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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I wanted to respond to this, but it would be completely off topic. Also, I hope I'm reading it wrong. The bolded parts are what I wanted to address, then thought better of it. I just decided maybe you didn't mean it the way it came off and I am giving you the benefit of the doubt.
  2. I was prepared to dry read the owners manual for some replacement equipment we received at work. They forgot to send the instructions in English, but nearly every other language was included. Everyone feels like hugging a bear now, right?
  3. Some cute clothes, but I would not describe any of it as modest.
  4. Happy Fat Tuesday! I forgot what day it was. Dang it. /me pulls out an old fashioned paper calendar...
  5. I don't think it's that farfetched to have several different people read a post and come to the same conclusion without them getting together in council chambers to first discuss how they should all react first. It's okay for more than one person to disagree with the need to hide account age, just like it's okay for more than 1 person to like chocolate cake. If you want the feature, ask for it in a feature request instead of starting a discussion thread and then being angry that not everyone agrees with the need for it. It's a discussion forum for SL topics not an echo chamber for a person's ideas that can't be questioned.
  6. I'm at work and can't log in, but when I get home I'll log my male alt in and take screen shots of the relevant tabs. I'll try to remember: On the left side of the HUD, there is an HD tab. Click that for eye brows, eyeliner, lip color. At the top of each of these is a square box. Right under that is the word "clear" Clicking it will clear any applier layers you put on. Clear both layer 1 and layer 2 for each HD section. If I remembered this wrong, hopefully someone will correct it.
  7. Maybe it is a demo applier that you tried. I don't know which head you are using, but in the head HUD you should be able to manually clear any demos you tried on. They wouldn't show up in the "worn" tab.
  8. I have never been attacked for my posts in the forum either inworld or a forum message. What do you all get attacked for? Stirring the pot? Coming up with controversial subjects whether you believe in them or not? Attacking others then crying victim? On topic, no, I don't think you should be able to hide account age. I can't think of a reason it matters. If people don't find a way to discriminate due to age, they'll simply find something else to tease you with. People are people and those that need to feel superior, will make something else up.
  9. Here's mine. Also, I am impressed that you @Bagnucan capture a moment almost instantly while I am cycling through poses that only last a fraction of a second 😄The other pic you took that you didn't post was also hilarious. I seemed to be in the middle of explaining to you how life is going to work. Anyway, I like the lighting in this one. Timing this pic with the part of the animation I wanted to capture and the mist clearing just enough not to glitch with your hair took quite a bit of time.
  10. I am not a professional region builder, but I do love terraforming and making landscapes. I would start with the terraforming. For me, it is much harder and more intricate work that takes quite a bit of time. It is much easier to fit water in after the groundwork is complete. (I love that literal pun!) Then the icing ion the cake is putting in the plants and animal decorations. No matter how you choose to do it, I hope you come back and share your progress and the final creation.
  11. I wish 2048s didn't need their own continents. The logs, chalets and fantasy regions have lots of empty parcels. Why not sprinkle a few 2048 parcels in the themes by combining several empty parcels that are side by side. I know its not possible on already made themes with their controllers and such, but it would preserve the dense looking landscaping if only 2 or 3 2048s were in a region. I'd up my membership to premium plus for a giant fantasy or log home parcel with more land impact allotment.
  12. I don't have time for spreadsheets. I do full impulse shopping when I can, but usually have a decorating theme in mind or a general look I'm aiming for. I also shop for inspiration. That does not require planning or even $L.
  13. Lately, my Roman Empire is thinking about photo tools and EEPs. Why can't I get DoF to look like what other people get? I still see circular bands of color in the sky. Why? What combination of tools in the viewer will get what I see in my head into a pic in SL? I don't have software for adding effects afterwards, so I have to do it all in the viewer. Also, why do I work so much that my SL time has gone down? Is everyone I know retired or unemployed giving them 6+ hours of daily SL playtime or forum time?
  14. Next time I log in, I'll see where it was. I'll try to find group info, too, since I just "subscribed" to get announcements. @Bagnu did Christina give you a landmark or group invite?
  15. I don't host any discussions myself, but I do go to group discussions. Try joining some groups based on what your interests are. I joined several science and other secular/Humanist type groups that have regular discussion times. They send out the topics in a notice and if I am interested, I go. If you attend regularly, you will make some friends.
  16. I went to a group dance experience, so I wanted to try to capture the group experience and joy in a photo instead of individuals. It was a mixture of energetic happy music - everything from classical tunes to music from the 1930s to the 80s. The dances were timed and chosen for the individual songs and the murals in the background rotated to different colorful background. Local chat was positive and happy. The dances were fun and silly. It sounds like they will try to do a set once a month, so I am looking forward to the next one. Yesterday, my SL looked like:
  17. People were so good at customizing their looks! All it took was a trip to one of the huge freebie stores and some new skin. None of the "which mesh body or head do I buy? Appliers do what? Alphas, what? What do you mean this dress I bought only fits a certain body?" Everything was SLUV, BOM fit every single body. We learned to edit flexiprims and how important glitch pants were and off we went to meet people! I do NOT miss the awful ankles or toes and, of course, invisiprims don't work anymore. I, also, don't miss system skirts. 😜 Anyway, it was funny to put the old avatars on. When I saw @Bagnu, he had a persistent animation that kept coming back even after trying stop animation and revoke permissions. In my head I heard my mother saying "If you keep making that face, it will stick that way." So, you start with a character test and work your way up the tree. It wasn't anything he was wearing that caused the animation. It turned out that all he had to do was Reset Skeleton. I though he had already tried it. Problem solved. The region we were on had really old builds and dances, as well. It was like a trip back in time for me.
  18. I invited @Bagnu to a place I knew he would never choose to go on his own. (yes, I chose it on purpose to shock his system 😈) I laughed hard enough to have to wipe a few tears away. He seems to having a good time on this ride! Turning down to eye-blinding brightness and chatting over hot chocolate. Zero calories, of course. We did play the game. I won. Na nee na nee na na 😜! I received my crown and sat on my throne. My first edict as Queen, "You, Sandor, must spend more time in G-rated areas."
  19. This one brings back some memories. My family reunions were huge affairs. We always camped and this is one of the many songs we sang around the fire. I miss my grandma.
  20. Take off your hair base and any facial hair you might be wearing. The head skin looks correct because the eyebrows are in the right place. Any thing you wear on your head needs to be EvoX - including hair base and beards. Modulus is a hair brand and the tattoo words appear to be from something you are wearing that is Modulus branded. A demo?
  21. The free centaur add-on for a Senra at Shop-n-hop is nice!
  22. There was a holiday party 2022, so just over a year ago. I have been known to go sit in the clubhouse to sort inventory, but only a few times a year. Occasionally someone pops in. I wonder if the HUD that lets you know someone is there still works. Several years ago there was an alt party. We all logged in alts and chatted with each other trying to figure out who was who. The forums are a community of many different kinds of people, but I fear there would not be a warm welcome for many newcomers. Discussion here is difficult on the best of days. Still, it would be fun to have activities there again and see others in the pixel. Who brought up "SL After Dark" Fun idea!
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