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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Cinnamon Mistwood forms devil horns with her fingers and starts headbanging. With her hair flying in all directions, she sings loudly and off-key along with:
  2. @Frigga Freidman somehow, I have missed this store (Nomad). Since I am leaning toward industrial/Post apoc for the new theme, I had a lot of fun checking it out today. Thanks for sharing.
  3. You can pull the animations from your AO from the content tab in the edit menu. You need to have modify rights. If you do not also have copy rights you'll be taking the animation out of the original AO completely. When the animations are in your inventory open the built-in Firestorm AO and drag them into the appropriate section - stand, fly, walk, hover, turn left and others.
  4. This looks so inviting! Is your home in a city or is that a backdrop?
  5. This is a really nice mature skin. Would you mind sharing where you got it?
  6. Whoooooooo! My SL partner of 10 years logged in for the first time in 5 years. My amazing Dutchman ❤️ He had updated his look with one of the mesh head gifts and was no longer 8ft tall, but I still recognized him. Maybe I can convince him to take me dancing in the future.
  7. Just turn it off. In Firestorm preferences: red arrow - I don't want to see your crosshairs/lookats green arrow - I don't want you to see mine
  8. I come from veterinary medicine as well - small companion animal med, octopus keeper, and recently shelter medicine. No one goes into vet med because it will make them rich. Even in specialties the payoff is not becoming a millionaire and people still accuse you of money grubbing and hate because you won't treat their Fluffy for free. If I have to hear "What about your oath to heal animals" one more time.... Gah! I have bills to pay, employees to pay, benefits to pay for, building and supply overhead, insurance. No, I can't treat your cat for free or I won't be in business long. Private medicine sometimes sucks. I'll stick with exotics and shelters for now.
  9. One raw shot and one edited pic. The filters are fun and they're adjustable, but I think my next challenge will be to figure out how EEP works and see what I can do with that. New this time is the use of shadows. They turned out really pixelated, so I think I hit the limit of my computer. Raw: Filter added: Oh, my partner logged in for the first time in 5 years yesterday. Maybe I can convince him to take a couple's photo for that other thread. 🤞 I'll ambush him the next time he pops in.
  10. I gave the book All Saints Hotel and Cocktail Lounge to one of my kids for Christmas. It was handed back to me today to read it for myself. It's not my usual escapist/paranormal/scifi fiction. When I read or watch TV I usually choose topics as far from reality as possible. I see enough "real" every day. It's also not written for me (Gen X,) but written for millennial/Gen Z. I guess it got to number 1 in political fiction. I suppose I'll give it a try because book club with my kids is the best. Has anyone read it? Anyway, it's next. I'll start it tonight.
  11. What you're really saying without actually saying it is that there will be a free range zoo in Newbrooke, right?
  12. The head tilt makes this photo look extra cute ❤️
  13. Both hairs are great! You have a very good looking avatar with either. 😍
  14. I read that the same way you did (after several readings and attempts at comprehension.) My off topic: Lookats aren't good for anything but drama mongering. I can't think of a single legitimate use of needing to see what someone else is looking at. I don't expect to be attacked randomly while wandering around in SL because I am not out there attacking others. I don't visit combat regions so I don't need to be paranoid that an attack will come out of left field. I don't care to know if someone is looking at my skirt. I would not comment in IM or publicly on what someone else is looking at trying to embarrass or shame them. It's just for negative drama. I don't need to see your lookats and you don't need to see mine. Mind your own business and don't rely on me for your drama. Sending your lookats to others should be off by default for new users, but is that even an option in the official viewer? I haven't used it in so long I can't remember. I do feel a bit sorry for anyone that feels the need to walk around with their finger on a retaliation button just in case they get attacked while exploring, but I get that there are plenty of people whose sole form of entertainment is finding new users and orbiting them, crashing their viewers, or worse. That's a shame. Perhaps the new user experience should include a short course on the tools available to protect yourself from trolls, but unfortunately that might scare more people than it helps.
  15. Living in the sticks is limiting sometimes. I usually order mine, but occasionally a bag or two will randomly appear at the small local grocers.
  16. The chocolate that Hersheys makes does not even come close to a Lindt Truffle. Lindt are magnificent, melt at body temperature, and are so smooth they feel like sweet silk in your mouth. They also come in a multitude of flavors. There is no comparing the two brands. I just got to try the a pistachio and a hazelnut at Christmas. MMMMMMmmmmMMMM
  17. This is cool. You brought up some unreleased Vics yesterday. I went and looked and some of them are prime locations.
  18. Just a splash of cream, please. No sugar or others flavorings because coffee tastes good without it.
  19. No a newbie will not know this and yes it's both premium and free content. Learning a new platform and your limitations in it is part of the process. It is the same in any game or virtual world. The learning curve for SL is steep. You may have to put in a tiny bit of effort to learn.
  20. 😲 Is that a little Whack-a-Mole guy???? Has anyone warned the moles?
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