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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. This is probably because the reasonable people have left the discussion or never entered it in the first place. 🙄 It's the vocal minority vs. the silent majority perception problem.
  2. @Love Zhaoying There's no rezz rights here though.
  3. Here's an interesting route for a possible connection someday between Sansara & the Ranch regions. 1. Start at Drum, at the end of the paved Linden road. Beyond this point there is a stretch of Protected land just waiting to be paved with a road. 2. Turn south here at Mushamush 3. Then turn east here at Mushamush 4. There's abandoned water here at Rumgally. 5. There's Protected Water at Dunbeath. It looks narrow here, but the deck is overhanging Linden land. 6. Then there's land held by Guy Linden with pending Protected status. 7. There are a couple of privately held parcels blocking a clear route to the eastern edge of Sansara. 😢 8. Then a much too narrow strip of Protected Land at the edge. 😢
  4. The TWI wolf - especially the smaller size, which my alt Tasha uses. As Persephone, though, I'm very fond of just slapping on a fantasy skin tone when I don't feel like presenting as human. Someday when I have plenty of money, I also plan to get the TWI cat for both Persephone and Alycia. A domesticated cat avatar is good for exploring without having to talk with people or seem out of place in most sims.
  5. No. That's considered very bad form in RL BDSM, which apparently most SL players know nothing about. When a submissive is collared, that means they are under the control and protection of their Master/Mistress. To ignore that relationship disrespects both the submissive and their Master/Mistress. SL BDSM is more often BDSM roleplay, in my opinion. In SL, having an open collar, spanker, or strippable clothing that anyone can interact with means that person wants anyone to be able to use it. This is probably where the confusion happened. The sim/club owners should have stated the rules that would have been understood in RL, because most SL BDSM players are going by SL expectations instead RL ones.
  6. A long bridge or tunnel uses alot of land impact and requires more work of the Moles than adding a couple of water rez zones does. I like the idea of a ferry for variety, but I agree it might be difficult to implement.
  7. SL height discrimination is a bit silly as a way to keep out child avatars. I guess it makes sense if a sim wants to keep out Tinies and Dinkies and small animal avatars, but RL people are often shorter than 5 feet tall. If a club wants more realism, how about setting a height restriction between 1m and 2.5 meters? In RL, people are seldom over 7 feet tall.
  8. @SarahKB7 Koskinen I saw that protected land in Sansara the other day. I also hope the LDPW creates a road & a bit of protected coastline there. I don't think it's necessary to have bridges or tunnels to connect to Bellisseria though. What about a ferry instead? With a stop at that rentable event land?
  9. Bellisseria is already connected to Sansara between the southern coast of Sansara and the Traditionals in "old" Bellisseria. When enough people buy Premium Plus accounts and take Ranch Homes for those regions to be no more than 3 regions away from the East River it will also be connected there.
  10. Yeah, no. Those are not reasonable rules. I might change my height or outfit, but I'm not going to change my skin/ race (except to be non-human, eg. N'avi). I am also NOT going to appear or act like a slave or submissive. I'm not going to be naked just because I'm female, but I will be naked in a nudist sim. I will not make more conversation than saying hello, if I don't feel like it, and no one is going to tell me when I can or can't leave. I'm also not going to let other people control my RLV settings. Nobody gets to control me or my avatar without my permission. I used to go to a Minoan sim that required women to have their breasts exposed, and even though that's not historically accurate, I did that because I wanted to do it.
  11. If rules are clearly stated, I generally follow their rules or I don't go in. For 1920's Berlin I made a shorter shape. For Gorean sims, I had Freewoman outfits so I wouldn't get harassed. The only thing I don't do is use their HUD or OOC titles in roleplay sims that I want to explore. I have my own group, with an OOC title, so I use that.
  12. I don't spend much in SL, but I'll grab free stuff like crazy. The thing is, sometimes when I'm grabbing free stuff I also decide to buy something. If I hadn't gone into the store for the freebies, I wouldn't have bought anything there, so offering freebies works. I have 4 avatars who each have free mesh heads, but I've also bought 2 Lelutka heads and one Akeruka one because I wanted those particular heads too. ( I'm counting $L 1 heads as freebies, btw, but if enough people pay $L, that adds up to real money for the creator too.) Now, using the drug dealer analogy Unilway used above, your first sample is free, but after you get a taste for it, you'll pay for more.
  13. In marketing terms, I think it's called a loss leader. The hype for 2 weeks each year gets thousands of people into the store, many of whom wouldn't have gone there otherwise. It also creates good will toward the brand, and makes some of those who got a free mesh head be more inclined to buy one later. Then so many people have the free heads (often the first mesh head they've had), that skin makers want to sell skins to fit them. We don't want to all look exactly the same after all. Thus it creates a big market for EvoX skins, which in turn creates a big market for more EvoX heads.
  14. We can make this even more complicated by considering the cost savings of each person having multiple annual Premium accounts, rather than paying monthly tier payments. 3 people paying for 1 annual Premium account and $ 13/ month each will cost them $ 255/ year. If one person pays all of the monthy tier cost to LL, then splits the cost with the other 2 people, this will cost them each $ 223/ year, but one person would have to make sure the other 2 pay their share on time each month. If each person pays for 2 Premium accounts, this would cost them each $ 198/ year and would give the group 6752 square meters of tier. Subtract that from the 8192 sq m you want to buy, and this leaves only 1440 sq m of tier that would need to be paid monthy. Divided by 3 people, this would be 480 sq m each, or realistically 512 m each, which is $ 4/ month (plus tax ?). They'd each pay $ 246/ year. They'd also have twice the monthy stipend, however, which is worth about $ 60/ account/ year.
  15. Filter for attachments attached to Avatar Center to filter out most of those that are not mesh bodies. Note there are multiple version for bodies too, so add those together for more realistic totals. My estimate from looking at this data is that the top 4 most popular female bodies are Maitreya Lara (classic), eBody Reborn, Legacy female, and LaraX. The top 3 male bodies seem to be Legacy Male, Legacy Male athletic, and Belleza Jake. Signature Gianni has dropped considerably. Petite sizes are pretty popular for women too, so if it doesn't take much more work to rig for those, it's probably worth the effort. The Legacy (TMP) free bodies are pretty popular too, but will the people who get a free or $L 1 body spend much on clothing?
  16. Once 3 people have donated 1024 m each to your group, the amount of tier available for the group to purchase land will be 3379 square meters because of the 10 % group land bonus. Because land can only be purchased in units divisible by 16 (4x4), this would actually allow the group to purchase 3376 square meters. As Qie explains above, it's best to calculate how much you all want to contribute and to do so before purchasing your land. This way you'll get the 10% bonus upfront and ensure there are no misunderstandings or hurt feelings later. If one or more of you decides to get a Linden Home, it can also be set to your group if you wish, so everyone in the group can rez items there, but it will still only be owned by the person who owns the account for it.
  17. Looking at this map, I had an interesting idea. I think it's likely the Ranch regions will connect to Sansara in the north eventually. (I keep forgetting the name of the region where the big Linden protected river connects The Sea of Fables to the eastern coast of Sansara.) The north part of Sansara has a bunch of Linden owned land, and it's not that far between Heterocera and those regions. It would be cool if someday, maybe, there could be a connection between the Heterocera railway and the Bellesseria one. I think this is unlikely, given all the privately held land, but I do think we'll see a water connection between Sansara and the Ranch regions in the not too distant future.
  18. I'm sure there will be a rail connection between the Mediterranean region and Sakura, but I'm not sure there will be one between Sakura and Newbrook. There is an unfinished northern Newbrook coastline, but no tracks are near that. An existing coastal region would have to have tracks added to connect to Sakura. Considering all the House Boat parcels along west coast, this would have to be at a region that doesn't have house boats. 🤔 This is possible, but I think there are only a couple regions that have train tracks and no house boats.
  19. Hi, Geoff Short answer: You're correct on everything you said, except that automatic payments to LL depend on how each person sets up their account, those can be revoked by the account holder at any time, and they won't work if there are insuffient funds to cover payment. Longer answer: The person who creates the group is the first group owner. They can add other people as co-owners, and in doing so those people get all the same owner rights, including the ability to sell or abandon the land or kick out everyone from the group except other group owners. Be very careful who you trust with group ownership! Personally, I would not trust anyone else with group ownership except my alts, although I've had a friend make me a co-owner of a group they created. Group members can donate as much tier as they wish, and have to manually designate in the group profile how much tier they donate. They don't have to donate any and can also remove what they have donated at any time. You can see under the "Land & L $" tab of the group profile how much tier each person has donated. If the total amount of donated tier falls below the amount needed to hold the group land, there should be a warning, but check the "Land & L$" tab periodically, because it's easy to miss this. LL will not immediately penalize the group if the amount of tier falls below the needed level, but it's possible the group owner(s) could be locked out of their account(s) for unpaid debts or the land could be taken back by Governance. Once you have a group and enough donated tier in it to purchase the land, one group owner must wear their group tag and purchase the land "for a group", not as an individual. This will allow the group to purchase 10% more land without paying for extra tier. At this point, if there is abandoned land in the same region, one of the owners can put in a customer support ticket to buy it directly from LL, usually at $L 1/ square meter. Even if this land doesn't touch the main parcel, this will give you more land impact to use. Because you can't control when those who have donate tier might withdraw it or run into payment problems, be prepared to cut off and abandon pieces of the land if necessary, in order to avoid jeopardizing the rest of the land. Group owners should also have a Basic account alt as a member of the group, with Owner rights, so that if their Premium account gets locked out, they can still manage the group and land. Group land can be a wonderful way to have more land and create a community in SL, but it can also lead to drama and broken friendships if conflicts occur. Good Luck with your group and land! 😊
  20. I'd like to try this device to see how it actually works, but I don't have a Mainland parcel. Would it work in a sandbox or in group-owned land, or does it have to be on land the owner of it owns?
  21. Oh Hell no. I usually spend about $ 200 / year for 2 Premium accounts. This last year I only spent $ 100 for one Premium account. Even if I add a few lindens for spending money, it's still only about $ 10 to $ 20 / month overall. That's hardly a luxury entertainment expense. My laptop is fairly high end, but I've had it for close to 5 years now, so that's not bad either.
  22. I think it's clear from the regions north and south of this gap that these regions will be part of a north-south waterway. They will require manual in situ creation and will not have homes in them, so they won't be revenue-generating. As such, they're a lower priority than regions with homes. I expect they will get filled in soon though. There could be a community region here or adjacent to the east, however.
  23. It's a good time to work on Inventory, rather than going shopping.
  24. I have it, but I don't know which hair Tasha is wearing in that picture.
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