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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. i'm not trying to attack you or piss you off, i just know how the bloodlines system works. If a person wears the hud and is bit, the soul goes to the person that bit you, and thats what your bloodlines page shows. Dillon didn't wear the hud, his soul went to the abyss. Even without the garlic necklace he would only show up on a page listing all the victims of the vampire that bit him, there wouldn't be a special page dedicated to him. If you think I'm lying I can invite active vampire friends of mine to join this discussion and they can explain how the system works, and your current status in bloodlines.
  2. searching you on bloodlines gives us this: This account has been deactivated. Accounts that have been deactivated by wearing The Garlic Necklace are now displayed as auto-generated names with the last names Immortalus, Maleficus, Damarchus, Grimm, or Miasmador That is not what shows up when i searched for Phil. He was and still is an active member in the bloodlines database.. because he wore the hud before he was bitten
  3. Its funny but a lot of my friends let themselves be bitten in the heat of passion. I never let any of my vampire lovers even have a free bite.
  4. Oh i believe you, but if you want to totally remove yourself from bloodlines, wear the garlic necklace, it will block your name on the website
  5. The page doesn't lie, if you were bitten without the hud, you wouldn't show up in bloodlines search. If you are bitten without the hud, your soul goes to the abyss, if you are wearing the hud, the person that bites you gets your soul. If you weren't wearing the hud when you got bitten, then the next person to bite you after you wear the hud gets your soul However, you were only bitten once, by one person, so that person must have bought you the hud before they bit you. So now we know why the vampires leave you alone, your soul is already spoken for. Its not in the abyss, you can sleep easy now *grins*
  6. Phil Phil Phil......you are an active bloodlines player, you wore the hud. Your soul is owned by LittleAbs. Obviously Rhea Sands traded your soul at some point in time, or sold it. https://human.slbloodlines.com/members/164917
  7. I heard the Latter Day Saints are secretly baptizing avatars without their knowledge, which make the person in rl a member of their church.
  8. Bloodlines has changed their webpage somehow, there used to be a page for each vampire showing the name of every person they ever bit. I could google "slbloodlines -avatar name-" and find their name on a page of every victim of any one vampire. If i searched on the bloodlines webpage a non players name it would give no results, but using the search i described, their name would show up. If i was bored i'd do it to friends and say, ohhhh, i see you lost your soul years ago. Some had no clue, some were mildly upset, some asked what they should do about it. I just said forget it,its meaningless. I suspect Bloodlines no longer keeps list of avatar names that were bit but never wore the hud in its public database. Of course its still in a private list for people using the hud
  9. If it was bloodlines, they had to send you a bite request, which you would have had to accept. Its it progeny, they "feed" on other players all the time, with no ones knowledge. The only bad thing about bloodlines is that if you accept their bite request your "soul" (bloodlines game marker) goes to limbo and you will be contacted by concerned vampires for the rest of your second life informing you of this fact and offering to rescue it for you. And yes its true, i play bloodlines, only i'm playing to keep my soul in my own body. I'm a "fresh victim". *grins*
  10. I was on a totally empty LL house sim one time, all the lot lines were there but no houses. I couldn't decide if it was an expansion or a contraction.
  11. I'm honestly not sure why I'm pushing to make it easier for people to buy mainland. I have an 8192 sq m on roadfront on a mostly abandoned sim. The views of the open rolling prairie are quite cool. They remind me of my recent trip to Nebraska. I also have wonderful sunrise/moonrise ocean views from the roof of my building. There is no lag and no annoying neighbors.
  12. How will she ever know? So, are you saying there are RL lesbians pretending to be guys in here so they can have sex with women? Anyone that worries that the person they meet in SL might not match their RL gender should really just quit SL and go play somewhere else. *grins*
  13. What happened to your old avatar and your old friends?
  14. estate owners sell their parcels for 1 L each. all im saying is that LL put themselves on an equal footing with estate owners and subdivide and list for sale their parcels at the same price as estate owners. resellers are still free to put their land for sale at any price they wish
  15. You can use all that money you saved by giving up premium to buy a parcel on an estate and have your own stream again. *rolls eyes*
  16. Not everyone wants to pay the price gouging amounts charged by land barons. My plan would put the land flippers out of business. The could still buy land at 1 L a parcel and try to sell it for more, but I doubt there would be many takers.
  17. omg really? i thought that would be a wonderful idea. Except my idea is $1 L per parcel, not $1 L per sq m How is buying land from LL for 1 L any different than buying from a private estate owner for $1L? You still have to pay tier/rent every month, Its not Linden Lab's fault people got greedy. I say bring in $1 L per parcel land sales to mainland and watch mainland become populated again.
  18. How to tell if someone is a socialist: Ask them if the salaries of sports stars should be capped so that the public can get to buy cheaper tickets.
  19. What is your 13 year old son doing on second life? If hes not, is he then watching you sodomize that woman? Do you let him watch porn movies over your shoulder too?
  20. Who defines deviant though? Zindra is the continent where adult content can exist in plain view. On mature there are a series of rules that must be followed to ensure people passing by can not get a glimpse of depravity and are scarred forever
  21. How do you feel about LL putting itself on an equal footing as estate owners and subdividing and selling all of the mainland for 1 L per parcel? Mainland is largely empty because its almost impossible to buy mainland as compared to buying on an estate. Perhaps with all that new tier coming in, LL could then lower the rates.
  22. What are your settings? SL will run horribly slow if they are too high. Try setting everything as low as possible then work your way up. For starters drop your draw to 32, set your jelly doll level to 20,000, and set your graphics to low, and see if that helps. Oh and hard wire your conection to your router. If nothing helps, either your internet connection is too slow, or your computer IS just too crappy.
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