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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. I was in AW for many years before coming to SL in 2004. Owned quite a few worlds as well. All of which were hosted on my pc along with the objects paths for each one. A few I won playing Bingo back when they still gave worlds as Bingo prizes. Ah the good old Juno days of AW. I've known how it works for 20 years.
  2. Beetch, piss and moan, beetch, piss and moan. *dumps a bucket full of ice cold water over Beth's head* Deal with it! Puddles. Amy Puddles. Puddles. Amelia Puddles.
  3. Why not? Generating your power with a wind turbine rather than sucking up all the power with a lighthouse makes sense to me.
  4. I love it! Now, I will never call you Kathleen again. 🥴
  5. That isn't how it works with AW. You have an object path (folder) on your pc, not a cache. You host your objects as well as your world.
  6. Definitely. I'd prefer that to the OpenSim standalones. I do all my creating and testing on it before uploading to the main grid. It does get lonesome after a while if you spend too much time creating. There's no one else there to appreciate your efforts. I've always wanted SL to be like AW in one aspect. You could host your own "region" or "estate" on your pc with it's own object path on your pc. I think the stumbling block for SL is inventory and how to make it all work with the MP and inworld purchases. Somehow, I know it will work and people would love it which would give LL a means to lower land prices and increase income. It would attract more people and increase retainage. Enzo and Ebbe should get together and have a talk. @Linden Lab
  7. I tend to stay away from things that I know have been used for nefarious purposes and not the good nefarious kind of way that Maddy does. They used the plugins to render the old SciFi forum unusable and unreadable. Like a bunch of 5 year olds they would attack the forum whenever they didn't get their way or got banned for trolling. If they couldn't post they made sure no one could.
  8. Move back to the home rez in SD? No thanks. I'd like to live a while longer.
  9. Careful or you'll end up like me and look like that all the time.
  10. Raw-lee huh. So what has Lee so raw? Or do we want to know?
  11. After what those kids did to the old Skiffy forums using Firefox plugins... I won't ever install it again.
  12. At $40 a pop? Nah. Not buying that. It would get expensive pretty fast.
  13. I don't use tiny urls. I copy/paste the link from the field at the top of the browser. I don't have any addons either. This is Chrome. I've never used a VPN. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have noticed that websites that look fine in Edge are messed up in Chrome. I have no idea why that might be. I just live with it or use Edge. It wasn't always like that but it has been that way for several years now even with updates.
  14. Basics are not eligible. That is just so wrong. Fine then. I'll use my stimulus money for something other than premium and a name change. There is no good reason to not allow basics name changes within reasonable limits.
  15. Don't ask me. I don't even have a twitter account so I dunno. It looks fine to me. You're the first one to say anything so I don't know if anyone else is having the same problem. Have you tried refreshing the page? Here lately I've been having to do that once in a while because things didn't fully load. I need to run cleanup and defrag myself. It's been a while.
  16. Not that low. It was pretty common for people to live 60 - 80 years and more.
  17. Not ability so much as it was a completely alien concept. If the idea ever occured it would have been hundreds or even thousands of years in the future before it would have happened, as long as the balance was maintained.
  18. Well... it is important to keep the plumbing functioning properly. Things get messy when they get backed up. Both animately and inanimately.
  19. If you mean me... it wasn't meant as bait. Just trying to help cheer people up a bit after my own horrible weekend. *slinks off into a dark hole and pulls it in after her
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