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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. Yeah this is not going to happen, LL knows content creators need the ability to backup their creations, if you were to put a stop to that, you would kill the economy, people would leave, it's that simple. 2nd, to phil and others, that official viewer (cringe) I will not use until they get rid of chui, they dump it, I'll go back, only reason for not using LL viewer.
  2. Not all of us want stuck with a lastname that we can not change coby. sorry I am not one who wants them back, I am already stuck with this. display helped me fix that for the most part.
  3. They own the land, they can do as they want, it's how it's worked since I've been here. never will change. my advice go looking someplace. they really wanted people to shop there they would not use such devices.
  4. the land must be deeded to a group then the proper permissions set in the group.
  5. people rant and complain constantly, if you HAD read any other threads about certain people who were coming to SL to fllpflop with bitcoin or to buy these in large sums and cash out, you would realize there was something taking place. the LAB clamped down on this and with the new laws that have went into effect the LAB has to do certain thigns to keep the FEDS off their backs.
  6. Barry Lubezki wrote: Which underlines that Linden Labs is so arrogant that they can ignore complaints from residents. you sound like they owe you things, they owe you nothing
  7. Yeah moan and complain, funny you are **bleep** about problems, but I am here daily from upwards of 12 hours without a relog or having a sim crash or lagging. why, because I set my computer hardware up to run SL, I set my client to RUN SL. I make sure ya know I'm not running hardware oh from 2007, if you are trying this on a pos store bought computer that was made in 07 or a laptop that's not meant for more then basic things (most laptops) then yeah you are going to have issues, oh what about your connection, trying to use it on anything other then wired or Wireless N will get you bad results and **bleep** you might just lag or have issues with things. but nope, always LL's fault.
  8. "refuses to upgrade" nope, upgraded, got 5fps with all viewers, uninstalled and moved back to pre-fitted. if it does not work right out of the box then there is no reason for me to use it. suffice my machine is less then 2 years old. suffice I should not have to work to make it work. when they can get their heads out of their collective asses and check bug reports and jira issues on this and then push a patch to everybody that will fix this collective mess they have thrown on us, then I will move to fitted as it stands right now. I'm using a tvp to blacklist all things fitted. so I can get my typical 50fps.
  9. Owned by google means nothing, I can inject my own ad's using my own html code with blogger. it would be simple to spoof SL login page and have people enter taht information and then store it and use it for what ever causes they wanted. that's why you do not enter your information onto sites that you do not trust. also grabbing it without you inputting it highly unlikely. that's how pages get a quick kill from google is that kind of method, putting information on the site is freedom of information and they tend to not act on that. so simple advice, dont derp and put information onto his site.
  10. Mine craft, you craft things, SL you buy things or you make them. my suggestion, watch videos and go into the world. asking questions on how does it differ just does not work well with how this platform works. it's beyond what minecraft is.
  11. when I used to run my AI chatbot, I would log his chats to my blog. because people can be islly with ai's at times. so once it's outside LL's Domain (aka their property) then you can do what you want with it and not much can be said. moral and ethical though. thats anothe dilima
  12. shares... 2014: Did you know? Growing Second Life Second Life has currently more than 37 million residents. Thats the amount of total residents in Second Life. One year ago and we are talking about 33 millions. 4 million residents in one year. The same between 2010 and 2011. Between 2011 and 2012 the jump was around 6 million. And from 2012 to 2013 nearly 5 million residents joined Second Life. Open Second Life and you will see permanently 47.000 users online in average. The maximum peak every actual day is around 57.000. While in 2010 the maximum was reached with around 80.000 users. Roughly 1 million users are using Second Life every month. While General rated regions decreased by 30 percent and Moderate rated regions decreased by 25 percent, Adult rated regions were increasing by 100 % from 2011 until today. In this way Second Life is growing. The Main Grid total regions show a minus of roughly 17 % between 2011 and today. Today 18 % of all Main Grid regions are "Adult", 68 % are "Moderate" and 14 % "General". The total area of the Main Grid is mentioned with 1715.86 km² which is equal to San Francisco (where Linden Lab is located), Berlin and Paris together. Interpretations based on http://gridsurvey.com Our tipp of the day. Have a look for more detailed informations. Best wishes from Maxim Ouachita for http://janicouachita.blogspot.com
  13. The support ticket system has been the same since I got here in 07, not sure what it was before that though. but they never seem to take suggestions either like this, but that's a good one and I'll go for it too.
  14. it does work on dialup. when connected to 43.3k I can still use SL, it's a bit weird and can get really quriky when in areas with large amount of av's. but it works. rez time does take ages though.
  15. This will be fine and dandy until the jira trolls restart up, they was playing jira gods, closing comments, closing bug reports, deleting reports. quite a big bunch of crap. honestly. it needs to be watched this time and those who act like that will need punted.
  16. Nothing much to add but *boops deej nose* also fennecs. we rule. that is all
  17. when they start listening to the quiet users, the ones who eek by, and stop listening to the loud mouth know it all's, then and only then can they finally accomplish things.
  18. Gadget, that is exactly what is happening, they are trying to avoid certain channels to get the coins. big discussion a while back with some people, we've noticed quite a bit of people have been coming and asking how to do just this.
  19. yeah that's not going to accomplish much, after being here for this many years as I have. one learns. to fend for ones self unless it's fraud or another money matter.
  20. So this I am going to just go ahead and say 'wont work'. asset storage in it's self is high, something like 370petabytes. then bandwidth, employee payroll <other business expenses> so to justify 20 bucks a month. god they'd have to be highly insane, it would be like cutting there right leg off. I'm in this hosting business and trust me. "we want a cheaper prices" is what certain client of mine rave and **bleep** about. They do not understand. we are breaking even on our accounts currently, our upstream provider has just actaully raised our per gb cost. which we have to pass to the consumer. What the lab is doing is making sure all costs are covered and then making some what of a profit, they have too or sl drys up and we all move to opensim. so tl;dr. it costs money to provide SL to us, so please think before you go 'LOWER OUR TIERS' Some reason it replied to emilia, this was not directed at you. but another poster.
  21. Gadget, he's never going to understand this. if the lab does take them, I'm out, my company is out, we will be done. because it leaves to much risk involved and he'll come in say "what risk" oh money laundering, more legal issues for the lab, I can go on and on with him on this, but I am going to take the higher route and avoid getting myself into trouble.
  22. suffice to say when and if the lab ever accepts this as a source of payment, I will pull my assets and my businesses out of SL, I will not work with a company that accepts a source such as bitcoin. Many reason behind this but to not start or causes issues, I'll leave it as what I've stated above.
  23. They used to be able to do system wide messages using that bluebox dropdown. but from what I understand from a couple sources and not sure which one is the right one is that 1. you need a linden in god mode, but that god mode has to be 250 or more, nobody seems to have been reassigned this level so nobody can do it. 2. it was removed from active code so the ability to do it is now gone. 3. nobody knows the password to the account thats able to do it and they can not recover it because of a fail safe suffice to say, people who know people is were I got this info, none of it directly from the lab or it's employee's. so take it with a grain of salt, I have
  24. So still nothing from the lab on this. "State of the Linden" is what we need today. who's running LL, who's doing this or that and whats the game plan. people would like to know, this thread is proof.
  25. If people make sure there stations are not listed then it should work fine, it's the listing that gets things derped up. I learned years ago, to stay off shoutcasts radar, to block yap and make sure there listing was denied. plus keeps things under the radar, but last time I actaully streamed was back in 09, so I'm not sure what this new problem might be.
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