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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. I don't think I've ever paid too much attention to this, but I'm pretty sure I've never seen more than a few lines of history in the window each time I log in. Note that I use Firestorm mostly, thus things could be different with the SL viewer. So I logged in an Alt using the SL viewer, and I see conversations back through Feb 14. However, since this alt doesn't log in much or do much, the total lines is only about a page worth if I expand the chat window out to full page height. Thus, using my main account, I added a bunch of lines to locat chat so that my alt's window contained more than a page's worth. Then I relogged the alt and she does only have a single page of history. I did this a few times and even though her chat history still goes back many days, it never exceeds a single page of lines each time that she logs in. My guess is that if you've seen more in the past, then this is a limit that has been changed, maybe with the latest release. If you really need to see older conversations, they will be in the logs actually saved on your computer, so you can still get to them.
  2. Stops all animations? It was supposedly to stop copybotting. I don't remember the specifics - way long ago - but it really just gave many of us a laugh.
  3. One man's junk is another man's treasure. In more ways than one
  4. Are you talking about the portion of the conversation log that you see inworld or the actualy physical file on your computer?
  5. This does make one wonder how many babies and breedables were, um, 'lost' during that outage -- and how much in computer resources were saved as a result. Yes, I know - that is very unsympathetic of me
  6. My guess is that it is either a prepaid credit card or actually a debit card - neither of which will be accepted. Rather than waiting on a Support ticket, you can try to contact Billing. There are toll free numbers for some countries, but not for India https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/ Billing team is available from 6am to 3pm PST, Monday through Friday. Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  7. The biggest Forum conspiracy theory is that there is a cliche here that is just plain mean to anyone not in the cliche.
  8. I'm off tomorrow, but only because I have to work all day Saturday for an implementation. So I guess I'll save my 5% for Saturday cuz I don't feel like adding it to today's 22%.
  9. My guess is that LL sees it as a true credit card even if it is considered a debit card on your side. There are actually a variety of options for some countries:
  10. It has to be a real credit card or a Verified PayPal account or a Skrill account.
  11. When a thread is almost a year old on something like this, it is often better to contact the original poster directly inworld. Some don't return to the forums often.
  12. Nope, I'm going with Nova and the Full Moon answer.
  13. Every login I turn on the Firestorm Fly Override option. Gets me past those pesky no-fly areas all the time....... Well, almost. I did TP to one location just this past weekend and before I realized what was happening, I was TPd home because they had something running that detected fliers and TP them home.. Ticked me off, especially since I also use the Firestorm option of "always fly on TP". Thus in order to return, I had to quickly get out of fly mode after TPing back, to keep their damn script from sending me away again - I didn't feel like turning my 'fly on TP' option off.
  14. This is why we all love Rhonda so much.
  15. True story - when I worked at US West many eons ago, the managers had a meeting every Monday morning to plan the meetings for the week (the meeting meeting).
  16. Nope - mandatory Agile training.... for two freakin days. And the time will interrupt the actual work that I'm supposed to be accomplishing per the latest project's Agile schedule.
  17. I'm getting ready to go be stuck in a class all day - one that I didn't ask for and don't want to have to endure.
  18. Ahhh, you are still a youngun. And Rhonda is totally right about that 28-32 stage, though I'd probably take it as far as 35. Happy BIrthday!!!
  19. The only trouble I had Monday evening or yesterday for logging in was that it was sometimes very slow - but I always actually got logged in except for one time. I use Firestorm in regular Firestorm mode. Throughout the entire ordeal, I did get logged out a few times and other times I couldn't TP or rez items or move very well. I'm of the opinion that it was all random chance.
  20. LL doesn't have the resources to create a mobile viewer. If someone wants one, then they can create it the same way other third party viewers are created -- or fund someone to create one.
  21. Yes, but this is SL and in truth, anything like that here should be considered a form of RP. It is permissible and who's to say it is not all some part of role playing.
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