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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. If they have active vendors and/or an active MP store - they aren't closed. It's that simple. "Closed" for a shopkeeper in Second Life means "nothing can be bought" - not "you cannot come inside". Others have used networked vendor systems that can simply be shut down for their in world shops. How they manage any MP store in a similar manner is ... not something I am familiar with. And no, the issue is with the expectation that a user will not buy from an active vendor. Also with the notion that a digital shop can somehow be "closed" with active vendors on parcel. Don't want sales - for any reason? Don't have an active vendor out. not where a user can simply cam in to use it.
  2. Cam in, buy from vendor - unless something changed in the last few years, banlines do not prevent scripts responding to a payment or an input. If a user also has an MP store they sure as heck don't prevent that from functioning.
  3. That's nice. No one is "taking" anyone's stuff. Again, don't want sales on a particular day? Shut down/pick up your vendors (perhaps a day prior) and if you have an MP store, do the same. Once said day passes, set it back up. Can't be arsed to do that? Don't complain. Banlines or not - active vendors and/or an active MP store means you'll have sales.
  4. An ordinary person would also be rather curious as to what is going on inside the shop and might just cam inside. Especially if it is a shop that was just wholly accessible a day or so prior. There are also those for whom Cam Shopping is a "normal" activity - it is far easier for them than wandering around the store. "Their parcel, their stuff" only goes so far. Again, don't want sales on a particular day? Shut down/pick up your vendors (perhaps a day prior) and if you have an MP store, do the same. Once said day passes, set it back up. Can't be arsed to do that? Don't complain.
  5. Banlines up but active vendors inside? Sorry - not even close to your example. Don't want sales on your (general) Holy Day? Pick up your vendors and disable your MP shop (if you have one) the day prior. Set vendors out and reactivate MP shop afterward. Simple.
  6. Line? None. General chatter if you want to be slow, blunt and to the point if you're just looking for an evening distraction or such.
  7. I presently do not have a stream set up at my home and honestly for good reason: I don't like listening to the radio. If I want music, I fire up my media player, pick a playlist and hit play. Genre wise (and in general) I tend to listen to almost anything except the bulk of modern cRap, screamo (including any Metal wherein the 'vocals' are unintelligible) and the bulk of Christian music. Music acts as a sort of muse for me.
  8. Sadly, no. Prok is incapable of trolling, not on that level and certainly not purposely. Prok actually believes what they post is The One Holy Truth and will viciously attack anyone that dares to disagree, eventually going so far as to try and discover the identity of the person operating the account disagreeing... All in the name of "accountability".
  9. Miracast and similar can operate in any number of ways. Some do require a direct WIFi connection.
  10. Even items that don't actually exist as active anymore have the option.
  11. Your opinions on the matter do not constitute facts. What you believe to be "rational" is nothing more than your opinion.
  12. .... VBO is an OpenGL function, not the entirety of OpenGL. If you really want to try disabling OpenGL in your chosen Second Life client, you'll have to shut off rendering of everything as every client out there bloody uses OpenGL as the renderer ..... Oh and it does not matter when you bought your computer - older hardware is older hardware is older hardware. You may have bought the machine eighteen months ago but the parts inside are not eighteen months old. Heck they weren't even "new" when whatever machine you bought was assembled.
  13. Again, that's nice. And again, reality doesn't care about your opinion. Have a pleasant existence.
  14. That's nice. All utterly irrelevant but still nice. When a normal person asks you if something runs, they do not mean "does it load" and in the case of Second Life they do not mean "can I log in" ... Sorry, no. Chrome Book types are as I described them - that is reality. As is the fact that the answers you gave are not what was actually being asked. Believe as you will. Reality will keep not caring.
  15. No worries - I likely came across as a bit sharper than intended when making the correction. There are some types that just ... rub me the wrong way. But yeah, your options are very limited and some will require a fair bit of technical knowledge or at the least a competent tutorial. As it stands, you're not going to be able to use a "normal" Second Life client on that machine - not at what most would truly call "acceptable". Bearable? Perhaps .... As has been suggested, if you can use the Google Play Store on that machine, you could use Lumiya.
  16. You are "Flydragon" - not "Cykar" I did not respond to you a moment ago. Now I am.
  17. Cykar, I know very well what I am talking about - thank you very much. You make a habit of pretending "loads the program" means "useful" or "works" - loading and actually being properly usable are not the same thing - at all. You like to tinker - lovely. You also took the "system requirements" page - which has not been updated in a long time - at face value. Not so lovely. Getting a program to load does not mean it is usable - that's reality. Just as my description of any Chromebook is reality. You don't have to like it nor do you have to agree - both are quite irrelevant. Your opinion doesn't change anything.
  18. A Chromebook is not a laptop, no matter which company builds it nor what their user base might try and state. It is a mock Android Tablet, designed truthfully for little more than use as a basic word processor and web surfing device. There really is a reason why they are far cheaper than "normal" laptop machines.
  19. It is also one of the many reasons why some view Complexity as being an absolutely worthless value - at least for anything beyond one's own machine. Which is how it should be. Users need to tune/tweak things so that their experience is good and their machine renders things well. Any attempt to enforce a Complexity value beyond that needs to be put down.
  20. Reality contradicts that one on a daily basis.
  21. Objects you create go into the Objects folder. Objects you buy (such as boxes that need to be unpacked) go to the Objects folder if you bought them "in world" whereas Objects bought over the Marketplace go to your Received folder. Yes, there is a script function that can create folders (as Love mentioned above) but by and large an Object Opened (not Edited) will dump its contents into a folder it creates in your inventory.
  22. It's a public forum - people will respond as they see fit (within the confines of the Terms of Service). Considering there are people logged in right now (including myself) the issue is either your machine (in which case we'd need the information Cindy mentioned above to even begin trying to help) or somewhere between you and LL's servers. In short - it's your connection.
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