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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. The Log Home regions are gorgeous, but I think they have only 4 home styles. If the Moles could add 2 more - a small cabin and another A-frame with views in the opposite direction as the Grand View, - would this be enough variety for people? It seems like as long as the footprint of any new models were similar to the current ones, this shouldn't impact the landscaping.
  2. My suggestion is to forget about the most popular keywords. Pick a random word that interests you or pops into your head, then go down the list to find a sim that sounds interesting. Keep doing this, while you save LMs for places that look interesting or have actual people in them. Remember, many of those Adult or RP sims are full of bots that drive up a fake traffic number. Some suggestions for interesting sims: The Wastelands, New Toulouse, any large amusement park, and the Welcome Hub.
  3. Malls have become shopping events. I went to Cosmopolitan yesterday and the textures and objects just would not load for me. I couldn't even see half the vendors before I gave up. Just everything white and grey, except for the cute little fish and sea life underneath a floor that wasn't even transparent. I went back later, and this time it eventually loaded enough that I could use Area Search to find the store I was looking for. Shop and Hop is literally the biggest mall around, but it doesn't have problems loading like that. I enjoy shopping inworld because it feels immersive and fun for me, but if I want to find a particular type of item quickly, SL Marketplace is kind of like the Amazon.com of SL.
  4. We need to have a couple of Moles who are dedicated to responding to problems in Bellisseria. We're paying customers, so we deserve to have these issues addressed promptly. Maybe there can be a code we can send to their IMs to streamline this process? Examples below: Code Red: Half my house and objects are missing. Code Orange: There is a stranger on my property. I'm worried he's going to peep into my windows or try to come into my house. Code Yellow: Someone I don't know is sending me IMs and I don't know where they are. I think they must be tracking me, griefing me, or spying on me somehow. Code Green: Nevermind. The problem I previously reported has been resolved. Code Blue: SL is dying. Code Pink: My neighbor has political signs or flags in their yard that I don't like. Code Brown: My toilet or plumbing is not working. Code Black: Everything is dark. The sun is not working or my electricity is out.
  5. The Wastelands has a full region dump. It is even possible to rent a home parcel here and drive a vehicle.
  6. I do not want to see my neighbor's parcel because they have terrible taste in decorating. Can I put up a wall so I don't have to see other people's parcels? This is done all over mainland and on estates, so why can't we do this in Belli too? I would prefer to have my parcel enclosed by a tall rock wall with palm trees in front of it. Also, I'd like to have an off-sim tropical island, since there's nothing on one side except water anyway. 🌴 🏝 🌴
  7. I second (or third) visiting New Toulouse. Estate rentals offer almost any environment one could wish for, some with a roleplay community included. New Toulouse is a perfect example of a New Orleans style city and bayou, with roleplay, community events, and even weather events. I don't think LL and the Moles would be able offer these kinds of time-intensive perks that a smaller estate can provide. I don't think we really want LL to get into the roleplay estate business anyhow. This should be resident-created community option. As for small, niche Mainland rental environments, @Prokofy Neva and others offer these too.
  8. What about region-wide space stations above 2000 m, at a height where the environment could be set to look like outer space? What about an alien planet at ground level? Maybe there could be homes on ground level, so people could still have their own skyboxes above 2000 m? ^ A central space station hub, with private apartments in a ring around it ^ ^ Alien houses on an alien plant ^ Or maybe an alien planet is already what we have with Fantasseria? 🤔
  9. I run across this same problem when flying. I don't want to automatically enable all media, but it's an especially annoying problem to hit a parcel with both an audio stream and a security orb at the same time when flying. I have to click whether I'm going to allow the music stream before I can move to get out of the parcel.
  10. A Bayou neighborhood, on the other hand, would naturally have larger parcels (1024 m) with both small rustic homes and larger 2-story mini mansions. There could be waterways and lush foliage on the Protected Land between them, as well as a few dirt roads. I like the idea of using uniquely South-eastern landscaping such as hanging moss, climbing floral vines and bottle trees. Pet alligators and cranes would be perfect here, as well as dogs and cats sleeping on the front porches. Water rezzing zones would be best-suited for small boats, though a large river-boat could fit in a community region. Do enough people really want a Bayou home though?
  11. Updated ideas: 512 m urban shot gun houses, photos from Bayou St. John, New Orleans 1024 m (rectangular parcels) urban Garden District houses, New Orleans These 2 styles could be combined on the same region by leaving Protected Land behind the 512 m parcels. Corner parcels would probably need to be square 1024 m ones. I see 2 main problems with creating 512 m parcels though. Most importantly, the 512 m parcels haven't been very popular, so there would be little benefit for Linden Lab to create more of these. Secondly, it would be unrealistic to mix lower income style houses with higher income style ones in the same neighborhood.
  12. This is an interesting idea that would be relatively easy for the Moles to implement. We'd probably still need to have something like a mailbox though, so parcel owners could get a content pack and covenant notes. At first I was going to say "this sounds like Mainland", but having a Belli covenant does make a difference. What about small islands? - partly water, partly land - with no homes built into a rezzer system? What about a Mainland 2.0 with 1024 m, 2048 m and 4096 m parcels under a covenant similar to Belli's, but where owners can rez their own buildings?
  13. It's cute, but it creates an added, unnecessary texture to render. I can understand having a visible base prim when the creator is making hair or another object that's going to attach to the avatar, but it really should be made invisible once the item is ready to be sold.
  14. The system doesn't work that way. These parts of the avatar are not attachments. They are intrigral parts of what makes an avatar. If any of them were not worn, your avatar could not be rendered and would appear as a cloud. We use the shape and brow shape when we adjust the shape of our avatar. If LL were to get rid of these, there would be no more shape sliders. Without a skin and eyes there would be no more BOM layers, because BOM layers bake onto the skin and eye texture. System avatars would also be completely invisible, because they would have no texture. Even the skeleton of our avatars is part of our shape. What would we attach anything to if we didn't have a skeleton? How would we be able to sit or use furniture?
  15. I believe LL currently puts on a Shop & Hop event in June (to coincide with their birthday events), in October (for Halloween), in December (for the winter holidays), and in February (for Valentine's Day). June and December are the bigger events. I'd personally like to see the February Shop & Hop replaced with a Spring one, so as to space them out better throughout the year. I love Shop & Hop for collecting the free gifts, which would be quite a burden without the YouTube vlogers and Fab Free's interactive chart to help me narrow in on only the best gifts for my avatars.
  16. The Premium Plus homes have been wildly popular and must be giving LL a welcomed financial boost. Maybe they'll try something like my 2048 m Gothic Mansion idea? They wouldn't have to all be dark and spooky, but might give those who want a fairytale castle look something to play with as well. RL wealthy Victorians loved playful fantasy elements taken from various times and cultures.
  17. When Belleza brought out their GenX bodies, they said there wouldn't be any further updates to their Venus, Isis and Freya bodies. There weren't as many people using these bodies as there are people using Maitreya Lara, so their disappointment didn't register as being important. Of course Belleza also made the mistake of over-pricing the GenX bodies coming out of the gate and not giving their customers any discount on them, so many of their former customers switched to another brand, rather than buying one of the new bodies. The same thing happened when Slink brought out their Cinnamon and Chai bodies. Physique and Hourglass weren't as popular as Maitreya Lara, so the cries of their loyal Physique and Hourglass customers went largely unheard. Their new bodies didn't break the usefulness of their previous bodies though, so most people ignored Cinnamon and Chai, while those loyal to Physique and Hourglass continued to use those bodies. The ebody Reborn body, in contrast, was actually much more popular than the old eBody Slim and Curvy bodies had been. Reborn was lucky that it was seen as a good alternative to the rival Kupra bodies, so they actually gained customers, rather than losing them. Maitreya saw what happened with Belleza and Slink, so they didn't make the same mistakes. They gave those of us who already had Lara the new body for free, without discontinuing support for the old one. I think the amount of complaints about the changes is simply the result of there being so many Maitreya users. Some of us prefer the new body, while some prefer the old one. No problem. Both are still supported by Maitreya and by the creators of skins, tattoos and clothing. Skins and tattoos made for Maitreya bodies work equally well on either Lara classic or LaraX. Much of the old clothing doesn't work on the new body, but the new body is getting plenty of clothing, because creators can see that it's pretty popular, and they've also been supported by Maitreya listening to what they wanted to make rigging for LaraX easier than rigging for Lara classic had been. A few creators have stopped making clothes for Lara classic, but more are still making them. Some haven't even picked up LaraX yet, though if their customers ask for LaraX sizes, they will.
  18. Pet Delight: Being surprised by how gracious and generous some people are in SL. A little while ago I asked for advice in a group for a LaraX bikini. Besides several people suggesting stores, one creator also gave me a bikini she'd just updated to include a LaraX size. The folder included many other sizes as well. A couple days ago while flying over Bellisseria, I sent notes to 3 people reminding them that their skyboxes and one sky platform needed to be at 2000 m or higher. I fully expected that at least one person would take offense and tell me to mind my own business. No one did. Two graciously thanked me for telling them. One lady apologized and said she didn't know how to move her sky platform up. After giving her the simplest of explanations on how to change the z coordinate on her platform in Edit, she successfully moved it up. I congraduated her. Then, not only did she thank me for my help, but she also gave me $L 500! I thanked her, but also felt a little guilty for expecting people to be irritated with me for telling them their skyboxes and platform were too low.
  19. I bet us oldbies have more fun playing with the Senra avatars than the newbies do.
  20. Alternate uses for humus: Use in tuna or egg salad in place of mayonnaise, as a sandwich spread on a turkey or chicken sandwich, or add to cooked veggies to create a sauce for them. Imagine humus on cooked cauliflower or artichoke leaves. 😊
  21. The Chicory region has stores for Dinkies, but also has a free Centaur body by Jinx for the Senra bodies. I picked it up to try it. Maybe it will work with other bodies too? I saw one store giving away skins for the Senra avatars, but I wasn't impressed enough to pick those up.
  22. Note: Guguvagas / GGVG is at Shop & Hop with a $L 500 gift card or store credit. They have several outfits with LaraX sizes. The 2-piece gown with a bare left leg and chains on the left leg has been released by several stores under different names. It is a cute LaraX compatible outfit that can be found as a group gift or at a promotional price at several stores, with different color HUDs. I'd suggest getting it from more than one place for maximum color options.
  23. Yup, yup. ❤️ Every mesh head has its own peculiarities and limitations, Genus heads seem to map pretty closely to the standard SLUV map. I've also had good luck fitting skins made for Genus heads to Lelutka EvoX heads when they're on the Evolution (not EvoX) setting, though EvoX skins fit best. Even within the same brand, individual mesh heads are shaped differently and are limited in how much they'll respond to shape sliders, so if you want a particular look, you'll need to demo alot of mesh heads and skins to find the perfect match. When you get to this point, demo heads that look closest to the look you want, then adjust the shape that comes with them in small increments. The free Genus head is a good one to start with. The Senra Jamie head and body in the Library of our Inventory is a good mesh avatar to start with because it's easy to use, but it's limited in how it responds to shape sliders too.
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