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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Heck I had a few issues around about six AM or so, Eastern time.
  2. That is an exceedingly tiny factor to it, yes. It has more to do with societal fear of "The Other" - be that someone with a different skin tone, mentality, viewpoint ...... The Fandom/Community does itself no real favors either.
  3. More like bad idea because it encourages laziness, thin skins and other negative thought processes/attributes. The current system was put in with the thought that the users were all mature in mind set. A mistake? Perhaps ...
  4. As was pointed out in a different thread, the (apparent) DDoS is not limited to Linden Lab. If they have any information, it is likely to be posted when there is actually someone there to post an update. Sheesh - some of the current crop of users would have had an aneurysm years ago, back when the entire Grid was taken offline during the Maintenance cycles.
  5. Oh hey, someone didn't drop what they were doing to respond to you after a *gasp* whole five minutes! So what?
  6. Ah yes, let's make it so that those you chose to block or derender also block/derender you automatically in the system. Such a wonderful idea! Did the dripping sarcasm shine through? Probably not ... Block/Mute/Derender and move on.
  7. M'kay .... Point Blank: Furry is not an actual race. No, really it isn't. Get over it, deal with it. Your own attitude regarding Human and similar avatars reeks of the same "intolerance" you claim is leveled at Furries. Grow up. Get over it. Welcome to Second Life - Sim/Parcel owners are under no obligation to allow you or anyone else in. None. They pay the bills, they set the rules. Deal with it. No Trolling? Welcome to the Internet and Welcome to a Public Forum. Here, you have no say nor control over who responds. Again, deal wit it. Sheesh ....
  8. Do I look like a Linden Lab employee? How about an employee at any of the ISPs that own the server systems that the data being sent, flows? Welcome to Technology. If the problem exists on one machine and either does not exist on a second or is far less frequent on the second then guess what? The first machine is part of the problem. In what way? There are several reasons, mostly network related. No, you haven't done all of the troubleshooting. All of it includes taking steps unrelated to Second Life or its client programs, such as potential driver updates, wholly reinstalling your OS (nuclear option) and even unplugging your modem/router for a minute or two and plugging it back in. Ditto for any wired connection points as well as swapping from Wireless to Wired. From your recent post ... The problem has been "resolved" - so, what exactly did you do to fix it? Did it fix itself? If the latter, all that means is that whatever condition caused the issue was likely on Linden Lab's end or somewhere in between. If the latter it also further illustrates why swapping machines would mitigate the issue. In closing: If you want "serious" replies, you'd better be open to others questioning you or pointing out additional points of failure/variables.
  9. And that problem - by your own account - was solved or mitigated by using a different computer. There are these things called "variables" - adding a different computer to the mix adds a whole set of them, starting with "problem exists on one machine, not consistently present on another."
  10. Yeah, other people having problems or not, the moment you swapped machines it became a factor.
  11. If you're going to mangle one of my posts when responding, don't bother to respond. Context - it matters.
  12. No, just no. Either you make individual categories for EVERY type of Fantasy Avatar..... Or you do not. Period. The existing categories are more than enough, some specialized categories were already added in... And simply did not need to be. Those who review Marketplace flags need to have a singular, cohesive and flexible example listing for what items belong in the different categories. That would cut down on flag griefing immensely. The search system needs a tiny bit of work as well - want a Furry anything at all? Run a search containing that as a key word. Simple. Normally I distance myself a bit from the Furry community within Second Life - the attitudes of some Furries in this thread being part of why. Speaking as a Furry? We do not need any further specialized Marketplace categories. We simply don't. Numbers confer no special privilege - get over it and deal with it.
  13. Except base hatred is still a reason. Not the reason I meant, but a reason. Is it reasonable? Not really, no.
  14. Now, my own thoughts on a smattering of the things brought up in this thread - one I have ignored until now simply because I had hoped saner, more level headed minds would prevail. The assumption and assertion that a Linden is somehow behind any of this is .... false. Period. You would know and understand this if a bit of thought was given to the whole thing and if you'd been around long enough to watch the company grow, shrink, change ..... They have always had a hands off approach, not acting until a report crosses their inbox or - in the early years when many actually roamed Second Life - they came across it directly. No amount of assertion otherwise will change that - at all. This notion that Furries require specialized categorization in the Marketplace is .... questionable at best. As is the apparent bending on this by Linden Lab. Unless they plan on further expanding all of the Fantasy entries into their own Categories - a monumental task, given the extreme diversity of Fantasy Races - then there is no need whatsoever for there to be many more Categories added. The existing ones should suffice. The crux of the problem is - being brutally honest - contained in my post prior to this: There is no unified consensus even among Lindens as to where some items should go. That needs to change. An untextured head? It's an Avatar Component, not an Accessory and certainly not a completed Avatar or some such. No need for a different category - at all. Same honestly for a textured head. Mods ... are a wee bit trickier, yes. At the end of the day though, we do not need more Categories specially designated for specific Fantasy avatars. I was honestly among those who almost slammed my head into the nearest wall when I saw some of those categories go in - the Slippery Slope had begun. And yes, this from someone who spends most of his Second Life time as either an Anthropomorphic Fox or Kitsune. Perhaps it is my physical age, perhaps it is my mental age .... I see the way some have responded in this thread and it honestly makes me want to grab a newspaper and start swatting a few people. Some of you are acting like children, some are a bit more reasoned but still refuse to listen .... And at the end of the day, many Furries sit and wonder why it seems so much vitriol is aimed at the fandom: The answer is dead simple and a good example of it can be found in this very thread. Kudos if you figure out the answer. I cannot believe I forgot to state this so editing this post to add in the following: The only Linden Lab employees you'll find responding on any of the various Forum categories will always be designated. They will utilize accounts marking them as Linden Lab Employees. Thus far I have yet to see exceptions to this so anyone making the assumption that anyone responding to a thread that is not clearly marked as a Linden is somehow a Lab employee or some other such nonsense ... Well I think most understand where that was going.
  15. The answer is quite simple, logical and one that has always been present: Any action taken - be it an Abuse Report being looked at by the Governance Team or even a flagged item on the Marketplace - is up to the sole discretion of the responding Linden. Some of these actions have later been overturned - usually in cases of Governance or similar - while others stand as is. When it comes to the flags for the Marketplace, it is very likely that no record of the action or response is kept once the reviewing Linden has taken action, beyond what is logged in that reviewing Linden's files. In short: Category recommendations will vary depending on what the responding Linden believes the proper placement for the item in question is. There is not nor has ever been a unified thought on what items go where - be it among employees of Linden Lab or among Second Life's user base.
  16. Yep. It's also almost like clockwork.
  17. No, all a First Person mode requires is .... A first person perspective and ability to move around. You want more than that, make it yourself. Scripts should not be stored or run client side - period. The reasoning for this has been explained many times before - deal with it. No, you do not require 144 fps for your monitor. The refresh rate is the upper limit, not a requirement. For Second Life, such a refresh rate is absolute overkill, much like the habit some have of cranking their Draw Distance up to the equivalent of over three sims distance and complaining about their performance or the lack of content. Furthermore - as has been pointed out by others, across many threads - the performance of any given place within Second Life is affected by the content others have placed out. Not getting your overkill frame rate? Chances are it's thanks to what is around you, coupled with some of the more dated code Second Life uses. Is Second Life a bit dated in its capabilities? Yes, it is. Short of a complete rewrite, it always will be and it will simply fall farther behind. Welcome to technology and forward progress. Of course, others have tried to tell you much the same, in far gentler ways and you've simply brushed it off. You don't want to listen, much like the OP with several of their threads and assertions - good for you! It changes nothing. The information you've been given will still be the same at the end of the day. Have fun tilting at windmills.
  18. It has nothing whatsoever to do with "graphic adult content" and everything to do with it being their network to do with as they please.
  19. Giving such object rights is predicated on the person you are giving them to being a "friend" in the system. You cannot grant this permission to those you do not have as "friends" - only a similar one that can be given out to whole Roles in a Group. As such the system would have to either revoke the permission should you unfriend a person or simply ignore that given permission. As LittleMe pointed out above though: Like many permissions changes, it requires a relog to fully take effect.
  20. Realms went open access to all accounts some time ago. Last this was examined, this had not changed.
  21. That anyone could look at an account with any name difference (and yes, adding an X is a difference) as well as a wholly different profile (typing style being the least of these differences) speaks volumes. That you're at all worried about such low on the totem pole types also speaks volumes. Garnet and Callum have given good advice on the "issue" - here's hoping you take it.
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