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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. No, users can only read Instant Message conversations they are part of. No, it being against the Terms of Service has nothing whatsoever to do with "invasion of privacy" as it is only against ToS to share within Linden Lab owned services.
  2. You've had this explained to you already and yet you persist .... You believe it is "wrong" - that does not make it so. Deal with it.
  3. Or just have your facts straight from the beginning - that might help more than a bit.
  4. No, you were shown to have no point at all. Even some of the older purely gaming companies out there (Blizzard being a good example) base their Maintenance cycles on PST/PDT. Make sure you have your facts straight next time.
  5. Linden Lab is based primarily in California. All Grid Status updates are given in Pacific Time (be it PST or PDT) and as has already been noted you are more than likely not looking in the correct place for Grid Status updates. Batting a nice, large zero on all points from your post.
  6. Outside of using the Map or some disguised script n a gift item they are wearing ... That is impossible. Mute her, Block her and move on.
  7. (Set of Rhetorical questions incoming) Abuse Report filed with clear, concise information/just the verifiable facts and under the correct heading? Person harassing you Blocked and Muted? (End Rhetorical questions) Move. On. With. Your. Second. Life. They make an Alt to try and contact you again, file a new report, Block/Mute and move on. Without responding to them. At. All.
  8. You cannot report anyone to "SL" as "SL" is the product - Second Life. Linden Lab is the company, they are who the Abuse Reports go to. When filing an Abuse Report make sure the correct category is selected and give only the facts. Linden Lab will not share any action they take - if any - with you once the report is examined. Mute, Block, move on. They contact you again, repeat the process without responding.
  9. By the way, Mature and Moderate are pretty much interchangeable -with exceptions.
  10. That's nice - keep pretending you're the norm.
  11. That's nice - thanks for proving my point with your usual attitude. Good day.
  12. Default LL client - can't help ya. Firestorm - Preferences, Graphics, Rendering, Limit Frame Rate.
  13. On the shared machine I've mentioned elsewhere? It is on, always.
  14. Dark, Milk or White? If Dark, how dark?
  15. And you're still just as wrong. Using the "laugh" reaction does not always equate to the user finding any amusement. That is your take on the meaning. Good day, Phil. Enjoy being wrong and having the last word.
  16. Sorry, you're quite wrong. As usual. Not going to go round and round with you on it either.
  17. Boy you couldn't be more wrong if you tied and you have tried. Some users are working with what this forum software gives us - deal with it.
  18. That's nice. Not at all what I said or described either, hence the not discussing it. You see what you wish to - as always.
  19. A yearly Premium account costs.... $72 a year. Linden stipend is NOT money back, it is not Linden Lab paying you back. People really need to stop pretending that the average user or Premium subscriber just sits on their Stipend, waiting to convert it or cash it out. You are talking about potential cost reduction -while helpful it irritates me to no end that such reduction methods are presented in such a way as to be The Way It Is. I could save far more than current Premium users by sitting on the L$400 a week stipend I receive, converting it after a few months.... Like most, that Stipend goes elsewhere. Is it L$ I end up not purchasing? Yes and in that way and that way alone it can be viewed as saving money. No, I'm not going to debate this. No, I'm not looking for discussion on the matter. And I really don't care all that much that you or anyone else that posts here does it differently. I'm simply not in the mood to have let that bit of misinformation slip by without comment. There's my reaction, here's my comment. Moving on. Have a nice day.
  20. That's nice. It's also new. There wasn't when it was launched.
  21. You don't. The Marketplace is for item sales.
  22. "We" - who is this "we" you speak of? Want a community? Make one yourself. Linden Lab already made the attempt several times over and not just with Bay City or Nautilus - there are a few of the truly old sims in Second Life that actually were meant to be themed or community centered areas. Frankly I had to try not to laugh too hard at something another user tried to use as part of their argument - that picture taken with an absolutely insane Draw Distance that no one in their right mind uses when wandering around Second Life.
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