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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. There is a fix for the Singularity Viewer, Test/Nightly version 7667. [12:10] Torric Rodas: they need to download from - latest info I have https://virtual-nexus.xyz/down/ and choose version 7640 - from the Server UG group today.
  2. Patch Linden spoke at the Meet the Lindens SL16B last week. He has said he would update the thread less often as he is moving to make more frequent releases. His plan is to have a region release every other day. Weekends and holidays will obviously distort that as will Linden events and other tasks that require the Moles' attention. So, checking the HOMES sign up page is likely to be the most effective. The forum thread and announcements will become less reliable and starting-flag like. If you do not see Bellisseria homes offered on the HOMES page, it is because they are all taken. There is no empty slot on the page to let one know they have found the correct page. The Bellisseria section just isn't there.
  3. I doubt LoD settings affect texture thrashing. Every mesh has 4 models, detailed to most simplified. But, all models have to use the same textures otherwise the viewer complains and refuses the upload. When people use the viewer's built-in LoD generator to make a model for LoD they often get errors because the generator removed all the parts using a specific texture. However, testing and use often reveal aspects of SL rendering even the Lindens have thought of...
  4. No... it is a rather tedious solution. AVsitter has two positioning methods. There are the controls in the blue dialog menu that moves position in increments of 1, 5, 25mm (cm?) along the X,Y,Z axis. And there are the Adjustment Prims. both use a DUMP and paste to note card as Alyona described. Someone manually sets every freaking animation's position... Literally, positions are for every animation and specific avatar that sits and runs the animation. The result is a combination of avatar shape/height, whether the animation is made for the size avatar sitting, and the two hover height settings of the avatar. So, the only surprise is when I sit and it looks right...
  5. What you are seeing is called texture thrashing. Your video card loads and renders a texture. As it moves from item to item to render it runs out of texture memory, discards a texture to load another. The item who's texture is discarded goes fuzzy. Then as the card makes the rounds of refreshing rendered things textures get reloaded and others discarded so you see the clear, blurry, clear cycles sweeping across the scene. I wrote Second Life Texture Thrashing in 2013. Viewers have gotten better since then. But, we still have the problem. You can Google for Texture Thrashing and blurry textures. Look at the more recent results for fixes. Two things contribute to the majority of the problem in SL. HUD's and some viewer settings. Avoid wearing HUDs that use a lot of textures when you aren't using them. Firestorm warns you about HUDs using lots of textures. My Slink body HUD and GAEG head HUD both use a large number of textures. Once I finish using them, I detach them. The other is the tiny images of people's profile pictures used in chat. I understand work has been done to mitigate the tiny image issues. But, I turned them off long ago and have never turned them back on. You can lower the ACI limit setting to reduce the number of avatars you render. Reducing Draw Distance reduces the texture load too.
  6. The regions in SL16B were very stable. I made a couple of Meet the Lindens meet ups with 200+ avatars in the 4 regions. Once with 65 avatars in a couple of regions. Almost no problems. Had a problem getting sound connected once. Couldn't get in the day with 60+ avatars. I am Premium... so it was full.
  7. Or someone may made a typo... I supoose that is possible. I know it has NEVER happened to me...
  8. @Vendahl we get to hear from 'experienced' gamers every so often. All say pretty much the same thing. So, you aren't saying anything we haven't heard before. What you have told us, that is new, is now you are joining the club of "Oh s__t, the game is laggy!" If you ever wondered if TRUTH is Objective or Relative, I point you to lag as an objective truth... SL is not like any other game when it comes to performance. So, your optimising for game play here has to be radically different. Consider. Most games require you to download the game prior to playing it. That includes all THE CONTENT. SL has over 200 petabytes of content... at 100mbps you need a bit over three years at 24x7 to download that much data. So, caching and network performance are uncommonly huge effects on performance. Sharding in multi-player games is common. That is somewhat different in SL. A region might be thought of as a shard. But, you can change the size of an SL shard by adjusting the Draw Distance (DD). Maxing the DD on even the top gaming machines will bring them down to single digit FPS. There is way more going on in SL regions than in most game shards. The data flow affecting viewer render is huge. At 1024m DD your viewer is having to communicate with about 80 region servers plus the backend systems. You see similar communication-render lag in EVE Online battles. Star Citizen and EVE Online are expensive to play. Last year (2018) SL players cashed out US$64 million. The twist in the economy is because of user created content. Star & EVE have content created by professional modelers and programmers. They are paid some bucks. SL has a massive amount of content created by users, novice and hobby modelers & programmers and most are NOT paid by the Lab. Some of those novice peeps have no clue what the concept of game-optimization is about. So, we will forever have render lag from non-optimized content. Another new problem... new-ish... is script overload. The viewer has a stats panel (Ctrl-Shift-1). One of the metrics is Scripts Run %. At 100% all the scripts in a region were able to run. This includes scripts on avatars. This means that within a 22ms frame the server did script-wise everything that needed to be done. Time Dilation is a metric that tells us what the server is doing overall. When the server is running out of time and not getting scripts, key strokes, mouse clicks, view updates, avatar movements, and other stuff handled in that 22ms time slice it distorts time in different ways, like reducing the frames per second the server is running. We also see that in the Server FPS. The two metrics are not the same thing... but without getting technical we might as well consider them the same. The result of any of these metrics degrading is lag. Learning how to read them and optimize for them guides out SL optimizing. With numerous people complaining about the recent change in Scripts Run % the Lindens have started looking for WHAT HAS HAPPENED? Rider Linden has already made some changes and in week #27 we will server updates with more logging to determine WHY the 15% to 25% numbers for Script Run have swept across the grid. The lastest from the CCUG is here. In the last month the Disconnect on TP and when Crossing Regions has been mostly resolved. That was a problem that started in December 2018 (IMO) and grew worse into May when the Lindens decided that while they couldn't reproduce the problem or see it in their stats they better start looking deeper. New logging code and they found the problem. They spent 4 plus weeks fixing and even now improving crossing reliability and speed is on their agenda. My point is SL is NOT static. Almost every week the servers get an update. On average there are always 2 or 3 viewer upgrades in the works and 1 to 4 Project Viewers in testing. I run the Linden made SL Viewer RC for EEP as my second viewer. Their stated goal in making changes is to improve performance. The coming BoM is a step in that direction and will hopefully reduce the number of textures we have to download and render and that should... might... improve performance.
  9. The sit positions are adjustable as Lindal pointed out. With AVsitter the position is saved into script memory. When the region restarts script memory is saved and reloaded. Your saved positions remain. To some degree when a server crashes script memory is sort of saved... the server periodically saves script memory. A restart will use the last saved set of script memory. But, that last-good set may not include recent positions. There are cases where you must reset scripts. If you do that your saved positions are lost. To work around various problems AVsitter will allow you to export the saved positions. You copy those exported values into a note card and place the card in with AVsitter scripts as the default positions. When script memory is lost for whatever reason, the default positions are read from the note card. Other animation-sitter systems handle this in slightly different ways. nPose & AVsitter are similar.
  10. Shaniqua sort of explained how this is done. I'll provide more detail. There are a couple of ways to make a body that will work with clothes for another body. Most designers provide a Developer Kit for their body. The point of the kits is to allow clothes makers to use the same weighting as the target body, say Maitreya. It is possible to use the Dev Kit when weighting another body. One designs the body as a completely new body then uses the Dev Kit to weight it to match Maitreya. Because they are not identical the new body will require tweaking here and there just as clothes do. One can also go the trial and error route. Before Fitted Mesh came out I spent days trying to find a way to get my weighting to work with the Classic body. Eventually deciding that was hopeless. The different technology lead to people changing shape to fit clothes. But, mesh bodies and clothes use the same tech. So, while exceedingly tedious it is possible to trial and error the weighting to match another body well enough the clothes will fit and work with animations. Note: Weighting is the process of providing the math values for each vertex in a mesh for animation movement. Shape is using the same weighting in a similar way. The information tells the system that a specific vertex is to follow 1 to 4 bones (SL limit) each providing some percentage of the vertex's movement. Consider the knee. A vertex in the upper part of the knee needs to follow the upper leg more closely than the lower leg. Weighting tells the system how much influence the upper and lower legs apply to the vertex.
  11. You can contact Machinimatrix in-world. The group is Blender-Avastar. You can IM or send a note card to Gaia Clary.
  12. There are good anime characters in SL. The problem here is Lucy is a 3D modeler and may have made her own avatar. I've never asked. You can better see the avatar here: https://youtu.be/8WAkW9LxbyI?t=383
  13. Reflections are a challenge. I've played with making really good ones. In general I think they are a post-production thing... Photoshop. This is an old image I made by taking a second shot looking up through the floor. I couldn't find a better way to get the reflection of the lifted leg to look correct. And I still didn't nail it perfectly. Lots of floors and walls are transparent from the back side. The modeler tries to reduce the texture-render load and makes those surfaces clear. Also mesh stuff is clear from the back or inside unless the modeler takes an extra step to avoid that. Shadows are another tricky thing. The new Photoshop way to do shadows is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ7UAzFv17c These can be very realistic.
  14. Stores... we sort of need some idea of what you like. I have just under a gazillion LM's for stores I like. Addams, Blueberry, for sexy - pretty clothes and Scandalize for trashy HAWT. Wild Orchid for evening wear. Then there are events... these are probably the best for you. Lots of stores will have displays at the events. You can see and pick the ones you like, FaMESHed, COLLABOR88, Cosmopolitan Events, and then the web sites that track the events Seraphim and the awesome iHeartSL. All the top designers and many many new designers get posted in iHeartSL. Hangouts... we way need to know what you like. There are SOOOooo many diverse types of places. Roleplay? Party places, Dance, music, pick up (as in meat rack), BDSM... LGBT... GOR... Politics, Religion, Philosophy... Use in and out world search to find groups. The people in the group you like will know the places... Scenery... zOMG! The forum isn't big enough for the list. Jump to the Destination Guide or bounce over to Flickr and check the Explore Second Life group. Also, look in the SL Forum's How Does Your Avatar Look Today... - This is a group that is friendly and fun, so it hits on a couple of your requests and they are always looking for backdrops to show off their avatars. Gaming... sort of like gambling... I don't. So no recommendations. Jobs & Education... These are a bit harder to find. There is an SL Forum section for each. Use the top menu here or forum search. The Destination Guide is a good choice for these too. There are numerous groups in SL, support, gaming, fashion,... think it up and someone has most likely already done it. Check out Topless Cruising (sailing), check out Get The Freight Out - a shipping and transport game, flying groups - I find so many places and things flying a helicopter, motorcycle clubs that ride through SL...
  15. I suspect Fionalein is right. However, do check. Rez a copy of the head and see if it or just the scripts in it are no-mod. Any item with no-mod scripts will show as entirely no-mod until rez'd. Once rez'd the item, the thing, will show whatever permission it was set to and the scripts will show their individual permissions separate from the item.
  16. It could conceivably be the region you are in. There is a Disconnection bug that is in the process of being fixed. Or may be more accurately, being rolled out. With any luck, I think tomorrow will see the fixes covering the main grid. But, I am assuming a lot. Whether this is your problem depends on the region. Some regions currently have more fixes for Disconnection than other regions. Check your packet loss in Viewer Stats. If you are >1% packet loss that may be the problem. Use Memory History (free program) to see if your suffering a memory leak. Some drivers are leaky running SL.
  17. I like the grumpy guy that maintains Cool VL Viewer. Because he is such a grump the viewer is no listed in the "Alternate: viewers list. He won't sign the agreement required to be on the list. But, a number of people use the Cool Viewer and Henri is a good guy. So, you may want to try Cool and Singularity. Cool is updated way more often than Sing. When you need to upgrade a computer on the cheap, use eBay.
  18. Translation: I always logged with Singularity I was a time out and now when I come back I do not load the avatar if someone can connect I'm happy I have to use Google Translate. Google needs grammatically correct sentences with punctuation. Without either, I am left wondering what you are asking about. I am guessing you cannot log in. Have you tried logging in with another viewer? Translation: Eu tenho que usar o Google Translate. O Google precisa de frases gramaticalmente corretas com pontuação. Sem isso, fico me perguntando o que você está perguntando. Eu estou supondo que você não pode entrar. Você já tentou fazer login com outro visualizador?
  19. There are not any mirrors in SL. There is 'still water' where you can see yourself. So, check for those gray hairs... You look much better than I did at 30-days old.
  20. There are loads of ideas about shadow settings. Which is best for you depends on what you want and what your machine is capable of handling. This video shows what some people are doing to get gorgeous images. Shadows and performance is a bit more rare. Some of the best tutorials were just taken down, I have no idea why. What is left is in the search. I suggest you press Ctrl-Shift-1 to open viewer stats and then start changing your graphics settings to see which setting have the most effect on your computer. It is highly dependent on you machine and its graphics card. NVIDIA recommends these settings for SL: NVIDIA Settings 2016 | Nalates' Things & StuffNalates’ Things & Stuff To know what all the settings do see: Graphics Tweaking for Second Life You may very well find that it is the combination of settings that cause Shadows to make such a big dent in your FPS. My i5-6600 and GTX 1060 runs at High-Ultra with a bunch of tweaks I made. Shadows with Sun-Moon-Projectors always on I get from 10 to 150 FPS with my average in places like Blurberry's store 20 to 50 FPS. Each computer is unique. You'll have to experiment to find your best settings.
  21. I would say it is the graphics driver. Your current driver: Windows Graphics Driver Version: & OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 376.54 is pretty far behind. My current driver: & OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 430.86 Visit NVIDIA Drivers - currently the latest NVIDIA drivers. Your Win-10 version lagging a little too. You are two or three versions behind the latest Win-10 version, which just had the problem fixed by SL Viewer version The current Firestorm (6.0.2) has the fix too. With the first volleys in an Iranian-American cyberwar fired Sunday... well officially... we, the West, are likely to see a spike in cyber-attacks from Iran. I strongly suggest you keep your Win-10 updated. Hackers in these types of attacks take over citizen's computers to build their zombie armies. The latest version is Version 1903 (May 2019 Update). Type "System Information" (no quotes) in the Cortana/Search field in the lower left. In the resulting screen look on the second line. You'll see something like Version 10.0.17763 Build 17763 You can look up these numbers in Wikipedia to get the version number. You can see I am one version behind, Build 17763 Released November 13, 2018 or version 1809... The latest version 1903 is a May 2019 release. Something for me to do this week. You may also want to experiment with your Max Bandwidth setting. 80% of your measured download speed or 1500, whichever is smaller. Not related to the problem, but may get you a bit faster scene render.
  22. Checking it out it appears to be one region. However, the entire 4,000m vertical column seems to be used. What I saw was well done, textures modeling... A few teleports are working, doors... not much else.
  23. Without knowing the details of your computer and viewer, it is difficult to say. Use the Viewer's HELP-About... to get the tech info and paste it here. Include information on screen size and resolution. Small screens using low resolution are unlikely to work well. You can try changing the laptops screen resolution.
  24. Some days there is... Live Phone support is often down. Also, it is primarily for billing issues. https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000131009-contact-support For a password/login issue Live Chat is likely your best bet.
  25. Your question is sort of backward... SL Viewers run on Windows 10. Win-10 v1903 supports SL Viewers. There is a Windows-10-NVIDIA problem. When exiting the Linden Viewer the Win-10 graphics settings do not reset and look weird. The latest Linden default viewer has a fix for that. An alternate fix is to restart the graphics driver (Win-10 only) Ctrl-Alt-Shift-B. Your screen should blink when it resets.
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