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Akane Nacht

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Everything posted by Akane Nacht

  1. I've been watching his youtube channel for years and I didn't get that impression at all (ie that he is "transphobic"). He has helped a lot of people, and spoken on issues like depression, dealing with grief, etc. that I found quite moving, wise and helpful. He's a clinical psychologist, and he speaks largely from that perspective. I wouldn't expect him to be as adept in speaking from a sociological or political perspective. But I'm not trying to change your mind. If you want to dislike him, that's your choice. I'm just saying that people don't fit into neat "good" and "bad" boxes - even if he did have a crappy opinion on some topics (and he does, IMO) that doesn't mean he doesn't have valuable things to say too.
  2. Yes, it does, because you seem to have taken a human tendency and assigned it as a male-specific one. People do have a tendency to dominate other people (or try to), in all sorts of contexts and for all sorts of reasons, and it gets all sorts of responses (not always negative). In a virtual platform especially, where RL physical characteristics are irrelevant, who dominates depends on personality traits and skills. From what I've seen, men and women are evenly matched there, though their inclinations and interests may differ. Is that off-putting for men? Not that I've ever seen - if someone is an excellent builder or coder or just an interesting person to chat to they don't care if it's a he or a she behind the screen. Only when it comes to dating does this make a difference, and I see nothing wrong with that.
  3. I used to be an avid horseback rider. I only fell once, because I was lazy to fasten the girth properly and the saddle slid right off mid-canter. The horse stopped and looked at me on the ground with an expression that clearly said "you idiot". 🀠
  4. 1) pre-mesh designers 2) mesh designers 3) people who just buy stuff and goof around
  5. perhaps not, but they'd be deadly dull without the guys who comment here.
  6. Your attempt to flatter is both transparent and effective. 😏
  7. less chat more photos. whoever gets the most likes wins!
  8. at snow falls (the four seasons) - this place has a lovely winter sky
  9. Hmm... places I've met people to just chat with are parks (Tempura, Authors point), themed sims (eg New Babbage, New Toulouse), blues clubs (Fogbound). I like fairly quiet easygoing places, and I generally chat in IM. Depends on your interests and your style of socialising.
  10. I don't really pay attention to International Days of *Whatever* and make a point to tell people I appreciate them often. Having lost a couple family members suddenly it seemed a good habit. Actually all of the male family and friends in my life have made a positive difference - highlights would be my artist Dad, my psychologist husband, and my big bro who has Down's Syndrome (and is a an epic troll and party animal). The Universe has been kind to me, to put me amongst such joyful people. ps. in case I missed International Forum Posters day, I appreciate all of you and your funny/interesting/informative/peculiar posts. πŸ˜€
  11. at one of my favourite spots in Tokyo-WIndHill City
  12. It's pretty much a given in a public sandbox that nearby people will come and poke around. It's been like that as long as I can remember. As others have said, just sit your avie on a prim or on the ground when afk, and no one can move you. It just takes one click. People can't harm anything in your build, but it's a good idea to save copies to your inventory on a regular basis, as some folks still like to set off spam objects and other griefing tools which make the sandbox unusable for a time.
  13. it wasn't a selfie - blame Holbein for knowing how to keep his head
  14. That's just a convention for some kinds of roleplay. I've played multiple characters in the same setting, so using "me" all the time would be confusing. I've also played as non-human things, even non-animal things like a cloud of mist or a mysterious orb, and using "me" for that would sound kinda strange. Some people do rp in first person though, and nothing wrong with that. It just gets awkward then there is a mix of perspective.
  15. nah, poseball on one screen, youtube on the other 😁
  16. true dat. I sometimes have to do a relog to clear confused autohides from several costume changes.
  17. Depends how you define roleplay. When I am on a roleplay sim, in character, I am roleplaying. All the rest of the time I am just myself, and I don't consider that roleplay just because I have an avatar.
  18. recent convo with a friend: Him: I like that dress! Me: Thanks! which colour looks best? Him: I don't know, I derendered it.
  19. taken at Shiki Village. No touch-ups, and natural lighting. Lovely place 😊
  20. shortly before I found a stall with photorealistic taiyaki pastries...
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