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Akane Nacht

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Everything posted by Akane Nacht

  1. only one way to find out 😇
  2. None anymore. I had some years ago (mainly for names before we could change display name), but I deleted the last one about 3 years ago. Too tempting to shop for them if I keep them!
  3. In the real world, consultants call these kinds of people "clients" 😉
  4. In a sentence: It is unremarkable to eat the Antepenultimate cookie, still acceptable to eat the Penultimate cookie, but rather greedy to eat the Ultimate cookie.
  5. I thought of a peeve! When I buy a hairdo at full price and it turns up in 50L Fridays the next week. 😭
  6. That's a tough one. Some women have a real difficulty with saying no, and are easily intimidated not only by men but by other women, who have no intent to intimidate at all. I'm thinking of workplace scenarios here, and how I handled it was to encourage my staff to communicate with me openly and be assured I won't judge them if they ask for help. Still didn't work all the time, but I was a supervisor, not a counsellor, and didn't have the time or skills to address individual problems. Generally it boiled down to individual issues - their own temperaments, family relationships, various traumas they hadn't worked through. It's hard for a colleague or friend to understand all the issues that might be affecting someone's behaviour, let alone a random stranger. The only advice I can give is: if the inability to say no is adversely affecting your life, work through this with a counsellor. There are techniques that can help unpack what's causing it. now back to our regularly scheduled pet peeves programme .... (I haven't thought of a peeve yet)
  7. Yea, it's part of cognitive behavioural therapy (dealing with negative automatic thoughts). A fun way to respond to someone's "you should" is "why should I?" Drives people nuts but, hey, they started it 😀
  8. One single tiny box to store all my stuff in. Preferably copy-no transfer.
  9. Planned events never seem to work for me either. "When I'm in the mood" o'clock is hard to nail down. The only things i can successfully attend are like SL16B - 24/7 exhibits and activities. Just have year long events like that and I'm good!
  10. It's up to the sim owner. They mostly do so because of griefers and disgruntled banned people creating account after account to get in. Some people can be very determined nuisances. A couple weeks would probably deter most of them but you'd have to see what the patterns are on your sim.
  11. hm.. most mmos I've played toss us a beta-as-live with each new mod and lets us cry for bug fixes as we limp through the content. SL by comparison is not too bad.
  12. SL Flickr groups are certainly active.. landscapes, interiors, fashion of all varieties, roleplay, you name it there's interest for it.
  13. here I was imagining something sinister to do with duct tape... cool tho.. I used to send my art books for thread binding
  14. why are you passionate about adhesives?
  15. Between a neighbour with a fullbright orange lighthouse and another with a giant eyeball surrounded by green tentacles (my current neighbours.. bless them).
  16. Watch for designer events too, they have discounted new releases and often really nice free gifts. You'll see notice boards for these at shops. Your wardrobe will not stay small for long...😉
  17. the lucky boards have smiled upon me (kimono with haori and zouri by Milky Way and parasol by Petite Mort)
  18. playing with the sparkle dragons at DarkWood
  19. Well, none of my posts were intended that way. I speak what I truly think, with a bit of levity now and then. I grew up watching Monty Python so I can't help it.
  20. My laundry caused a whole page worth of discussion. I feel I should level up or earn a badge or something... 😎
  21. Absolutely. This is how men and women support each other, cos life is challenging enough without inventing reasons to squabble 😊
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