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Akane Nacht

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Everything posted by Akane Nacht

  1. I still think a centralised art gallery is a great idea. Rotate the exhibitions, have different themes, include finely crafted things as well as art for art sake things, whatever works. Someone is bound to feel left out but that's life. Meanwhile SL residents can at least see a variety of artwork and support artists that interest them. The fact that everyone can have their own art sim if they want to has the same downside as everyone having their own club sim or their own shop. It's easy to get lost in the noise.
  2. I agree with that. It would also be a good idea for LEA2.0 to take into account what people want to look at... art exhibits just to stroke the ego of an artist but draws no attendance is not going to reflect well on them either. If people are really drawn to pretty gardens, perhaps they should include them, though I hope they'd be designs of the kind that stand out, like Eshi Otawara's black and white garden, or Alirium's whimsical trees shop.
  3. The committee and its processes may have been pretentious - I have no idea about that. But, in my opinion, the installations themselves were at worst just boring, at best things that surprised me and gave me something to explore and think about. What irked me more was a rather disorganised presentation - I think they needed to curate the experience of new visitors better.
  4. I'd hazard a guess a lot of SL residents don't know the difference, or what the process involves. The Art of Skin Creating would make an interesting exhibition...
  5. shopping events have this nailed - I grab a LM to the mainstore of shops I like and visit them fairly regularly to see what's new. I'd never have come across them before becos.. lazy. I'd do the same for artists at a group exhibition. Like I did at SL16B for exhibits that I liked, when they had additional info.
  6. LL kinda opened the door on this with LEA to begin with, if I am understanding the arrangement correctly. I confess I am unclear exactly why LEA opened, and why it's closing, from a business angle.
  7. If it's a case of either / or, certainly supporting art sims should take a backseat. I am very much in support of artists finding their own patrons and marketing themselves, especially if they want to make a living off their art, but, if possible, a central "art gallery" is nice to have, to give new artists a chance to be seen outside the circle of their friends and connections. Speaking from a lazy member of the public point of view, I'd stop by a "national gallery of SL" equivalent now and then (and shop at a gift shop there if any!), but I seldom go hunting through search results to find new artists setting up their own sims.
  8. iso power 9001! 😁 ps. I'd make the archiving part of the agreement, as in artists statement and photos at least.
  9. Like a history of SL art? that's actually a really interesting idea. One of the hardest things in preserving knowledge about contemporary art is the scattered and ephemeral nature of what is recorded about it. A blog post here, a photo there... Maybe LEA 2.0 also could explore a virtual art library/archives.
  10. That's the story of every art committee in existence I think! I hesitate to be involved other than as an observer (and art fan) because I'd doubtless end up missing deadlines and meetings, etc. plus, I know I should never be given power 😈
  11. People actually did this? I shouldn't be surprised but... ugh 😑 I think if they are in control of LL sponsored resources, they should declare via some form of contract they have not gamed the system in this way.
  12. Thanks for sharing that. I read this book years ago and have been re-reading bits of it. The blurb doesn't do it it justice, as it covers a lot more ground than the commercial aspects of art. Worth a look if you like these kind of discussions: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/565519.What_s_Wrong_with_Contemporary_Art_
  13. I think if the general population of SL is going to be drawn to LEA 2.0 (or whatever it ends up being) it will be important to have some "patrons" from among the merchant community, if only to make people aware of its existence. They have the mass reach for audience. Of course there would have to be something in it for them too - maybe they get a gift shop opportunity. A merchant community manager might be a good addition to the committee.
  14. for some reason this popped into my mind https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/art/news/pineapple-art-exhibition-scotland-robert-gordon-university-ruairi-gray-lloyd-jack-a7723516.html (mind you if they had been really edgy they'd have put it on a pizza)
  15. Regarding political art.. very often what it appears to be about is not what it is really about, for very good reasons, depending on the social climate in which it appears. Perhaps it is the opposite - many of us know political art too well and read deeper meanings into something that is simply what it seems. 😉 (disclaimer - this is a general statement and not a dig at HL in any way shape or form. I studied art history many years and now I can't look at a pipe without being suspicious)
  16. Yeah, once we put a creative work out there, in some measure we lose control over it. I can see how the quote could be interpreted in melancholy irony, or cynicism, and still preserve a shadow of hope, regret and wistfulness even so. For the artist to reduce interpretations other than her own to "fascist" seemed rather jarring to me, but she's entitled to her opinion, as are we all.
  17. Sure. I'm not going to attempt to define "art", I'll just say I personally like works that make me pause and think. If a remix does that, great.
  18. heh.. I did a double take at that part of the notecard too. ah well, it is a dystopian sim ..
  19. Agree with both of these suggestions. It would make it a great deal easier for hobbyist artists to participate, and keep the exhibits fresh. On my last few visits to LEA exhibits it seemed that most were just nicely decorated landscapes. Pretty, but not memorable. Random memory - I don't know if this was under the purview of LEA or something else, but I remember from years ago, some group used to have art competitions for people building sculptures on the fly, with a time limit and only using inworld tools. They displayed them later and awarded prizes. Never seen it since but it sounded fun.
  20. I skimmed this thread so I may have missed the parts you are referring to, but I've also seen some good advice for rallying support to preserve it. HL is not my milieu but for the sake of those who love the place, I wish you luck keeping the sim going.
  21. There are several flickr groups with pictures of his works. Not as good as visiting but it'll give you an idea.
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