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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Yeah... we knew it was your fault...
  2. BUT... it has been SooooOOOoooo long since we had one...
  3. We started with classic bodies and breast enhancements were made for them. Mesh bodies came later. Look in the marketplace and sort the result for oldest first. You'll find the older breast enhancements for the classic avatar. My thinking is that once Bakes-On-Mesh comes along we will see those original makers revive. There are numerous people with experience making the enhancements for classic avatars. However, I do think what we will actually see is some new hybrid that works for BoM bodies, mesh bodies, and classic bodies.
  4. I use the viewer's camera. I have screen and video capture software. The advantage of the viewer's camera is it can render whatever resolution I want. Typically 3000x1800px. The capture software literally captures my screen, 1920x1080. I have a simulated 4k setup to improve the 1920, but the 3000px viewer renders look better than any of my 1920 captures. Most of the 'created' images use SL lighting. Still, I do the final post production in PS. Most images only get a quick curves adjustment and camera tilt adjustment. A in few I do some serious painting. Those go on forever. I always see more that I want to do... All the time I spent and I totally missed the shoes poking through. Doh!
  5. RACISM …. In western democracies there is an enormous amount of propaganda and conditioning going on in an effort to weaponize the idea. Political parties are hiring psychologists to prepare their material, determine wording, and come up with acceptable phrasing. In this thread the effect from all that effort is visible. Weaponizing is seen when a person attacks an idea and is then labeled racist for doing so. Being PC is now important to many people. That opens them up to criticism and easy manipulation. Using one’s conscience to decide right-wrong, good-bad, and what is appropriate or inappropriate behavior was a primary sense and considered a basic human trait. But, that creates problems for those seeking political power. They have to overcome our innate sense of right and wrong. Think about it. How do we talk you into beating someone or burning down their home or running them out of a restaurant? Non-psychopathic people being mentally balanced have a problem with such actions because of their conscience, innate sense of right and wrong. You are questioning your beliefs and your understanding of your world. You are part of a small group of people (as best I can tell) that actually do that. Asking if you are doing something wrong is a form of self-examination and questioning. You’re following in the footsteps of Plato, Socrates, and other philosophers. The next step in that process is answering your own questions then testing those answers against the world and the ideas of others as if they are a scientific hypothesis. It is the reason free speech is so important. The challenge is protecting your thinking from the conditioning society is inundating you with. The idea is now is about what you do not why you do it. Thinking is discouraged. Current conditioning is that one cannot/shouldn’t disparage others or say anything bad about anyone. Don’t criticize others behavior or their beliefs. Sounds good. But, who gets to decide what you do? Should we not tell a child molester they are behaving badly? Should we not tell a jihadi it is wrong to kill innocents? Should we not criticize those behaviors and beliefs that lead to them? See the gotcha? Consider. Jeff Dunham and his Achmed the Dead Terrorist is an excellent example. But, by PC standard we should destroy Jeff for such parody. I spent time as a forum moderator (not here). We had long discussions about trolls. Trolls serve a purpose by ridiculing those with REALLY DUMB ideas. A factor in deciding what to allow was how the troll was executed; was it mean, abusive, bullying, intended to harm a person… or was it directed at ideas and phrased to generate thought? Our determination of the WHY was key. There are times when trolling and derogatory parady are appropriate. Especially in politics and by extension our thinking on race. So, I agree it is OK to do what you want... as you say in a round-about way, providing you aren't intentionally harming others. I agree. I wouldn't use the word 'titillate'. I think there are many more reasons that just our self indulgence. There is no single reason for Obama's election. But, weaponized racism did come into play. So, I have to wonder what Hillary was thinking here. The result is everyone is spinning about that to support their agenda. Has anyone bothered to ask her what she meant to do? Consideration of WHY is being conditioned out of our society. People asking asking why and thinking about things messes up people's control and influence.
  6. You'll see the problem in this video... The video and article are about lowering ACI. But, the blending feature used is what needs to change to correct what you are seeing. For more on ACI TAG: ACI
  7. This is the type of question you ask in-world, out of Google's sight. Don't be surprised if someone asks to check you to see if you are wearing a wire...
  8. I can't tell from your post, but are you in Mouse-Look (first person view)? Press 'm' to toggle in an out of mouse-look. Pressing ESC should also take you out of mouse-look and so should the scroll wheel. For future reference, this is a question best posted in the ANSWERS section of the forum. You can search Answers and often find your question already answered. When asking a tech question include information about your viewer and computer. We can give a better answer. Use the viewer's Help->About... to gather the info to paste in with your question. There are uncountable versions of the viewer and over a half dozen brands of view. Viewers running on Mac and Windows do things differently.
  9. There is an official explanation of ACI here: Avatar Rendering Complexity ACI & ARC are about the same thing. The change in name is just an over time thing. The calc's did change with the name change. We now have ARCTan coming. This is a change in how avatar rendering cost will be calculated. Development of Animesh increased awareness of how ACI/ARC has gotten out of touch with real rendering cost... again. Hardware improves and what was hard and time consuming is addressed and becomes fast and easy. Other things are then the target of what to improve next. The Lindens will be revising the algorithm to reflect those changes. You'll see a number of things are in the calc of ACI, number of polygons, texture count and size, and size of the item. One big contributor is sculpties. These are an oddity to SL that preceded mesh. They were often used for making hair, clothes, and jewelry. Mesh is a more efficient replacement. Hidden from the user is the LoD factor of clothes. LoD is Level of Detail, a serious factor in 3D graphics performance. SL uses 4 Levels of Detail. 1 for close up, 1 for 'normal', 1 for further away, and one for way over there... The close up needs lots of polygons to look correct and show detail. Your viewer needs very few polygons to render an earring on an avatar across the region, 200+ meters away, which would be the way-over-there level of detail. Pro modelers know that and build 4 models of anything they put in a virtual world. Each model has fewer polygons and less detail. The current LoD calc doesn't handle the LoD of clothes on avatars in a realistic way. The result is way more polygons are used than are generally needed. Often the hi-poly LOD is used for all 4 levels. That means those 100,000 polygon finely detailed earrings have to be rendered by the viewer even if the avatar is so far away the earring uses only 3 pixels on your screen. A total waste of rendering time. Supposedly this will be improved in ARCTan. This should push designers to make better LoD models for levels 2 to 4 and improve our performance.
  10. SL photography is unique. In RL the camera is important. In SL the viewer takes the place of the camera. Firestorm is probably like the Nikon or Pentax, having every imaginable control. Black Dragon might be the Hasselblad, specialized. Try photos with the different viewers and learn what they have to offer. FS has the Photo Tools panels, making WL and camera settings changes quick and easy. BD has some settings in no other viewer. All cameras have basic settings and so do the snapshot panels in the viewer. For our purposes, the image size is comparable to film size, 35mm versus 61mm (2.4") type stuff. Bigger film and higher rez are better. Often taking a 3000x1700px image and reducing it to 1024x768 makes a big improvement. Working with large images I find easier and get better results. Strawberry has a tutorial on using large images and the benefits. Skell has given you a lot on lighting. Good stuff. I use a skybox for many of my images and videos. I can make my background any color I want. Greenscreen is important for videos. But the actual color one uses depends on the subject. Green is not a magic color. Cutting an avatar out of the background is way easier using a solid color background. I seldom use 'background images'. I do insert my avatar into images (example - example). I'm not that good... but I have fun. Figuring out lighting and Windlight settings is a skill. William Weaver has tutorials on how to use both. Once one has their images the Photoshop (image editing) skills come into play. Watching Natsumi Xenga paint her images can give you ideas of how to accomplish things. I seldom put that much energy into an image. Nemanja Sekulic provides great tutorials on how to use PS to accomplish many things that add drama to an image. PiXimperfect provides tutorials for the novice explaining the terms he is using in a style I often find pedantic.
  11. I think about the same... having a mute/block option for RL would be nice. Thanks for answering.
  12. Also, region managers do occasionally ban the wrong name. Whether guilty of an atrocity or totally innocent makes no difference, you are banned. Most popular places get a number of jerks each day and end up banning/ejecting them. The ban list fills up. Then first-in gets to be first-out as the oldest names get pushed out to make room for new names. This can take a couple of weeks or way longer, months. You can complain to the region or estate manager. I doubt that will do any good. There are usually a number of people handling security for a region. The manager is going to back them up and assume they did it right. So, you're banned and will likely stay that way. It may be just or unfair. Fairness is NOT built into the fabric of SL. So, if your parents told you life was fair, they lied. Get over it.
  13. The free option is to use a Remote Desktop app. Access your home computer via an app on the phone. Run SL on the home computer from your phone. There is a bit of setup and the home computer has to be on. Desktops can be setup to power up when accessed from the net, but that is a problem prone option and may not work when you really need it. So, one generally leaves the home computer powered up. Install a free desktop app. Google has one. There are several in the Play and iStore shops. Set up the app and do whatever you need to remember the password. The app does an ET-phone-home thing so the phone can find the home computer even if the IP address changes, it will over time. The viewer UI is designed to run on a desktop. It is a bit small on a phone... well, WAY small. I find it easier using a stylist on the phone. One also needs uncommon keys on the phone, like arrow keys and someway to right-click. So, you will need an alternate keyboard app for the phone. Of course, the sister app for the app on the desktop. I have used SL from my Samsung phone to access SL via my desktop. It isn't a fun thing, a bit tedious actually. But, it works. I have actually gotten Bixby to convert voice to text for chat that goes directly into the local chat or IM. I haven't found any way to get voice from the phone to the viewer.
  14. You should have multiple copies of your shape. You can open a shape for editing and immediately hit Save As... and give it a new name. Then modify the new shape. If it poofs, you have the previous shape in reserve. I have a body and shape that I use as a base for most outfits. If I change that shape all the outfits made using that shape change too. Generally not what I want. So, I am almost always working with a new copy.
  15. Nope... old timers too forget that relogging is the fix for many things. Thanks for posting your problem resolution.
  16. There is a difference between the 'same issue' and the same symptomes. A number of different causes bring on identical symptomes.
  17. The best performance gains come from knowing what you are doing... but, that requires lots of tech knowledge and SL specific knowledge. For NVIDIA users this is a must read: http://blog.nalates.net/2016/06/05/nvidia-settings-2016/ Geared more toward the viewer's settings is: http://blog.nalates.net/2010/12/17/graphics-tweaking-for-second-life/
  18. That parts of the economy are socialistic does not make the base economy socialism. The free market parts are funding the socialized parts. Huge parts of the economy are funded by Norway’s oil fields of which the government is a 67% owner and providing 20% of the national income. While it is debatable whether the oil company is state controlled (a requirement for socialism) or privately run, the oil is sold into the free market economy. Thus, just on that point, the basis of the economy is free market. We have good working definitions of communism and socialism. Libraries are filled with books describing both. (Amazon 30,000+ books) Both are well studied and defined. Plus, the definitions have not changed significantly since they were coined. The confusion in regard to what is or isn’t communism or socialism comes from those trying to defend either and needing to avoid being stuck with trying to defend their historic failures by having clear definitions. Russian government has changed. from basic city-states and feudal time to a full blown communist country where people jokes about the government pretending to pay them and they pretending to work, to the Socialist USSR and now a more free market economy. All the forms and blends of Communism and Socialism were tried and none worked. 1991 is when the change to market economy started. Talk to Russians that left before '91. Ask them about their first experience in an American supermarket. I'm not sure HOW you got that from what I wrote. Maybe elaborate?
  19. Not true. See Inara's article on the Flickr change. https://modemworld.me/2018/11/01/flickr-announces-significant-account-changes/
  20. Viewers are very consistent. They are programmed to put stuff in Root Drive [C:\]Users\[Win_User_ID]\AppData\[Local or Roaming based on type of data]\[Viewer_name]\[various category folder names]\[identifying_filename] The [ ] denote variable names. Some of these depend on how you setup Windows. Others depend on which viewer you are using and 32 and 64-bit viewers distinguish themselves by name. Later names in the path are determined by what is to be stored there, i.e., logs, settings, cache, etc. Some viewers provide a user-choice for where some of these data collections can be kept. Users are unpredictable. But, the viewer is very predictable.
  21. I'm with Ayela... There is no way for me to know what time zone a person lives in. Even reading the Profile that has location info is no guarantee. So, that people miss the mark is no surprise. Have fun with it.
  22. How interesting a thread... Just for fun try these. ⓣ卄ᵉŘe ά?? Ⓕ?N тEא? ?€ήeŘ?Ⓣᗝгs ᗝn??Nⓔ https://lingojam.com/WeirdTextGenerator T̸͉̻̲̺̝̫̯̈́͌͆̅͂͑͘͝h̶̲͙̦̦͈̃ḯ̵̧̡̜̪̻͍͆̋͗ṡ̶͎͇͊͜ ̵̡̙̞̪̣̥̯̑̒͆̑̓̽̑ǐ̷̞̩̊ş̸̥͍̄͐͌̇̐́̕ ̴̡̢̜̪͇̫͖͊̔͗̕a̵͔̔͗͒̏͗̒ ̵̰̱͋͠g̷͖̙͊̎̋l̴̛̺̖̦̎͠i̶̳̥̖͎̩͔̭͝t̷̢̖̱͍̯͠ç̴͍̰͛h̵̯̲̬͓̩̐ ̶̻̜̤̹̘̠̋̓͗͛̈ẗ̸͉̰̲́ř̴̢̧̤͙͔̞̗̲̏̏͑́͐ä̷̢͍͚͎͇͕́̐̃n̶͍̰̳̍̽͐͑̄͝s̶̨͖̞̥͕̃͐̈͒̿͊͂l̷̬̰̦͖̞̘̽̓̂͊̑ả̵̛̯̙̀t̸̤̻̘̳͈͕̯̓͌͗͘͠o̵̡̧̤͈̬̯͛̏r̵̤͊̃͋̓͋̓ https://lingojam.com/GlitchTextGenerator https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6579844/how-does-zalgo-text-work ˙˙˙ʇxǝʇ uʍop ǝpᴉsdn op noʎ ʍoɥ sᴉ sᴉɥ┴ http://www.upsidedowntext.com/ h0w 70 r35p0nd 70 7h3 7yp!(41, w4nn4 h4v3 50m3 fun ΉӨЩ ƬӨ ЯΣƧPӨПD ƬӨ ƬΉΣ ƬYPIᄃΛᄂ, ЩΛППΛ ΉΛVΣ ƧӨMΣ FЦП ђ๏ฬ t๏ гєรק๏ภ๔ t๏ tђє tאקเςคl, ฬคภภค ђคשє ร๏๓є Ŧยภ؟ http://www.jamfoo.com/text-generators/crazy-text-generator/ <-----<<<< Best Not all of these work in SL. But, there are other paces to use them.
  23. I know that media, political propaganda, and government/agency agendas push the idea Nordic countries are socialist. They aren't. They are based on free market economies. Parts of their economy are socialized. Generally devolving healthcare. Read up Search Result Google and DuckDuckGo Results. Or listen to Denmark's PM. With GDP per capita and poverty rates one has to first normalize the data. The UN and most of the agencies reporting these numbers have an agenda (we are the government and we are great, see). Filter out the agenda bias by looking at the raw data and crunching some numbers. WHO absolutely fudges the numbers by deliberately avoiding normalizing the health stats when providing comparison data for countries with free market healthcare versus nationalized healthcare. The idea that socialist ideology helps people and improves things is a myth. An excellent example supporting that point is to talk to Russians that immigrated out before 1991 and have returned for a visit... Or ask them about their life in socialist Russia and their fist visit to an American supermarket. Milton Friedman best explained the problems of socialism to Phil Donahue and why the free market has lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system by a gigantic margin. We see the free market working in SL. I consider it a significant reason for the vitality of SL. As an example, LL was thinking mesh would be for building things. Some users involved in its development thought it would be mostly for clothes. Users evolved mesh from 'rigged' & standard sizes to Liquid Mesh creating growing market demand for a better way eventually resulting in Fitted Mesh. Users have much more control over SL. That type of user/citizen control is missing in socialist based countries.
  24. You're thinking and expressing yourself well. That will lead to trouble... ? As to being similar to RL... I mix agreement and disagreement with your thinking. The RL & SL are similar in that humans are the movers in both RL & SL. Escaping that is difficult. However, I think one's imagination is much freer in SL. The cost... there is that. It is everywhere. It is a part of human nature and condition that we survive by our labor... personal effort or work. Do something for me and I'll do something for you. Thus, our economy and currencies for efficient bartering of services. Your choice in where to spend your RL dollars sounds practical and thought out. Your choices are then best for you. Anyone that spends time in SL can turn that time into an income. I think the challenge is in finding something that satisfies your desire for escape and enjoyment. I think SL excels in this area. Yet, it has its limits. I hope you'll keep exploring. Are SL peeps easier to approach? I find it about the same in RL & SL. So, I'm curious why you think so. SL fanatics... This seems contradictory to 'approachable'. SL has its share of nuts and jerks. My thinking is most nuts and jerks do not deserve an apology, ever.
  25. I agree. I blame colleges and the media for the poor economic and history education most American people have. Europeans have an even more biased education in those areas. To see the bias and inability of pro-socialist people, that think the world could be a utopia, to defend their thinking, point them to Brandon Straka's opening video for #WalkAway (also #RedPill videos are handy for this) and Milton Friedman's slam on socialism with Phil Donahue and ask them to rebut those points or answer Milton's questions to Phil. The frequent conditioned response from socialists is to respond with some form of the statement 'They are (insert emotionally inspired derogatory adjectives here - hateful ones are better) and they (insert list of pergoritive claims of bias here - demeaning is better).' They can never challenge the ideas with BETTER ideas or counter-historical examples.
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