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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. As of a few minutes ago, there was 1 Ranch parcel & 2 Mediterranean parcels available. I hope the Moles release more of both this week.
  2. For every person who enthusiastically reports someone not following the rules, a Governace Linden will cry 😢 about all this stupid work they have to do.
  3. If hair is rigged but still texture modifiable, you may be able to make parts of it temporarily invisible by selecting pieces of it and setting them to 100% Transparent. When you want to show the rest of the hair again, set it to 0% transparent. I often do this with strands of hair that cover the eyes, not to mention tenting hair to exactly the shade I want.
  4. At this time, alpha testing of the mobile app is only available to Premium Plus accounts. However, the alpha mobile client is bound to be very buggy. Hopefully, when they have a beta version ready, they might open up testing to regular Premium account holders. @Love Zhaoying, has access to the alpha mobile client. Maybe he or others who are testing it can give us some feedback? Or they might be held to a NDA on discussing it?
  5. My alt Alycia has been wearing one of the numerous No.Match group gift hairs, called No_Explosion. They have very many styles for African hair. This one that I love on her comes in 2 parts. The part close to the head is mesh braids. The optional add-on is long mesh curls at the back (almost like flexi) that can be a single color or with wilder colors on the ends. I add one of the Lelutka BOM hairbases for gorgeous black baby curls around her face. Since No_Explosion comes in 2 parts, I think one could wear the mesh scalp braids and add a bun or fall, if one wanted a classy updo. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/174575 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/nomatch-NOEXPLOSION/23259049 No_But looks cute too https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/nomatch-NOBUT-all-COLORS-DEMO/24947973
  6. The Firestorm viewer is not a Linden Lab owned viewer. The best place to give input on it would be on the Firestorm website. Each time a new version comes out, there are plenty of comments in the comment section for that release.
  7. Well, yeah, of course. If someone can afford to buy clothes for Jamie or Blake, then they can afford to get a LucyBody Atenea, a DNA male mesh body, or one of the $L1 Legacy TMP bodies, and then get free or sale clothing for those. Why spend money on a sub-par free mesh body when there are better-looking mesh bodies with better-looking mesh clothes made for them? I don't mean to disparage Jamie and Blake. I think they're very good starter avatars. But they are *starter avatars* for newbies who haven't decided they want to spend real money on playing in SL yet.
  8. I never said land flippers were a problem. They're just part of the SL economy. People who want to get rid of land have choices in how to do so. People who want to aquire land have choices in how to do so. Both include selling to or buying from land flippers. If people don't want to pay a high price from a land flipper, they can request abandoned land, talk to their neighbors about buying their land, or buy land when it's priced lower. LL is already involved in Adult regions with Zindra & Horizons. Since they apply a lazze faire attitude with these, they could apply the same attitude with another Adult residential continent. Horizons has some problems, but occupancy isn't one of them. As long as there are people who prefer to live in Adult regions rather than General or Moderate ones, LL won't lack for users who will pay Premium to have a home in such a region. LL doesn't need to worry about losing Mainland tenants to Bellisseria, because either way they make money. The people who might worry are estate landlords. When the old Linden Homes were created, many Mainland landlords suddenly lost their market. Those who were able to offer a better experience survived. The net result was better housing choices for users. Capitalism at work. Meanwhile, LL can sink the old Linden Home regions when they become empty enough, but they can't sink empty regions in the middle of Mainland. They need to do something to keep those regions paying for themselves, but I don't think it makes sense for them to have different rules than the regions surrounding them. When LL created the old Linden Home regions, that had never been done before. When they created Horizons, that had never been done before. When they created Bellisseria, that had never been done before. When they created Linden Home demo regions, that had never been done before. When the created the new Welcome Hub, with different kinds of SL experience demo regions, this had never been done before either. After 20 years in the virtual world business, they've learned a bit about what works and what doesn't, and one thing that they know doesn't work is refusing innovation. They also know not to invest time and money on every wild scheme that someone suggests.
  9. When SSP on the names & colored region markers are gone, check to see if they look done, then request the parcel you want through Premium Plus customer support. ( I don't know the specifics of how to do that.)
  10. What percentage of people who get a Linden Home in Bellesseria do you think actually read the covenant? What percentage of people taking your Mainland 2.0 regions do you think would read and follow a covenant for it? Do you think LL has enough Moles or Lindens to monitor all these new regions to make sure no one has low hanging skyboxes or walls over 10 m high? They can't even fully monitor rotaing signs or Adult content on Moderate or General land now. They will always have to depend on other residents policing and reporting their neighbors, which would be less likely to happen in scattered regions than on distinct residential continents such as Bellisseria. Let me suggest another version of Mainland 2.0. What if LL were to complete Corsica IV by adding a river and adjacent protected Linden land, then continuing the continent with regions that allow commerce, but forbid skyboxes below 2000 m or walls higher than 5 meters? These regions should have Linden roads, and should allow the buying and selling of parcels 256 square meters or greater. No rotating signs. All regions to be Moderate land. This would be a small experiment in more restricted mainland, so see how popular it might be. In keeping with the more adult side of SL theme for 2024, I think they might also complete the Zendra continent and add a Bellisseria-style Adult residential continent, accessible from Zendra.
  11. Just to clarify, the only way people can return your prims, your tenant's prims or your group member's prims is if they are at least partially on their property.
  12. LL isn't going to change the rules for existing Mainland because doing so wouldn't be worth the confusion and customer disgruntlement this would cause. Given the popularity of Bellisseria, however, they might want to try similar development of Adult residential regions or some kind of Mainland 2.0, both of which could limit skyboxes to 1000 m or above. I hope they'll finish the coastline of Zindra and Corsica IV as well.
  13. @Sid Nagy is mostly correct, but forgot one option. You can purchase a Plus account, which is less expensive than Premium or Premium Plus. This lets you buy 512 m of mainland (175 Land Impact). You could also purchase more tier, which would allow you to buy more land, but would cost you a monthy maintenance fee. 512 m isn't generally enough land for a house and furnishings, but might be enough for a simple skybox. Apple Fall has an excellent free skybox called New York Appartment. Other low land impact skyboxes are also available on Marketplace or inworld. The best value is an annual Premium subscription for $ 99 US, which lets you either buy 1024 m of mainland (with no monthly fees) or pick a free Linden Home. p.s. You can also add a skybox or platform over a Linden Home, as long as it is at 2000 m above or higher.
  14. No. You only need to know how to do stuff. You can learn some building skills at Builders Brewery .
  15. SL is not dying. It's just changing. Many users have tired of the joys of mainland and opted for shopping over building and creating. We switched from the creative craziness to a quiet, predictable and respectable Bellesseria. We want Linden Lab, the Moles and creators to spoon-feed us a pretty, little virtual world, where we can escape from our harsh and crazy RL one. We probably have less patience with griefers with pen!s shooting guns when RL is full of real shooters and real warfare. We don't want to be reminded of RL politics and social problems. We want our peaceful little gardens, doll houses and virtual Barbies. We want to sail on seas that are calm and free of garbage. We want to ride the rails where there are no unslightly industrial parks or abandoned buildings. We want to live free of winter storms and homeless encampments on our sidewalks.
  16. I'm happy that Valentina E. is rigging for LaraX. I love her clothes. Her clothes fit Persephone's more modest style, but didn't fit her Freya body shape. I saw that I missed a lovely sweater and knit skirt set on the last $L 60 weekend sale though, so now I'm subscribed so I won't miss another deal like that. Bumblebee has some LaraX clothes, but some vendors can use their gift card credit and some can't. Their lucky letter outfits are mostly not for LaraX of course, but the thigh high boots are. I wonder if they were actually rigged for LaraX or the old Maitreya size fit ok, so the owner just slapped a LaraX label on them? Blueberry started rigging for LaraX, but my old outfits haven't been updated for it. 😥 My boots fit fine, and their high waisted jeans can work with either Maitreya or Legacy sizes, but only some of my tops still work. The problem with matching jeans with boots is always that the jeans might break through the boots unless they're for the same outfit. I also refused to buy anything from their winter sale of old bargain outfits because I'm only buying LaraX now, but I should have bought the Power Play boots for Alycia, because those are awesome. (3 styles and flat or heels all in one pack) My alts, Alycia & Tasha, are thin enough that they can usually still wear Maitreya sized jeans. Persephone generally has to wear Legacy on her LaraX body. The upside of that, is that the autohide doesn't go crazy, like it does with original Maitreya clothes on a LaraX body.
  17. This is where you need a folder full of BOM tops, especially tank tops & camisols.
  18. Newbies in general, but especially the ones who want to explore SL. My home is a north coast Victorian, so it's not too far from the welcome hub. Yesterday I saw a 2 week old newbie in the female starter avatar that has a horse riding along the coastal road. I waved from my front porch and said "Nice day for a ride." They stopped as if trying to figure out who was talking to them and then continued on their way, which confirms to me that they were a real newbie. Another new person who I met through the forum was writing a blog about exploring SL and was eager to explore, even learning from and exploring with multiple people, working on making his avatar look more like his RL self, trying out using a female alt, and getting into a relationship and sharing a home with another resident. If you've been to Disneyland or Disney World with a kid, they let you experience the joy and excitement through their eyes. An enthusiastic newbie in SL does the same thing for me in SL.
  19. When my Mom & I lived in the country on her grape vineyard, her cousin's older Labrador was killed by coyotes. We frequently heard coyotes yowling at night. I saw their droppings full of fur and grape seeds by the vineyards. A neighbor said they would bite into his rubber watering tubing to drink the water. When I would see a couple while walking out in the vineyards with our dogs, the dogs seemed to know they were not dogs and were not friendly, because they would bark and keep their distance.
  20. Northern Mediterranean Regions North-Eastern Ranch Regions
  21. The friend who's always hoping I'll be up for SL sex, when I'm really not interested at this time in my life.
  22. Some of the homes are being held in Maintenance.
  23. You know how you have to go underwater to find some portals? It's kind of like that. p.s. Be sure your sound is turned on.
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