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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Now why the hell would the template only have one arm, yet have two legs? I mean, really?!? Who the hell came up with that idea?
  2. Ahhh, so for some odd reason, the 'same on both sides' thing only applies to arms. Good to know, but that seems awfully strange. By the same token, I know nothing about the avatar mesh.
  3. Or at the very least, take the necklace off and see if that solves the issue. Then contact support: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  4. If you choose to tie a bank account to your PayPal account to verify it, then you'll need to manually transfer money from the bank account into PayPal before you try to use the PayPal to buy L$. This is because the bank transfer sometimes takes a day or so and LL will not wait for that, thus the purchase would end up failing. If you verify the PayPal via credit card, then buying L$ would be an instant charge and LL does accept that and thus the PayPal does not need to be pre-funded in those cases.
  5. I've only recently started looking at tattoos - never before been a tattoo person. Thus I seldom pay too much attention to such talks here on the forums. Yet I do vaguely remember something lately about tattoos and them being applied to one side vs both. I saw an ad today that brought this up for me. Per the picture below, is this really possible on all mesh bodies or only some that give special tattoo features?
  6. I'm no where near vegan or vegetarian, nor do I have desire to be. My idea of healthy eating is to avoid most processed foods containing stuff I can't even pronounce, and to limit my carbs. I do not function without coffee in the morning and I can guarantee that people do not want anything to do with me before I've had at least 2 cups. My normal daily intake is 38-40 oz, before noon. I don't drink coffee in the afternoon. I'm an indoor person mostly, though I do have a rose garden and do like to go wandering through the mountains sometimes. Agnostic. Music - I listen to music in the car and sometimes at the computer. Other than my dance nights out (in RL), I probably wouldn't miss it if music was gone -- well, except that TV shows and movies would be weird with no music here and there. I think I have a sense of humor. Others say it is often lost in my sarcasm and cynicism.
  7. Some folks get confused with the Buy Now button, thinking that it means you 'now want to buy what is in your cart', but that is not how that button works. You actually have to click on the cart and follow those screens all the way through in order to purchase what was added to the cart. Clicking the 'Buy Now' at any time completely ignores anything/everything in the cart and simply does a "buy it right now" transaction of that item to be delivered to yourself.
  8. People sometimes post things in Land / General Discussion thinking they are posting in the regular People / General Discussion. To help reduce or eliminate the confusion between the two forums, maybe the one in Land could be renamed to actually have 'Land' in the name: Land General Discussion. And then I realized there is also a General Discussion in Adult - that explains a few other of the threads we've had in odd places. Maybe actually add 'Adult' to the beginning of that name to help people keep it straight.
  9. Yes, it is in 'General Discussion', but it is the General Discussion sub-forum of Land rather than the General Discussion sub-forum of People.
  10. Ugh, what was supposed to be a somewhat simple implementation today has turned into a mess. The database had stuck jobs when I logged in this morning and ultimately crapped itself, thus is now in recovery mode. The recovery is expected to be a 4-5 hour process, which means I won't be able to finish the other tasks associated with this for at least another 2-3 hours. *crossing my fingers that it still all manages to get done by early evening.
  11. Odd - It still shows in Land / General Discussion for me: You or someone has to Report the 'post', via the 'report post' process here in the forum - and then in the reporting comments, mention that it needs to be moved. I'm not sure how much moderation we have here on the weekends, so it may or may not get moved for quite a while.
  12. It shouldn't actually be a recurring payment set up in PayPal, but simply an ongoing authorization. Unless you are also a Premium member and then the recurring payment should be there and must stay - unless you want you premium renewal to fail, which will result in a locked account. One additional note related to your comment about buying items in the MP --- due to the fees associated with buying L$, you probably don't ever want the MP to do the buy because it will only buy whatever is needed for the MP purchase. It is better overall for you to buy them yourself and in a quantity to make the fee not be a huge percentage of the overall money being spent.
  13. It might interest you to know that everyone here is just another Resident, just like you. The Lindens seldom come to the forums, so they may or may not ever see this thread.
  14. You might also want to read the below post and my followup post further down. Installing that app will make it easier in the future to get your SLURL processing straightened out if you ever install another viewer for any reason.
  15. You'll need to "report it", saying that it needs to be moved to Regular General Discussion, rather than be in Land General Discussion.
  16. This sometimes happens when a second viewer is installed because it takes over control for SLURL processing. See this post - and scroll down to Nalates' response:
  17. ^^ This. Take everything off and add things one at a time and you'll figure out what is happening. You'll also learn more about the different types of wearables in SL.
  18. Go to your dashboard at secondlife.com - click Account, then Premium Membership. Under Explore your Linden Home click Go Now. Select a Theme and select any house. Continue through the process until you get the link to go to your house. Whatever sim you end up on will contain many copies of all houses for that theme. Stand in the middle of your house and click World / About Land, and then click Abandon Land. That releases the house. After you abandon your house, repeat the steps above, only select a different theme this time. Repeat until you have visited sims for all of the themes that are currently available. You can choose up to 5 houses per day, but I'm pretty sure there are not that many themes currently available. Note that all of the houses are pretty close to the same size -- i.e. they all fit within a 512 sqm parcel.
  19. Damn, now I want to know what I missed
  20. I really thought it had always been that way. I can't say as I've ever paid too much attention before, but I have periodically scanned back to review all the messages that came in the minute I logged on. I just don't recall it ever going back very far.
  21. My alt gave up after only getting 3 or 4 clothing items. It was the most dreadful experience I think I've ever had shopping in SL.
  22. I hate to tell you, but you can either let it go, or continue trying to talk to the region owner. There is nothign that LL will do, nor is there anything that anyone here on the forums can do. You feeling or thinking that the ban is unjustified is totally not relevant here. The owner does not even need a reason. Yes it sucks, but that is the way it is.
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