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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Oh! You mean this Graham Greene not this one: Now it makes sense.
  2. At least it wasn't the usual boring as hell, over the top, screechingly insane Samspam.
  3. I think enough of us reported the different threads in the different sections (one per) that it tripped the red alert. Especially since a little birdie told LL that the threads were rated X. *tweet tweet*
  4. A happy penguin to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
  5. Hope LL don't get mad at me for this...
  6. I had to come back to this because... well... it's Love. No, he learned it by watching you.
  7. Thankfully, I finally managed to get out of that hellhole and never looked back.
  8. Oh and I'm re-reading Herbert's Dune series.... out of order. 🤪
  9. How about until the next wild hair? We all have a few of those don't we? Or is someone shaving to avoid those occasional wild hairs that get up our butts? 😇
  10. September 9 Florida Man buys a giant fan to blow Hurricane Irma away https://thefloridamantimes.com/september-9/
  11. How is it not the opposite?... Oh... That's not quite how I meant it. lol I think you'll be glad you did. That's even better. How much do you keep frozen? It's what my mom used to do. Maybe when things calm down a bit we can get a deep freeze if we can figure out where we can put one that isn't outside. ETA: Sorry. Didn't mean to ramble. I'll hush for now.
  12. It was opposite with my family. A good hot soak then warm jammies and don't let your body cool off too quickly. Tiger Balm is better. If you haven't tried it, consider it. https://www.tigerbalm.com/ How many cans of chicken noodle soup (without carrots!) do you keep on hand? At least 2 right? lol
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