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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Well if it hadn't been any of the above that would have been what I would have recommended next. Many of us have been in SL 15 plus years so... ok? But yeah, thanks for reminding my why I don't go back to the FS support team.
  2. "Snoopy fired once and he fired twice and the bloody Red Baron, went roaring outta sight. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or more the bloody Red Baron was rolling up a score 80 men died trying to end the spree of the bloody Red Baron of Germany.
  3. While it didn't make me laugh (much) it did put a smile on my face. Sea Turtles Take Back Beaches For Nesting, Hatchlings During Coronavirus Pandemic
  4. No worries. It was probably only funny to me. Sorry about that.
  5. I'm sorry you didn't get the joke.
  6. Damn Gopi. Have you gotten that desperate?
  7. Dude. I was messing with Scyllier. I mean Scyllia. You know...whatsername.
  8. AH HA! Close enough for government work. She's gonna kill me now.
  9. There are quite a few fully furnished rentals both skybox and houses available for rent. It's all owned by the landlord/lady, not the renter. Some offer you the choice of having all your own stuff or a mix of yours and theirs or just all theirs.
  10. Problem is advertising IS all about community. Always has been, always will be. They want me as a customer, they will have to come to me. I'm not going to them. That's not how it works. No business is going to reach me via social media. Businesses used medias like radio, newspapers and television to reach customers because that was where customers could be found. Today is different because of social media. That does not mean we all have to give in to the overly complicated, convoluted way people advertise now. It is not appealing in the least. In fact, it is a huge turn off. I will pay attention to well done caveman can do it ads. I will not pay attention to the "used car sales" ads.
  11. I think you missed the part where she said she doesn't want a social media presence (everywhere). She isn't alone. And I'll be damned if I let some wanker force me into having any social media just to enter a contest. It's on the creator to advertise where the customers are, not force the customer to go where the ads are. If they only advertise on social media, they aren't reaching the maximum number of potential customers that are inworld. If they can't be bothered, neither can I. Advertising on social media is a fail since people can just scroll past like they change/mute the tv channel when the commercials come on or get up and walk away.
  12. You can have my new bidet when you pry my cold dead fingers from it... even if it is just cold water. We got the last 2 Standard cheapies available because of the t-tissue "shortage". \o/
  13. What the? Man, that's a damn good way to get yourself (general) locked up for a long, long time.
  14. Pet peeve of the day. Being included in a group that I'm not a part of for the sole purpose of slinging mud and seeing where it might slide down the wall. I am neither "they" nor "everyone".
  15. Not that I doubt you. Please post a link to the ToS/CS that states naming and shaming is not allowed inworld. We know it is definitely not allowed on the forums but inworld is a bit different. As long as the pick doesn't violate US/CA libel laws I don't think LL disallows it since that could constitute a violation of the 1st Amendment. It's a civil can of worms no one really wants to open.
  16. Just say the doctor needed to see in order to diagnose. 😇
  17. It's like a really bad, reoccurring SamSpam nightmare, which, incidentally, is still going on to this day.
  18. My biggest peeve is the Hunkledink without the Engelbert.
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