amaze me." I've been saying that for 40 years now. I should have never let him get away.
  12. Only problems I have with that is I can not look at him nor listen to his voice. Text isn't really tolerable but I can at least skim before violently regurgitating.
  13. Ever notice how the vast majority of things like Covid-19, bubonic plague, ebola, etc always come from Africa, Europe and Asia and rarely from the Americas? ORIGINS OF MAJOR HUMAN INFECTIOUS DISEASES So...yeah.
  14. Well... at least your co-worker managed to get out of bed...
  15. Well... considering I can't afford anything more powerful than what I already have I would be one of those that would be shut out after 16+ years. The 1050 is even lower than the 1060 that Chin mentioned, capability wise. I can't run one of my favorite early release games any more because my GPU runs way too hot at 80C. That's 20C higher than recommended for the GPU. So... yeah. ETA: The game is Empyrion: Galactic Survival on Steam if anyone wants to check the specs.
  16. I'm able to run an GTX 1050 OC 2GB just fine. I do leave shadows off and reflections minimal most of the time since I'm usually building.
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