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Resi Pfeffer

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Everything posted by Resi Pfeffer

  1. Ich kann nichts zum Kopf von Logo sagen, aber die Bewertungen auf dem Marketplace sind recht gut. Wenn der Kopf ein Renderweight von 250.000 hätte, würde es viele Daumen nach unten geben... Und auch Maitreya lässt den Zähler sicherlich nicht durch die Decke gehen. Wenn ich nackt (ebenfalls mit dem Lara Body) rumstehe, dann komme ich inkl. GA.EG Kopf, Augen und Haaren gerade mal auf 40.000 Versuche mal, den Übeltäter mittels der Zwiebelmethode herauszufinden. Entferne ALLES von Deinem Avatar. Sämtliche Attachments und Alphas. Entweder übers Inventar im "Getragen/Worn" Reiter, oder über einen Rechtsklick auf Deinen Avatar und dann auf "Abnehmen - Alles Abnehmen" Und dann baust Du Dich Stück für Stück wieder zusammen, und nach jeden Schritt siehst Du auf den Komplexitätszähler. Ich tippe bei Deinem Übeltäter eher auf irgendein Relikt aus alten Zeiten. Das kann eine Halskette sein, oder auch Schuhe. Erzahl uns dann, was schuld war, ja?
  2. I like to dress in a neat way, and sometimes it attracts attention. I dont post any pictures anywhere, there is just a picture frame in my home, next to the bed. So, what am i?
  3. Right, thats the standard behaviour. But i bet, its modifiable in the abyss of the settings menu.
  4. A lot of clubs are still full and there are plenty of them with a public conversation going on, just disrupted by the ear scattering ascii art gestures fired by the host. You just need to find the one you like. Thats not the gangs fault, if you are too shy. Well, if they have beaten you up according to their "welcome ritual", then i could understand, why you didnt feel that well But since you still had your 12-years friend to talk to, everything went well, i would say.
  5. What about staying away from people or groups you cant handle?
  6. I have no idea who you are, but welcome back and keep rockin.
  7. @Joeyx Better don´t let us hijack your thread.
  8. Surprisingly some people even follow this rules. A few days ago someone unknown wrote me just a "Hi". I responded "Hi", and then our conversation was done. OK, that was the worst example
  9. Absolutely true. Thats why i prefer being restricted to 30 prims at my small private owned sim corner rental, instead of moving to madlands, where space and prims are plenty, but neighbours mostly perform horribly as architects.
  10. Btw, where is she? I miss her posts.
  11. Thats nothing you loose that fast. Probably you just talked to the wrong person who couldnt reflect your vibes.
  12. By the things you have said in the past, i would expect you to skip the last step.
  13. I work already in a big logistics company in real life. Nice idea though, but im out.
  14. Sorry, i dont get your question, and i dont get Roligs answer. But maybe you might have a look into a physics script? That could tell you what it does.
  15. Its not a one way road... You also need to want her to be your sister. Means, first you should try to know each other. You are fine the way you are. Its the personality behind the avatar what makes the difference. Take your time improving your look, and always try the demo first, before you buy.
  16. Thanks But probably i have to blame myself. Its also very likely that i´ve just deleted the invitation when i tried to get rid of all the other (unimportant) messages appearing at every login.
  17. Didn´t receive the invitation at all, but im going to search the group anyway...
  18. There is nothing to add to what Aislin and Akasha said.
  19. Why would you need a translator? You both seem to speak english quite well.
  20. Angeoco pretty much nailed it. There is no really simple solution for this problem. Do it the way she described, if you want to edit your shape very often. I also search a lot for casual clothes to look like RL and mostly i have to face the same problems. Sometimes i use a belt to cover the ugly part where the pants clip trough the bottom of the shirt. Or you could head for a more or less complete outfit. Then you can be sure (after you tried the demo) that pants and blouse are made for each other. Maybe you like something like this? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/hh-Lenny-Tucked-Shirt-Pants-Set-HUD-Driven-v2/7094415
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