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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Gosh, after all this computer talk, I feel positively young all of a sudden. Now to just convince the joints of that when I get out of bed each morning.
  2. Ah yes, the good old chat rooms where they constantly asked that. Some of them couldn't seem to actually maintain a conversation about anything else.
  3. Pretty much guaranteed to be an internet issue of some sort and if you recently changed ISPs, then it is likely related to that. Here's an article to help you debug it a bit: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  4. I'd probably jjust block them straight away. There is no good reason for them to be asking. It implies they would likely be up to no good and thus not someone I need in my SLife.
  5. I didn't start messin with the darn things till 1980. Initially it was all dumb terminals though. I didn't see my first actually computer for another year or so.
  6. Mine is in the process of getting ripped apart because we are just starting an office remodeling project. Thus, I haven't much to show at this point. The room is going to be pretty much gutted down to the 2x4s so it will be a while before it is presentable again.
  7. Even then, those of us that are a bit older, would still usually wait at least a bit before asking such questions.
  8. Totally odd. @starflitz - You will have to add your Paypal, and it must be a verified PayPal. Due to your web showing "payment info on file", but the inworld script not showing it, you may or may not already have established your LindeX limits. If your LindeX limits have not yet been set, you'll need to first buy some L$ and then wait 30 days before you can sell and then 'process credit' to cash out.
  9. @KammyKat - I'll add that although it is a very frustrating learning experience, you can somewhat console yourself in the fact that it very likely was not very much money in RL terms. Hope your experiences going forward are more positive. Definitely set yourself a threshold of how many L$ you are willing to throw away on something and in the future do not buy anything costing more than that amount without a demo or actually seeing it inworld.
  10. Wow, pretty bold for a first conversation. I'd bet everything that they are in their very early 20s. Those are pretty much the only folks I know that think it is okay to ask those sort of questions right off the bat on the internet.
  11. Even that, within SL, is highly unlikely unless it actually crossed into RL. If the other person simply spent a lot of L$, there isn't much that will be done by anyone.
  12. The original version started in April 2008 and went until the forums changed software in Feb 2010: http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/327/85/252954/1.html Then the next iteration started up, though it looks like it took roughly a year to do so (though there may be an a version between the two). That thread is here: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/32554-just-ignore-and-let-this-one-die/ Then the forum software changed again and we ended up with this version of the thread.
  13. You should just be able to left click the shortcut in File Manager and drag it to the SLURL Proxy app window. If it won't let you drop the shortcut link there, try the actual executable that the shortcut is pointing to. I can't remember which way I did it. BTW - Anytime you install an update to the SL viewer, you will have to open up the SLURL Proxy app and once again tell it to make Firestorm the default. It will keep knowledge of Firestorm but any install / update of the SL viewer will reset the default SLURL action so you'll have to check the box again - and maybe even re-click the menu item "Make me Default". the SL viewer really likes to try taking control on things.
  14. There will be a group associated with the land and I'm guessing that maybe you are a member of that group. Firestorm has an option - on by default, I think - that will attempt to rez things using the appropriate land group, even if you have not activated that group. If you manually activate that group yourself, you should be able to rez things and not get them returned. It is possible that the setting for this other house is such that anyone can rez things, not just group members.
  15. I'd suggest trying the Wanted section: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/313-wanted/
  16. By "labeled owner" - does that mean that you have activated the group and role for the property.
  17. Yep - Makeup on mesh heads happens via an applier. The Valentina body/head does not accept any appliers. However, if you poke around the various HUDs supplied, there might be one that will apply some basic makeup.
  18. Be sure to wear the shape that came with the body. Head shapes are odd things and the sliders act weird compared to what we are used to. If you want to maintain your normal body shape then first wear the shape that came with the body and make a note of all of the head related sizing (head, chin, eyes, etc...) and transfer those specs to your shape -- or transfer your body non-head specs to the shape that came with the mesh body. Once you've got the head looking mostly normal, then you can play with the sliders to get a custom look, but you need to start with whatever the settings are in the initial shape that came with it.
  19. If you are looking to show off your avatar and possibly get feedback/comments, you should try one of the ongoing picture threads. See this post for a good write up of such: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/405992-how-does-your-avatar-look-today/?do=findComment&comment=1718348
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