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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. NA-9 or NA-22 look fuller & thus more mane-like to me. I agree with Rowen, though. Look at No.Match and other hair stores. My alt Tasha wears long & somewhat fluffy blonde hair while in hunanoid form too, to imply her wolf fur. Her ears are included with the Lelutka Gaia head.
  2. BonnieBots searches for all attachments besides clothing. I decided to filter for those attached to Avatar Center to filter out mesh heads, squishy thighs, It's Not Mine, and everything else that's not a mesh body. It helps to see which bodies are the most popular, even if it doesn't give exactly correct numbers.
  3. I notice the LaraX v1.1 last night while looking at the BonnieBots website. Filter for Attachments to Avatar Center to see which bodies people are wearing.
  4. Thank you to all the Moles! Even if we don't see you inworld, we see your finished work in all the houses, landscaping, soundscapes, etc. Thank you, Abnor especially for all the new coastline and train tracks.
  5. If the branches are coming through your walls, it's a problem. If you can grab part of the tree with Edit, you can return it. Enabling Show Transparent might help. If you're using Firestorm, you can also derender items you don't want to see. ( I'm assuming the branches are phantom, so they don't physically obstruct movement.)
  6. I'd guess they're clones, but they seem to be going in by a new method. First they were just flat green land this morning. By evening they had roads, trees, dark rectangles where the active parcels will go, and orange region markers. 12 regions at orange already in less than a 12 hour period! This is amazingly fast work. And there were 6 new Ranch regions going in at the same time. Amazing work!
  7. The roads & landscaping are already going in for the new Mediterranean regions. There are also 2 more regions south of these, SSP Dandelion Wine & SSP Toujour Printemps:
  8. I'll note that "East Osprey Junction" implies a train line.
  9. Correction: There are 6 new North East Ranch Coast regions. SSP Longhorn & SPP Fish Sticks along the top portion, then Nemo Bay & Cape Dory below this: From Cape Dory to SSP Cold Stone Bluff & Lost Again ^ I'm guessing that stretch of road in the water off to the right is Abnor's marker for the edge of that region. ^ SSP Longhorn Fish Sticks Miz Trueheart Nemo Bay Mighty Dog Cape Dory Pine Gulch SSP Cold Stone Bluff Lost Again Nuthatch Sweet Adeline Specific Rim SSP Whipshaw Ridge SSP Darian
  10. Illegal *where* in RL? Prostitution is legal in some places, even in the US. Phone sex and porn is legal in the US, which is essentially what SL sex is. On the other hand, wearing a bikini or kissing someone of the same sex in public are also illegal in some RL counties.
  11. Oh my gosh, are there helicopters in SL that can play an annoying warning about a man in a hoodie who police are searching for? p.s. I hope they don't scare the cows. 🏠 🐄 🐄 🚁
  12. It's a good thing I don't know where you live, Zali. Else I might be tempted to buy adjacent land and put a bunch of cows on the edge, looking moournfully at your lovely green grass. 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄
  13. If that happens, we'll have bigger problems to worry about than whether we can play in SL or not.
  14. I'm starting to think LL should have left airspace between 1000 m and 2000 m open to public movement, but they aren't going to change this now. I agree that people should be able to keep others out of their property, even if it's rented virtual space. However, I see no reasonable reason to teleport them home, unless that property is on a private estate. Bouncing them to the closest public land would serve the same purpose for protecting one's privacy. Oh, but some people want to inflict pain and suffering because someone dared to step a virtual toe onto their virtual property! 🙃 In RL there are laws against this. If a teenager drives onto your driveway, comes up to your front door and knocks on it in the middle of the night, it is illegal to open your door and shoot them. It doesn't matter if you thought they were there to harass you or not. You also don't have the ability to send them home or even to punt them into the public road that runs in front of your property. 🙄 I purpose that LL should disable the ability to send others home on Linden owned land. They are the owners and landlords of this land, so they would be within their rights to remove this ability. People could still use banlines or zero second orbs to bounce potential intruders to the nearest public land. Estate owners would also still be able to send people home for any reason and to allow their tenants to do the same. p.s. My primary reason for suggesting this change is so new users won't feel like SL is a hostile and unusable environment. I don't care if you don't like newbies. Linden Lab needs them to keep SL profitable.
  15. No.Match has a problem with how it uses dots and underscores in naming. If you search for the store inworld and search for "No Match", you won't find it. You have to search for No.Match. If you search for specific hair on Marketplace, you have to use the underscore, such as "No_Explosion".
  16. Maybe there needs to be a way for you to get a concealed carry license?
  17. My stuff is secured, so I'm not worried. I used to get tremors on mainland from time to time, especially when I'd been moving land around. Since I lived near the center of the dormant Heterocera Atol volcano, I figured it was from that. Thank goodness it never erupted. I think Belli is built on a chain of pretty recently surfaced volcanic islands though. Mt. Soji is the largest of the volcanos, but I saw one in Fantasseria and I've heard there are volcanos in the Log Home and Chalet regions too. Honestly, I'd be more worried if I lived in a Stilt Home, because that sand doesn't seem like a great base for houses and people keep talking about islands sinking into the sea.
  18. Kids selling candy bars to pay for camp, JW & Mormon missionaries going door to door in Bellisseria.
  19. Treehouses are the recent addition to the Fantasy homes.
  20. Sailing or boating in general Floating in an inner tube Using the natural water level for ponds or swimming pools Linden-interactive items such as clothing that changes textures to look wet
  21. No. Cat-speak for bird is "ek ek ek ek".
  22. I did that at work once, and my lead reprimanded me for it. 😄
  23. Before Bellisseria, and especially before the original Linden Homes, most people went Premium so they could own land. I've had mainland on 3 different continents and rented out parcels on 2 of those land holdings. I had over a quarter region the first 2 times, shared with others. My last land was on Heterocera a few years ago, which I sold to a neighbor. Owning mainland can be very rewarding if you enjoy landscaping it. Finances and boredom just gave me reasons to try Bellisseria. p.s. Obviously, there is mainland owned by people who went Premium. There are also obviously many people who rent from mainland land holders and estate owners. Those of us who shop or do roleplay might need more groups, but not everyone does. How many groups did Basic accounts get before? I can only remember having 42 as a Premium member.
  24. While one could find and buy a 50 Li house, the houses in Bellisseria probably average around 300 Li. I think my Shelly Victorian is over 340 Li.
  25. Aren't Bellisseria parcels essentially double prim too, since the houses and controllers don't count against one's alloted land impact? Then we have fencing, hedges, and other landscaping that is also free.
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