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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Ah yes, things are much better these days than they were years ago. Truly, I haven't seen an intermittent outage like this one in at least a couple of years - that I recall anyway. And a decade ago was really horrid.
  2. LL isn't charging for the use of SL itself. Just like Comcast doesn't have to issue a credit on my statement for downtime (unless it got extreme), LL isn't going to refund any tier due to downtime. And any other money spent inworld is totally user choice and comes with no guarantees at all. Unless you could prove that the intermittent service cost you thousands of RL dollars, you likely couldn't sue them for any sort of reimbursement of loss.
  3. Yep, a whole slew of places having issues today
  4. Sorry, Callum. I'm not really laughing at you, just at the concept that us Americans, as a whole, will ever have better political leaders. The problem is that in the US, holding a political office is very powerful and power corrupts. Those that SHOULD be in office do not want it. Those that WANT it, should not be there. Thus we are screwed - at least until/unless another revolution happens. *sigh*
  5. First off, LL seldom reads these forums, so you'll be hard pressed to get an answer from them here. My opinion though is that no matter how far smart phones have come, they are not up to the graphics capabilities of what SL demands. Thus the best you can get from some sort of phone app is basically a chat client. I just don't see the incentive for LL to waste resources on that when they have so many actual SL things to deal with.
  6. At least you have clothes on, your avi is not deformed, and your hair and/or shoes are not up your butt.
  7. If you don't go with a full mesh body, compare costs of the various feet brands. There is one on the MP called "Similar Multi-pose Feet" that is fully Slink compatible. You have to match the skin tone manually, but I used it for months before I finally bought Slink - because the cost was so much easier to swallow.
  8. So.... how can anything actually be 'off topic' in derail thread?
  9. You need to modify the pic to cover the nipples. Exposure of nipples makes the picture no longer PG and that is not allowed in the forums. Yeah, I know it makes no sense, but that is the rules.
  10. Logins must finally be stabilizing - forum posts are slowing down to a trickle.
  11. Level 3 and some other network providers have been impacted also, so seems to be more network overall rather than a particular game or few specifically targeted.
  12. I'd be willing to bet that successfully getting logged in and staying logged in, whether via one browser vs another, or a particular setting, if really all just random chance right now.
  13. Banned accounts - it has happened before. However, checking http://downdetector.com/ gives the impression that it could be an overall network DDoS attack.
  14. If you check http://downdetector.com/ and check a variety of businesses there, you'll notice that many are having issues today. Which does give more weight to some DDoS attacks going on in the overall network.
  15. And the latest blog post tells us that it really is a DDoS attack. Not an LL server cluster failure. I've never actually known LL to flat out lie about a problem. If it is something internal, they will simply keep quite or give various ambiguous statements.
  16. Whether someone gets in with their main account or an alt account is just random chance.
  17. Do you know how many times in the past decade people have claimed damn near this exact same thing? Yet SL is still here and LL always manages to get things running again, even if it takes a while. Hell, these past couple of days have been super mild compared to 2007-2008.
  18. Nothing more than the typical "the sky is falling" comments that we have gotten off & on in the forums for the last decade.
  19. Everyone agrees to the TOS before logging in. If you don't like the rules, don't log in.
  20. Grid status simply says there are problems that they are working on. We'll just have to wait. https://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  21. Hay problemas con los que LL está trabajando. Siempre verifique el estado de la cuadrícula en esta URL: https://status.secondlifegrid.net/
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