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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Why I don't like PBR As a regular, nontechie user of SL with a midrange computer, I don't actually see much of a difference in my daily use except for my EEPs. I had 4 or 5 that I used regularly for different things. I don't have favorites anymore. I tend to just click the "neutral" EEP and hope for the best for daily exploring and shopping. I like to take pictures inworld, so messing with the colors I liked, mildly ticks me off. Now I just cycle EEPs endlessly searching for something that looks right. I haven't found a water setting I like at all, so no lovely sunset-over-water views for me at this time. As far as all the fancy materials I should be seeing, I don't like those either, but I can't blame PBR. I, also, didn't like ALM. If I wanted everything in my view to look greasy and gross, I'd cover it all in petroleum jelly. Now that you all read along with my whining, something good. My midrange computer runs better and faster on the Firestorm Beta PBR viewer than it did on the non-PBR one. I can have shadows and ALM on and my fps is steady at around 30 to 40 even in crowded areas. I do turn off DoF because I don't like looking at a blurry screen. Business-wise I have not bought a single PBR enabled item and won't for the foreseeable future. I just don't like the shiny, greasy look and that is all people highlight. Give me a matte finish and stop bouncing blinding light into my eyes.
  2. New song and band for me. I like it! It is a violent video though. I had to pick my jaw up off the ground after the first murder. Then I got in the groove 😄
  3. I have no idea what anyone is taking about anyway. Peeve: feeling like I'm left out of some secret club. Also: People still use Twitter?
  4. I've missed this the last few months. Gotta get back in to see you two play again!
  5. Here's how @Bagnu SL looked the day we went: https://my.secondlife.com/cinnamon.mistwood/snapshots/640bb5edfb19206ca007d38c The trampoline was pretty great. We couldn't get the all games/quests to work, but some of the puzzles did. Perhaps it was too old.
  6. I took you there once, I believe. @Danielle Atheria are there primtastic yaks there and lots monkeys???
  7. I agree to a point. SL provides a neutral, mostly level meeting ground for all kinds of different people. Unless someone tells me they have physical or invisible differences, I would never know from surface looks. I might figure it out over time as I get to know another avatar's driver, but I love the variety of personalities and communication styles I run into inworld. I am glad you found a place where you can let your mind relax.
  8. LL has been pretty careful over the years to make sure we each have control over what we see. This idea would allow me to control what YOU see. Do you really want that? Yes, derender should be available in the official viewer
  9. This is a cool effect. Right down to the texture of the paper it's on. She is emerging out of the white!
  10. @Katherine Heartsong and @Love Zhaoying How many naked red heads can @Scylla Rhiadra get in one photo without the universe imploding?
  11. Back. I got sidetracked cooking breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day. I did focus on the insulting volunteers part, so, to be fair I will point out some good things in the post. I would love to see some retention numbers, too, but how to tell who is just making a new alt and who is actually new? I am not sure how well the welcome hub is working. Maybe just forming a New user Buddy group would help. Only those under 6 months and helpers/Moles/Lindens have access and you are ejected from the group at a certain age. That way new users can get support at any time no matter where they are without having to remember how to get back to the hub. They'll get a quick lesson in joining groups and figure out how to open the message window to ask questions. I agree with Zalificent about having a pass a buy tokens board before you even exit the hub, It seems to say, "You have to commit right now and buy game tokens before you've even decided if you like it." It smacks of corporate greed and probably does send people right back out the door thinking they have to pay to play. If both resident and Linden ideas never work for retention because, as you hypothesize, no one ever asked a noobie what they actually need, how do we get the info? Send pop-up windows and emails to new users at 1 week old, 1 month old, and 6 months old with a survey? How did we do introducing you to SL? What could we have done better? Please rate your initial experience with 1 to 5 stars. Or maybe send email surveys to those who logged in and never returned after a week. We miss you. How can we get you back into SL? What made you never come back? Was it too difficult? Computer couldn't handle it? Bad experience with another user? I looked like crap and didn't want to spend money to look acceptable? I couldn't find any people? Other?
  12. @Alwin Alcott and @Midnoot if, according to you two, only losers, the elderly, and wannabes are "helpers" and do nothing of value to help retain users, what do you think would help? I've been to the new user area 3 whole times and it seemed to be busy. People were chatting in local and a few mentors went to IM with a few noobies to help them with various issues (mostly how to look better) I have never seen the new community area, but highlighting a few seems like a good idea. Certainly better than doing nothing Do you have some new exciting idea that will increase user retention that you are not sharing with the rest of us, or are you just here to say how lame the area is and to insult people volunteering some time?
  13. After shaking a bunch of rain water from her coat all over the bed. Then she'll want to be under the wet covers with you... unless she insists on sleeping in the middle of the bed and kicks you out.
  14. I have several alts who take on different parts of my personality or moods. I choose which account logs in based on how I feel each day. Each has their on styles, but all are me. Within each account are also different moods. For example, Polly may be the one I log in to go to science discussions, but she can present as human or inhuman as the mood strikes. I see no issue with all these different avatars and moods. When I don't have a preference, I choose an avatar at random and take on the personality of that one when I log in.
  15. I'm not naked. I just haven't rezzed for you It's not a plywood box. It's PBR! Region crossing. Slow down. Warning. Banlines ahead. Evasive maneuvers needed. Caution. Whiplash from rubberbanding. For a better shopping experience, please remove all clothing. Danger: crashing on teleport. Please walk into the next region.
  16. I also do this. I get very focused on the things I do and interruptions can be irritating. Even if I love my friends, that "ding" is thoroughly distracting and can even be jarring. That is just my personality. I try to remember to use away messages so my friends know I am busy with a project or off taking pics or decorating a house or whatever. Requiring time alone is important for many people, so when that happens, I try to use an alt. (my main account has the best inventory though 😄) The not-so-nice way to say it is: I am not in SL to entertain others and will socialize on my own terms. Luckily, I have emotionally mature, understanding friends that recognize this important part of my identity.
  17. I don't do as much post-production Cool capture! Yes, my AO walk is "woman on a mission."
  18. I'm stuck at home... again... with Covid... again... @Bagnu joined me in NYC for a visit to an art gallery and exploring through a haunted hotel. This is one of the few times that I thought I actually understood the art. I did use the titles and words to help. Hanging out Also, I highly recommend hitting "swap" in the animation menus if you are with someone with a good sense of humor.
  19. My first visit to the Helios casino. Staff was attentive and I was served quickly. Followed by a trip through the Destination Guide to Manhattan in New York City. I was having issues with texture thrashing, but I think it was the crowded region. I hid the blurry textures with viewer photo filters. Whoever put it together did a great job of making it feel really big.
  20. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Just use scissors to remove them if you have to because they will NOT be pulled out.
  21. What brand of head do you have? A screenshot of what you are wearing would help, too.
  22. Do not overlap the probes! We have no idea what impact it will have on time, space and/or lighting.
  23. I read both rl and sl tabs of the profile, I check account age, read picks, and look at groups. I gather as much info as I can before reaching out to someone in IM. It gives me something to start a conversation with. Guess who I don't reach out to at all. Empty profiles. Maybe that's what a person wants? No one talking to them? They don't want "that type" or "those people" to IM about anything. You can turn off IMs from anyone not a friend in preferences in Firestorm, I believe. At least I think I saw that option. You certainly can turn off seeing anyone but friends.
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