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Akane Nacht

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Everything posted by Akane Nacht

  1. Deep thinking takes a lot of effort, while shopping is rather more relaxing if you come to SL to unwind. One thing about SL museums.. a lot of them are built just like a real world museum, with little or no exploration or interactivity. If there was a sim where I could walk amongst billions and billions of stars, surf nebulae, and find Carl Sagan quotes along the way, I'd go there a lot.
  2. hi, my name's Akane and I'm a photo addict... 😁 joined! my timezone's a bit awkward, but if you have insomnia, feel free to give me a shout
  3. If they are interested in virtual worlds, gaming or the like, sure I'll talk about it. It's easier to explain to people who are into similar things.
  4. More than once I just wanted a Common and I got a darn Rare 😭
  5. visiting New Toulouse by moonlight. This place is turning 11 soon. πŸ˜ƒ
  6. rebels without a cause.. well, apart from loitering
  7. some nice opening lines: "Good day, milady" "Excuse me, may I take your picture?" "If you hear some strange singing, it's just me..."
  8. Text only. I think of my avatar as a character with her own story, and a much sexier voice than mine 😎
  9. My non-coder layman's guess is because it's full of user-created content from 15 years back. Some of it's mine. 😈
  10. I went through many phases - newbie explorer, shop owner, combat obsessed samurai wannabe, very bad but determined scripter and builder, roleplayer, and now I just like decorating, dressing up, and taking pics. I am glad I took photos all along, so I have a record of all the stuff I did.
  11. Once a guy unfriended me because I answered his IM with a smiley face. Sometimes people are just weird.😁
  12. And, be careful what you are right clicking on. Wearing your whole clothing folder doesn't end well 😭
  13. This is an interesting topic, and I'll add my 2 cents from conversations I have had with male friends, with a social psychologist I know in RL and from my own readings. Men tend to gravitate to doing activities together, like strategising, problem solving, building and making things, and achieving proficiency at something. Probably why they like gaming. Women, on the other hand, tend more towards socialising for its own sake, as chatting actually gives us an endorphin rush (actual speech, I am not sure if texting has the same effect). That's not to say in certain settings these tendencies for both sexes are much less prominent. In SL, objectives are self-driven, and it's much easier to chat and hang out than get something complex going like an involved game or roleplay or business enterprise. These take a lot of time and effort, and (anecdotally) most people are in SL to chill and relax (which also includes dating and hookups, for those so inclined). That's my roundabout hypothesis about why men apparently socialise less with other men in SL - they just don't bump into conducive bonding scenarios as often.
  14. A minor point of clarification - Singaporeans are extremely active social media users. It is, however, mostly via mobile.
  15. Used to watch these in the zoo... according to the keepers they are great escape artists when they grow up
  16. and then there's clotted cream... melted sharp cheddar is good too, baked in...
  17. there's an interesting video linked on the american civil war museum website: https://acwm.org/collection/flag-collection ps. I'm not american and have no particular opinion on civil war era flags, I just like history. pps. however Gone with the Wind is one of my favourite movies. sorry ☺️
  18. dressing up for Diwali and dancing around trees ofc
  19. War, occupation, economic hardship and struggle for independence is not ancient history in many countries of the world, including where I live. Perhaps for a powerful, peaceful, safe and prosperous country the symbolism becomes lost over time. I agree, that is sad.
  20. Why would someone burn it or drag it through the dirt if it's unimportant? For countries that have been through wars, been occupied, survived through disasters... flags are important.
  21. Thanks for that additional info. My comment was more about the last paragraph in that linked website. I believe it is desirable to engage with other cultures whenever you can, and as your interests lead you, as opposed to 'it's ok under some conditions and if you're invited', which is the impression I got from it.
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