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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Just came back inside from watching a teacher parade through our neighborhood. Balloons on the cars and signs saying how the teachers love and miss their students. I applauded them all as they drove by with their windows down. Every one of them waved back and my applause put huge smiles on their faces. I'm sitting here trying not to let the tears fall.
  2. There is no logic to it other than making money hand over fist until there isn't anyone left to pay them. Then they will go after each other. I'd like to be a fly on the wall to see that. It is greed and control. Can't be greedy if you can't control.
  3. Yes. Symptoms vary in severity from one individual to the next. Some may experience all of the symptoms, some a few or one or two and some none at all. This is why testing is so damned important and why I will never, ever forgive or trust @$$Trumpet or the Repuglicans. They've really shown their true selves since 2016. No way in hell will I ever vote for a Repuglican. Not after all the crap they have pulled in the past and especially not after all the bs in the last 3-4 years. I'm just now finally getting over the last of Covid-19 and starting to feel what is normal for me.
  4. From what I've read there are those who either don't experience fever or they have a very mild one. If he had it, you had it. No question of that, imo.
  5. Chances are you both had it. It was being spread worldwide before China ever released any info. Come to think on it, it may have been January. End of January beginning of February.
  6. It is. It had me thinking I was going to die. I never want to go through that again.
  7. Although we have not been tested, the SO and I are convinced we had Covid-19 in February (USA). It hit him like a ton of bricks and then hit me like a ton of bricks within 24 hours. He brought it home from work at a call center. I came this || close to going to the ER because I could hardly breathe and it hurt to breathe. My chest felt like it was on fire. The flu has never done that to me. In fact, we were told whatever it was we had was definitely not the flu as they did test for that.
  8. I bet your neighbors just love hearing your lawnmower running every day. Or do you use one of these?
  9. I don't think that will earn you a suspension. You aren't the first to have ever reported a mod and likely won't be the last. lol Of course, most people don't do it for g'n'g. I'm so happy I'm not "most people".
  10. I thought about doing that for the grins n giggles... get out of my head! 🤪
  11. One small positive criticism... derender the billboards in the background. Other than that... gorgeous.
  12. Somewhere in the links I posted below is the answer to your issue. I'd go through and find it for you but I just don't have the time right now. Good luck! https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/login_fail https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_install_crash https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_run_crash https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/login_fail_without_cache_clear
  13. Ha! I beat you to this one. And Maddy did a manip on it.
  14. It sucks when you want to post in a thread but don't feel you should because you had to put the OP in the iggie bin. I'm exhausted and if this stay at home order doesn't lift soon, I'll kill him. I need for him to be working away from home. He's driving me up a wall with his insistence that he knows everything better than I do and he has to tell me how to do everything. Things I have been doing for decades! Mothers please, please, PLEASE teach your boys to clean up after themselves and to not expect the other half to do ALL the housework (full time unpaid job) AND hold down a physically exhausting full time job.
  15. It wasn't much better the second time around.
  16. Ah so you now admit to having lost your touch and getting old? /me runs
  17. He tried to pull that crap on me not long ago. I promptly tossed him into my iggie bin, slammed the lid shut, padlocked it and threw away the key. Sure I peek once ina while. It always ends with me rolling my eyes at the pathetic bullying attempts and moving on. People like that are not worth giving the time of day to unless they are a danger to themselves and/or others. Water off a duck's back. @Beth Macbain Three deep breathes in through the nose and slowly out of the mouth. Just let it flow off and away from you like water off a duck's back.
  18. I agree. I was simply putting the information out there for those who don't know much, if anything, about how forums work. Something I know a bit more about than most people since I have set up, skinned and admined several forums over the past 20 years. If you ever saw the FS forum, that was all my work. If you didn't, well... it's gone now because Zetaboards sold out to Tapatalk and the Tapatalk forums are garbage so I let them delete it since I wasn't about to use Tapatalk's crappy software.
  19. You should have seen the size of the Red Zone threadS on SLU. Some had over 40k replies. The size and number of images has a bearing on it also. We don't post quite as many images here as was done on SLU. Again, Cristiano can tell you about his experiences.
  20. I just wanted to mention that at some point LL may have to close this thread due to its size. @Cristiano Midnight can tell of his own experiences of having to do that on the old SLU because it would cause issues. The board would slow way down and throw errors. He continues that practice with VVO. Hopefully, if it does happen for that reason, they will let us know that is the reason and not because of things getting out of hand. That would give us closure and let us know it wasn't something we did wrong.
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