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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. There is something I find quite moving in the monochrome effects. I really like "filling in the blanks" myself as to what colors may have been in the original and what the mood may have been. Sepia, black and white or just muted tones are just lovely and let me make some of the artistic conclusions myself. It is also why I prefer books over television. Many times I am way off from the intent of the artist, but we all can bring our own perspective.
  2. I agree. The chalets, logs and modern have huge houses with a bunch of tiny rooms, but there are some with 3 to 4 rooms. I also like the open floor plans. In this case it looks like the OP chose the absolute largest 3-story house. Any other house from the mailbox would help. Each location I've gotten has been a balance of interior decor and outside landscaping. I don't need much landscaping in a log, stilt, or Victorian. If I get the right parcel, the Mole landscaping is amazing. The campers and houseboats are tiny with 1 to 2 rooms. 351 land impact per parcel is enough with a little thought and effort. I imagine if that number was tripled, it would be a lag nightmare. Do you really want your neighbor to have that? Make every decoration count. Shop responsibly. Choose smaller house plans. Smaller house footprints also make the neighborhood appear less crowded since the structures don't go clear to the parcel boundaries.
  3. Choose a smaller house to decorate. If you have a couch that is 20 land impact, ditch it and find one that is 4 LI. If your kitchen takes up more than 30 LI, find a different one. Make every prim count. Get rid of the fence and put in a 1 LI shrub. Check your clutter. If you have clothes on the floor, pick them up. If your dining table stays set with high LI settings, clear it. How many vases, rugs, paintings, lamps, knickknacks do you really need? Some creators are more adept at efficient building and optimize the land impact of each item. I have seen some really well decorated homes that don't look bare at all and even have landscaping. I am glad for the limits. It forces me to really think about what I put out and I don't just dump my inventory into my Linden Home. My houseboat has 100 unused prims so I have a sandbox in the sky. The premium benefit is not just a parcel, but you get the house without using any of the allotted prims. 351 prims. If you have a 6-room house, that is nearly 60 prims per room. You can do it.
  4. Is this a brand new group that you created? How much time since you created it? Are there other people in the group?
  5. The decks are okay. I will just cover them if I don't like them or add on to a roof if Ichoose a 1 story home. I do like the idea of no attached decking and choices in the content pack, but it will take some extra land impact. I really think the house style I choose will be completely dependent in the location I get. Some of the 512s don't have room for anything but the house. Prim savings on no landscaping needed, I guess. Thanks for the watery sneak peek @Abnor Mole. Very nice indeed. The very last Linden Home theme should be a Build-Your-Own-LH. Just a parcel and a content package of approved designs to mix and match, add a room, take away a wall. What a coding nightmare, but fun! That is only if my first unattainable dream of a parcel with 3 levels of homes to choose from is not possible. Choose from the mailbox 1 of 3 themed homes. 1. Underwater 2. On land or on water 3. Sky or space dwelling Just think of all the perceived space you'd have if your neighbors pick living in outer space and you pick underwater. No landscaping needed at all in space! If you're going to dream, dream big.
  6. I like northern mountainous forests (not tropical) green, cool, foggy, wet, thick and lush, with boughs so luxurious the darkness swallows me and only occasional beams of light stream through, overgrown and wild, moss dripping from every branch, ferns, needles and mushrooms for quiet ground cover, with babbling brooks and rocky terrain, the sound of mountain birds and the snapping of twigs in the distance to make you wonder what creatures are out there, old and mysterious, where the trees can tell stories of a thousand years ago. I'll visit a crowded city or a hot, sandy beach, but I won't stay there. I'll let the forest swallow me first.
  7. Sometimes criticisms of creators can go too far and become whiny or cruel. Sometimes the criticisms of creators are well deserved. The shoulders on my Lara body are somehow wrong. I can't pinpoint what bugs me, but I usually wear at least a short-sleeved shirt to hide them. Sometimes the creators of those short-sleeved shirts still get it wrong. Then there is the mismatch of head and body skins by the same creator or textures on clothes or vehicles that don't line up. Sometimes the mismatch of colors and textures or use of sliders to fix shape imperfections is my own fault for not knowing how it all works. 11 years in SL and I still find new things to learn, but yes, sometimes it is the creators. Sometimes it is the limitations of the platform and the tools. Sometimes it is me.
  8. I kinda love everything about this avatar. A little rough, unpolished, unique, and approachable. You've made it your own and, by my own personal standards, it's a very attractive look.
  9. In real life it's been snowing on my mountain for 3 days straight and I've been iced in for 2. I'm over it. Time for some virtual vitamin D and a fruity drink. /me stows the snow shovel, puts another log on the fire, and basks in the warmth. Here's to hoping the internet connection continues and the electricity stays on.
  10. I looked abourt 90 minutes ago and there were only 2 choices - chalet and camper. I think these are catch and release homes, but I may try anyway. I haven't used my hopper yet today.
  11. I fill the back of the carton at the fold, so I can quickly grab the box and if it shifts the eggs won't fall out the opening. If the fold edge is full, I work from the center out, but the open edge gets emptied first as it should be.
  12. Updating Cora's profile pic. My first post-edited photos. I found some filters and lighting adjustments in my computer. It was fun to bounce through the filters and watch the photos change. Maybe I'll use poses one day, but for now it's just my AO. I did find some piercings in the mesh head box, so that's new as well.
  13. I've never lived in a city, @Scylla Rhiadra. Your words almost make it sound inviting and adventurous. The picture is lovely as well.
  14. I don't have a Christmas or holiday song to share. I was flipping through radio stations today like always and stopped on an oldies station. The song took me back to my childhood. It is a song my mom used to sing along to. Sunday was house cleaning day in our house (no church for us) and mom always listened to the top 40 countdown while we dusted and vacuumed. I remember this song for the misheard lyrics. I used to sing "400 children and a crop in the field" and wondered who on earth wanted 400 kids?
  15. BeaverCreek is a real place. It is the next tiny town over from where I currently live in real life. I even lived in BeaverCreek for a few months before getting my house. Anyone under the age of about 50 does giggle about the name.
  16. I had to go back to 2019 to find this poem. It's one of my favorites! Happy holidays @Hippie Bowman (miss seeing your positivity) and all forumites.
  17. That is a really nice parcel. I can't wait to see what you do with it. I tried a chalet and couldn't find my inspiration to decorate it. That parcel looks inspiring!
  18. I also use individual standing animations from all over in the built in AO in Firestorm. It's nice because I don't have to wear a HUD on my screen. I also made a second one inside the built in AO just for dances. It is also hard to find nonsuggestive dances. I will be watching this post for ideas as well.
  19. /me hunches over her pilfered computer in a forgotten cave behind the waterfall in Rigamarole. She checks the tide tables and waits for nightfall and a low tide to make the dangerous crossing into Fantasseria. She checks her watch and sighs. "Another shot of Jagermole, then." She fidgets, paces and has another toke from her cigarette. "I hate waiting," she says aloud in her best Inigo voice.
  20. That is exactly the look I give to the smell of eggnog.
  21. Am I the only one who doesn't care if a region is cloned? I just want a parcel I like. Whether someone else has the same house setup several regions away doesn't impact my enjoyment of the parcel I like. By the time people are done decorating and landscaping, the cloned regions look very different. Even driving, biking or boating through regions daily wouldn't look make everything exactly the same. What do people actually have against cloning regions?
  22. It took me a LONG time to find a trad I liked, so I hope we get open floor plans! I'll have to go check out that cafe. Of course, individual wall and ceiling colors would be great.
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