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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. I thought the innocent people had already gotten vaccinated. Seems to me if you refuse to be vaccinated and get sick it's your own fault. OMG what a concept personal responsibility
  2. I'm not stripping anyone's rights from anyone. All I'm saying private property rights should trump the rights of others to demand that you serve them.
  3. Regardless of what mud and straw hovels were located on the site before, the city of London was founded by the Romans.
  4. My refusing to bake you a cake does not make you a second class citizen. It seems that the right to force someone to interact with you is a now a basic human right?
  5. Oh Of course, the old "we must do it for the children" When nothing else works, say it's for the kids.
  6. My point is that a private business owner should be able to choose who his clientele will be. I'm sure there are 10 other business owners that will be more than happy to serve those people he chooses not to serve.
  7. Then it goes back to my original contention that anyone that operates a business should be able to refuse to serve anyone for any reason. And to be fair, it can go both ways. A Black could put up a sign, that says no Whites allowed. The difference is, I'd just say whatever and go spend my money someplace else.
  8. So, are you saying that you can't call a person promoting communist ideas a communist? That like saying you can't call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists. Oh and did you know that in the Peoples Islamic State of Canada, its illegal to say Islamic terrorist, because the term casts Islam in a negative light, and that has been forbidden in law. *its not denigration if its true*
  9. Yes yes yes essential services... but when was it a basic human right to be able to force someone to cut your hair or bake you a cake?
  10. of course socialists, communists, snowflakes, SJWs,and bleeding hearts have their own words for their opponents don't they?
  11. Actually, I'm a Libertarian, a Nationalist Libertarian to be specific, because I detest Libertarian open border policies. *Don't look it up, I'm the only one*
  12. and of course us on the "other side" (non leftist) are called nazi, fascist, racist, supremacist, just to name a few examples. But of course, they aren't perjoratives are they? *oh and alt-right*
  13. Actually I have no problem with The Lincoln Memorial. Lincoln did what he set out to do, which was to preserve the Union, and a grateful nation chose to honor him. Did You know that before the Emancipation Proclamation was announced, Lincoln made one last offer to the South to get them to return to the Union. He proposed a Constitutional Amendment permitting slavery to exist until 1900, with a gradual release of the slaves and compensation to the owners for loss of property. Douglass had good reason to mistrust Lincoln. On December 1, 1862, one month before the scheduled issuing of an Emancipation Proclamation, the president offered the Confederacy another chance to return to the union and preserve slavery for the foreseeable future. In his annual message to congress, Lincoln recommended a constitutional amendment, which if it had passed, would have been the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution. The amendment proposed gradual emancipation that would not be completed for another thirty-seven years, taking slavery in the United States into the twentieth century; compensation, not for the enslaved, but for the slaveholder; and the expulsion, supposedly voluntary but essentially a new Trail of Tears, of formerly enslaved Africans to the Caribbean, Central America, and Africa. http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/153860
  14. ROMAN LONDON The Romans founded London about 50 AD. Its name is derived from the Celtic word Londinios, which means the place of the bold one. After they invaded Britain in 43 AD the Romans built a bridge across the Thames. They later decided it was an excellent place to build a port. The water was deep enough for ocean going ships but it was far enough inland to be safe from Germanic raiders. Around 50 AD Roman merchants built a town by the bridge. So London was born. http://www.localhistories.org/london.html
  15. Never mind I found it. I guess they figure it's safer in the land forum because who ever checks out the land forum anyway? *shrugs*
  16. i wish youd stop calling them progressives and call them what they really are leftists socialists and communists
  17. the brits repelled caesar? london was founded by the romans i believe and there was a roman presence in britain for about 300 years
  18. if more people were aware of some of the things Lincoln said about blacks they would be clamoring to remove the lincoln memorial. one must consider though he was just in tune with his time. i doubt very few abolitionists while fighting to end slavery would want to live beside blacks or have their daughters marry one. Lincolns long term goal was to return all the blacks to africa or any other country that would accept them
  19. why don't you tell us about all the rights blacks had at the time in the enlightened northern states
  20. back then republicans were the good guys. why didn't you share his name with the forum?
  21. oh i know we can set up second life human rights commissions like they have in The Peoples Islamic Republic of Canada
  22. no one knows what anyone in second life really is in real life so if your avatar is banned somewhere in second life how can you think you have any redress in real life for what happened to your cartoon?
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