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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. I saw that the other day but it still made me laugh hard enough I kept clicking the wrong damn emote. lmao
  2. But what I didn't say is that it has been up since Christmas 2018. I never took it down and now he is using it for a night light. 🥴 He is night blind.
  3. Oh ok. I misunderstood what you meant because it is called something different here in the US and I thought that is what you were saying. Sorry about that.
  4. We would do it that way if we could get the damn screens off the one window that does open. The other one is a single pane of glass that does not open. It is in the closet already with access via the closet however the durn thing is in the middle of the MH not on a side. There are no out of site locations other than what is already there. I'm not cutting through the wall behind the dryer because then I have to rip the overhead cabinets out and I need those. This is a single wide not a double wide. We're still figuring things out. SO is pretty darn good at that. In the meantime I have 2 sinks full of dirty dishes plus pots and pans on the counter than need washing, I need a shower in the worst way after planting bulbs for 2 days and we have no hot water. Ground water here is still freezing cold so a shower isn't going to happen. And of course we have to keep the water off so the pressure doesn't make the leak worse. Sucks to be me.
  5. New one probably won't be delivered until tomorrow and I need a shower after planting bulbs again today.
  6. Thought you might want to see this: https://mailtribune.com/oregon-outdoors/hunting/man-cited-for-bringing-infected-deer-into-oregon
  7. Not everyone has a smart phone. I don't. And even if I did, I would not use it to make purchases or pay bills. If my cash or debit card isn't good enough for them, they don't get my business.
  8. Well yeah you have to drain it first. Problem is we don't really have a way to do that. This isn't a newer heater. It's over 40 years old and the MH is a 1980 model. They put the hot water heater in the worst possible place. Between the walkin bedroom closet and the washer and dryer. I appreciate the info but I know all this already. Family was involved in underground utilities.
  9. All of our leaks have been major. Lat apartment we were in before buying this place, we were there 8 years. Thankfully, 2 story buildings and we were on the second floor. No washer or dryer hookups so I had to haul heavy laundry up and down stairs. Needless to say we didn't do laundry as often as we needed to. SO ordered a new hot water heater which of course took most of his pay. Good thing I had already done the grocery shopping for a couple of weeks (and we got t-tissue!). They're supposed to deliver it in the next couple of days. I am not looking forward to my bedroom being all torn to hell and back rearranged so we can get the damn thing into the closet which is where the access is. It's either that or move the dryer and cut a hole through that wall. If we could afford to, we'd sue the blue blazes out of the realtor and the park for selling us a home they had been remodeling on the dirt cheap and not finishing the crappy job they were doing. Kitchen cabinets don't even match. *sigh* I want to move to a cave.
  10. It's the only show I will watch over and over and over. The 4077th was pretty much the only family I had. I was so so sad when they ended the show. The only show I actually cried over going off the air. The characters and actors have meant the world to me. It's going to really hurt when the last of them are gone.
  11. https://gfycat.com/whoppingflippantbushbaby https://gfycat.com/vigilantshamefulbeagle
  12. @Tarina Sewell I can't even read your post because of that icky wierd eyeball. LOL
  13. Tell that to the idiots who did the plumbing. This isn't a house, it's a mobile home. And I am sorry if I seem to be short tempered. Just found out there are 2 leaks and one is in a place that requires moving the hot water heater out of its space. 500 plus pounds. I have no idea how we are going to accomplish that. We can't afford to hire anyone. I hate my life.
  14. It would be better for those who have only one or two out but then there are those who have 10 or so. Not only would it be confusing it could flood chat. So maybe not all of them. lol
  15. What a way to start a day. Waking up to yet another hot water heater hose leak. You guys do not want to know how many water leaks we have had since buying this place 2 years and 4 months ago. They sold us a POS. So today I'm supposed to get all the dishes done, get all the bulbs planted, of which there are about 50 left to do, put all the stuff out of my closet that I had to pull out immediate upon being woke up back in the closet so I can go to bed tonight even if I don't sleep, again, and I'm supposed to do it all in one day when I do not have the energy or strength. Someone stop this effing mudball and let me the eff off.
  16. I remember that. It was freakin hilarious. I laughed and laughed and every time that person posted I laughed even harder. It's a wonder I didn't die laughing.
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