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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Peeve: people who go on and on and on and on for pages and pages and pages and pages about someone else's peeve. Just post your own peeve instead of using someone's to ridicule them forever. Or maybe some minimum IQ is needed to come up with your very own peeve instead of telling others they are too stoopid to be in SL because you dont like their peeve.
  2. No one has ever come at me with vicious insults or threats. I don't seem to bring that out in people, but there are plenty right here in the forums who are so arrogant in their opinions, that they spend their lives angry that people think differently. Every word typed is an attack. Their tone appears defensive. They have to vent at others and force their views on them. It is rare, but I will state my case against someone if I believe they are acting fake, hypocritical, or manipulating others, but often times I just let it go and let consequences fall where they may. Consequences are wonderful things and should be allowed to unfold on their own. They don't need to be forced. Sitting with someone while they deal with those consequences is a kind of love. In SL people are whoever they present themselves to be without question or negative judgements. That acceptance is rare in any world and people respond positively to it. Whether that's love or not is open to debate. Love presents differently in different situations and with different people, so there is no one right way to love.
  3. I really enjoyed watching your process, getting to see how you set up projectors and poses, making things visible and invisible, all those behind-the-scenes details, and the time and thought you put into your scenes. There was plenty of time to play with my own photo tools, EEPs, and angles. Thank you so much for the invite. I will pose for you again sometime if you want!
  4. Well, here we sit reading about how stupid we each are for liking what we like and how wrong it is to enjoy it. It's not possible to let others have preferences different from our own without telling them they're disgusting. What you like is stupid! Talk about Stepford tendencies. In order for one person to be right another has to be wrong. There is currently an entire forum topic devoted solely to dividing SL residents. We are all from different areas of the world here in the forums and in SL. I don't think it is our individual geographic locations that cause us to speak to each other like we're enemies or treat others like dirt on our shoes over virtual neighborhoods and housing styles. (or any topic brought up in the forums) Original topic: I would love to see a breakdown of where residents come from and even gender breakdown. I understand that may not be possible to do with the anonymous nature of the platform, but I'm still curious. It wouldn't change how I use SL or anything because I don't care where you're from and you are whoever you present as inworld. Like Ceka just said, my world view has grown because I've met people from all over and listened to the stories they wanted to share and why they see the world the way they do. Listening to people talk about what they like with enthusiasm and passion is the best! Constantly, loudly dissing everything someone else likes because I don't like it or agree would be pretty awful. So someone doesn't like the US housing styles, but what about its individual citizens? Are they okay or are they ALL the same? Apparently we've now moved on to shoe styles where we'll argue about what they should be called.
  5. And here's mine from a different perspective:
  6. Vague forum history: much of the anti-American sentiment has been small digs over a couple years in the Land section of the forum. Your post was not that contentious. It just got caught in the crossfire of a well-placed barb. The quoted post was a poke at the bees nest and the bees responded. I include myself in that. I have wished in various posts in the land section for something truly different, as well. Maybe LL will do something different one day, but they have found a recipe that is working well for now.
  7. A year or so ago @Scylla Rhiadradescribed what she likes about living in a city. I was shocked at how vibrant, alive, and beautiful she saw where she lives - Cafes, parks, museums, art, and theater all within walking distance. That is a foreign way to live for me. I have lived in suburbia-type places before and Belli is a darn good example even with all the different themes. However, like @Ceka Cianci I live on the side of a mountain far removed from the hustle and bustle of the city I drive to for work. I find it beautiful just like Scylla finds her city life. LL will never please everyone with Bellisseria or any theme they choose. They have to make generic enough places (within their theme) that people can still be creative and make it their own. Sure, if you fly over and only see an aerial view, it all looks the same, but if you view it closer, you'll see many different styles from many different people. There's a different view on every street. Mainland really is for those who want even more freedom for their vision. If I want to live on the side of a mountain in SL, my only choice is mainland. If people from other places want their choice and a representation of their homeland or dream theme, they will need mainland, too.
  8. I wonder how many SL users would choose housing like that - grubby, packed in, garbage around, roads too narrow to navigate. People should think about what they ask for in SL. The Lindens have mentioned several reasons why high density housing won't work for Bellisseria. They also mentioned several times that themes should be considered "inspired by" not exact replicas of each of the housing styles. Even theme purists would argue amongst themselves about what themed housing should look like. One look in the Land section after a new release will show that even people who claim to know housing styles argue vehemently about what they think each theme should have looked like. They then run out and get 5 houses to decorate. Of course we are all from different places. That's the biggest draw for me. Those with a vision should buy mainland and make their version of a traditional theme. Also, I agree that everyone in SL is probably Dutch.
  9. What do you consider an American house? It's only been a country for a few hundred years. Almost everything built is inspired by somewhere else with the exception of anything inspired by First Nations, of course. Are you talking about planned company-town housing? It's not like there are centuries and centuries of traditional housing to choose from. ETA its not like theme prurists will decorate with anything but modern furniture anyway.
  10. Tell Stranger I say hi next time you see him! He is such a nice guy and that is a beautiful setting.
  11. I'll change my clothes to fit a theme. I'll, also, bump my height up temporarily if my dance partner is really tall. I won't raise my height to enter a venue, however. Luckily, the few adult venues I have chosen to frequent don't have height or species rules. If I had been told I was too short, I would leave without a fuss. I am pretty short by SL standards, but have a mature face, body, and clothing. In fact, I have taken care to not look like a 10 year old with breasts.
  12. Dear seller of women's clothes, You hid the basic black item in the fatpack and left pastels as single purchases. /me crosses you off of my personal top 10 must check out list. Former buyer of your clothes, Cinnamon
  13. What a warm, relaxing looking room. I could curl up there all day with a good book and a cup of tea.
  14. Peeve: unspoken today, because it's personal. Taking those positive vibes, though. *3 deep breaths and carry on*
  15. So it wasn't just me getting that feeling...
  16. What kind of look are you going for? A certain ethnicity? Younger or older? Human?
  17. People who like to start drama as a form of entertainment People who are mature enough not to There is no way that dividing people into "us versus them" groups won't turn out to be mean-spirited.
  18. For the cost of a movie and popcorn (which is 2 hours of entertainment) I get an entire month of fun. There is no comparison.
  19. My turn. No DoF in mine, but I like them just fine. I did eventually log out of the PBR viewer to go back to the one without it because I couldn't get the colors I wanted especially the water EEPs. They were all bright blue where they should have been white and I couldn't unsee it. Also, I couldn't upload a pic to my feed with the Firestorm PBR viewer. The bridge looks a little rickety. Are you going to go across it? I don't know. Are you? Should we draw straws to see who tests the safety? A waltz in a kaleidoscope of butterflies
  20. I am sure it is not what it once was, but I am one of those people who is NOT worried about my privacy. I WANT neighbors and visitors. I enjoy watching the trains go by and pods moving around. I want people to lose control of their cars when they're going too fast and end up stuck in a bush outside giving us both something to laugh about and a possible new fun friend. This is where mainland in a busy place is attractive to me. Zalificent and I are polar opposites in how we use mainland and how we view strangers. I just don't feel the need to insult her for it or tell her she's wrong. I am glad she has the tools to make her perfect SL and find her privacy. That is another reason to like mainland.
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