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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. You'll also discover that forum threads often have a life of their own. The only ones that can truly stop a thread are the moderators and they'll only do so if things start violating the Community Standards.
  2. I have had no issues logging in or getting involuntarily logged out since that DDOS incident back in Feb.
  3. ^^ This. I have never ever saved the stipends that Lil gets. While I do mostly save up the stipends the alts get, given the LindeX fees, if Lil wants more L$, it makes far more sense to rob my alts first before actually buying more L$.
  4. I spent most of my sleep time waking up every few hours making a mental list of what I would need to do if the power wasn't back on by the time we got up in this morning. Not only would I have to deal with refrigerator and freezer, but there would be NO WAY TO MAKE COFFEE. I'd have to immediately get dressed and drive to a coffee place - and buy like 2 or 3 or 4 LARGE ones. Power came back on at 5:05 am and I didn't have to get up this morning until 6:45. Since hubby crawled out of bed around 6:00 or so, the coffee was ready when I got up.
  5. When you don't have to deal with this much, a full day feels like forever. I recently had an issue where the vendor delivered the wrong item, so send a notecard with transaction details and requested the redelivery. Me, being somewhat impatient, send a second notecard roughly 30 hours after the first one - in case the first one got overlooked by chance. I then remembered that sometimes RL can be a headache and interfere with SL for days. I checked the creator's profile, joined one of their groups and discovered that they had not been online since the day of my issue. Since my issue was late evening that day, that meant they had not been online yet to read my notecard. Thus I forced myself to relax and wait. Roughly 4.5 days after my issue, the creator got online and send me my item.
  6. Power has been out at home for 6 hours now due to extremely high winds. Doesn't look like it will be restored before bed. No SL for me today.
  7. Feel free to contact me anytime. Warning, even if I'm showing online inworld, I could be AFK for extended periods of time, especially on the weekends. I will eventually reply back though. Forum PMs can sometimes take me a few hours to answer also, especially during the work day.
  8. Some folks really need to learn how to lighten up a bit. Life is too short to get all worked up over a couple of silly answers.
  9. For the most part, a spam forum warning doesn't mean much if you don't repeat the offense -- and nobody else will ever know that you got it. It is simply something that the moderators will know if you abuse forum policy again. So don't sweat it.
  10. Since everyone is supposed to read the Community Guidelines before posting, you aren't given a pass for the "I didn't know" reason. As soon as you tried to remove the first post and couldn't you would have been better off posting a question about how to either remove a thread or move it to the correct spot. We would have told you to Report your own thread asking that it be moved.
  11. I currently have 6 Premium alt accounts plus myself that belong to my land group, all donating their 1024 sqm tier. IF I actually saved up all of the stipends and cashed them out to pay for the Premium fees (all on yearly renewal), then my total cost for my 8192 sqm of land would be $132 / year. Here's my math -- note that I am in the US and thus do not have any VAT on the extra tier that I pay. Calculated in US$ -- Assuming an exchange rate of L$250 per US $1 -- the rate goes up and down, this is a good average -- The current fee to sell L$ is 3.5% Stipend of L$300/wk x 52 wks = L$15,600/yr, sold at L$250 per $1 = $62.40 - 3.5% (2.18) = $60.22 Round the above to US $60 for simplicity One premium @ 72.00/yr - $60.00 = $12/yr net cost The seven premiums supply 7168 sqm of tier. Because that 7168 is donated to a group, the group gets an extra 716 sqm bonus. For my 8192 sqm of land, that left me with only having to pay for a single 512 sqm of tier each month -- which is $4 per month, thus $48 / year. Seven premiums at $12 net cost per year = $84 -- plus the $48 / year for the tier comes to a toal of $132.00 / year. The above math assumes that you are good and do not spend your stipends and you cash them out to pay for you premium fees. Now, reality is that I spend "my" stipend, but I do save almost all of the stipend for the alt accounts. Thus it actually costs me the $132 plus the $60 that I could have saved by cashing out my stipends plus a tad more because a few of my alts will sometimes spend a little money. Per the above math, I could add another premium (and might) and that would reduce the cost to $96.00 / year (plus the $60 for me because I don't save my stipends) with some extra tier left over and no monthly tier fee.
  12. I have switched some of my groups over to subscribe groups and I will take that option over an inworld group some of the time. However, for some of my group stores, they might have both types but you can only get get the group gift or purchase discount by having a group tag active, which requires an inworld group. I really like the few that give their gifts via notices and give the same gift to both the inworld group and the subscriber group. I'm not sure if there is an easy way for them to give discounts to subscriber members though. Not to mention that many stores likely don't want to pay the fees associated with the subscriber service - at least, I assume there is a fee associated.
  13. At least here we can sometimes choose first/last combos that sound funny or make a pun - unlike sometimes in RL when you might marry into such or your parents name you that way thinking it is "cool".
  14. I belong to 59 groups, always keeping one open for a quick join to a freebie group for a gift (SL Free & Offers, Fitmesh Fanatics, etc...). Of those 59, only one is my land group and all but a handful of the others are store groups that I belong to specifically to hear stuff from them or get their groupie stuff. Every now and then I come across a new store that I really like and want to join their group. I then have to decide if I want the new place/group more than one of my existing groups, and if so, which one am I willing to give up (taking join fees into consideration also). I would be willing to pay a bit more for more groups. How much? Not sure really at this point.
  15. So, we may be returning to the days of 'hair up the bum' and no need to even TP to have it happen. Awesome
  16. If whomever bought the item used fraudelent money to pay for it, then you will not get the money back and there is nothing you can do about it. You can also do nothing about the buyer now having said item - though if the buyer were intentionally involved in fraudulent activities, they will likely be banned.
  17. Every now and then I think a few of us wiggle our pinkie toe over that line a tad bit.
  18. Just becasue it seems to work at the time that you key it in does not mean that the characters will actually stay. Stick to normal fonts and it won't dissappear.
  19. I realize that the primary reason for trying a demo is to check out the fit. However, part of it is also to see how the colors really look inworld, because way too many creators' photos just don't match what you really get. Thus I get highly frustrated when I get a demo like this for something that is not actually a white outfit:
  20. It would have been nice if I'd made a million or two, since I know that I've likely spent that much in my decade or so years here.
  21. Gotcha - Okay, not as horrid as it initially sounded.
  22. ((Based on versions of the game that I have played before -- No))
  23. Wait a minute - someone is going to sell something but the HUD that controls it will cost more money? If the price of the two items combined comes up to no more than the previously priced heads w/ HUD, then all is okay, I guess. Otherwise, they go on my list of 'greedy creator, not gonna buy from them again'.
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