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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. /me jealous Wanna know, wanna know, wanna know
  2. Throughout my first 3-4 years here, you could probably count on one hand the number of times that I was not in a dress. Since I've returned, I've worn pants more, though still less than 25% of the time. I wear pants more now because mesh pants are much better than the old prim ones and even applier pants are not bad, unlike the system ones that always truly did look painted on.
  3. I bookmarked these references a while back - related to modifying the camera position http://blog.nalates.net/2011/07/24/second-life-camera-position-tips/ http://irez.me/2014/04/17/second-life-camera-offset/ https://modemworld.me/tutorials__trashed/camera-offsets-penny-patton/
  4. We used to always joke that that was how you could tell there was a male behind the female av. Lots of guys really like big boobs and will often make them quite a bit too large for the body frame they are attached to.
  5. Be sure to drop the graphics settings on the alt login to the absolute lowest available; it helps a lot. The alt doesn't need any decent graphics at all while you are taking pictures with your main account.
  6. I had forgotten about those. I meant someone once with that type of account. They said that due to some RL stuff they were only logging in a few times a year, but it was okay because they didn't have to actually pay any ongoing fees for their account or land. Those people could pass on in RL and their account and land here could literally live on forever without them ever logging in again.
  7. Did you check the sky? I know quite a few folks that rezzed a variety of objects on the ground years ago, to give it a lived on look, but their true residence is high up in the sky. I'm not sure they ever even go to ground level there anymore.
  8. Even if you cannot answer the automated questions that come up on the 'recover/reset password' screen - I mean, how many of us have our friends full SL names memorized - they have all sorts of things they can ask you. They once asked my mom what city & state she was in when she created her account - likely because her current location showed a different state. There is also the possibility of a security question, though that was not always done for all accounts in the past.
  9. While taking pics last night at Mo's party, I managed to nab a couple of shots showing Clover going after Rhonda's bewbies.
  10. I went to a Facebook page that discussed the current offer. Many of the those that paid full price are pissed as hell right now.
  11. Could be. At some point in the last 12 hours they have bumped the avatar limit on the main sim, The Shops. Yesterday, it was not allowing my premium alt in when the sim had roughly 50 people. Today there were 68 when I last checked and the premium bonus would not give them that much extra. It could be that the mirror sim has been bumped up also for the max avatars. It could also be that many folks don't know about the mirror location and thus it might not be getting hit as hard with constant TP attempts.
  12. Not only are they selling all bodies and heads for L$500 each, but all of the clothing is free - and maybe other items in The Shops also. Just know that the extreme lowering of prices, coupled with pretty much no development in a long time, likely means they are pulling out soon. Because of how their stuff works, if they shut their servers down, none of their stuff will work anymore. Premium membership helps. Also, they have a mirror sim next door - sim name 'TheMeshProject'. You could try that one also.
  13. Sometimes room dividers can help with visually breaking a big room into smaller areas without causing the same issues that complete walls would.
  14. I thought the 'Disable Camera Constraints' had more to do with how far away you can cam.
  15. I just have to post this, though it isn't how I look today. Maureen - 10 yrs ago and now (taken at her 10 year Rez Day party last night)
  16. I really don't think a mesh head is an absolutely essential. I still have my system head and have no plans to change for a while. Depending on one's style and if they never got naked with others or wore super skimpy / revealing outfits, I might even go so far as to say that only the feet and hands are truly essential. If I decided that I really had to go full mesh and was on a limited budget, I'd probably start out by trying some of the super cheap options out there. While the cheap/free body-head combos have limited options, they are definitely good enough to work with on a limited budget. As to the other things, there are some good quality freebies out there. You can even get some good quality skins for free if you manage to join some of the groups during their free promo periods. The hardest thing with freebies is whether or not they work with whatever style you prefer. So, the minimum for me would be some sort of mesh body (with feet & hands). Then I'd hit the Free Dove for a few basics and carefully watch some of the freebie blogs to add more items. There are a couple of good skin stores that offer free or super cheap join fee now and then, so I'd keep an eye out for that ond join one of those as soon as possible. The one group join that I'd probably fork out the money for right away would be Truth. I love the hair and you get a new one as a gift every month, and the gifted one includes a complete fatpack of colors. There are a few other groups that are worth the join fee, even on a really tight budget, just because of how much they gift their members.
  17. If you would like to immediately upgrade that account to Premium, then you can use Live Chat. That is as close to "direct" contact as you can get. You can currently buy a one month Premium for US $4.75 -- that is 50% off the usual monthly rate. It might be worth that - not to mention that they sometimes try a little harder on things with their Premium account holders. Then you could do Live Chat at: https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/ available 5am to 3pm PST every day.
  18. Wow - I just glanced at The Shops on the map and the region currently has 50 avatars grabbing the so-called bargain.
  19. While I played tons of computer games in my earlier life, they were all just on my PC. I was never an online person, other than forums and chat rooms, until I came to SL.
  20. In a perfect world, sure. SL, just like RL, is far from perfect.
  21. If you don't want to put up ban lines, you can buy a security system. They are not that expensive and you configure them to only let certain avatars onto the parcel. Others will be teleported away after a specified amount of time. If you do go that route, be sure to configure the card properly so that the scanning does not go outside of your land - and set the TP time long enough to let people TP away on their own after they get the warning message. Side note - there are also parcel settings to prevent others from being able to cam in and see you.
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