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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. This insomnia crap is getting old. I truly looked at the clock every 15-30 minutes all freakin night.
  2. This is why we have repeatedly asked to have our own sort setting that sticks or to remove the stupid vote buttons entirely.
  3. As Christhiana said, you don't have to adjust that radio button on the Land Use Fee page. However, remember that regardless of whether or not you adjust that radio button, tier is paid in arrears, so you will still have a final billing at the higher tier rate. The bottom of your Account Summary page will show you billing date and the amount to be billed for tier. That will tell you the date of your final bill. Additionally, since you actually already own more than 1024, you could do it all in the order you specified. The 'owner makes contribution' will donate pretty much however much tier you are currently using (minus the group bonus amount). Then after your alts donate, you have to remember to go in and reduce your contribution in order to actually get your own usage down to the 1024.
  4. There are places now that are actually using scripts to detect the flying and will give you some message about flying not being allowed and boot you home, just like a freakin security system. The few I've encountered didn't even give me a message with a warning time - just a flat boot home. Needless to say, they will never get any of my L$.
  5. I actually had a store owner ask me how I was flying. I didn't admit to the Fly Override setting, but simply said that I TP'd in flying and hadn't landed yet. The store owner then proceeded to tell me that they disabled flying to prevent prying eyes from seeing the Work In Progress and thus stealing their designs. I truly LOL in RL.
  6. Ahh - I briefly heard about that yesterday and then forgot about it. I was wondering why Colorado extended their filing deadline to today.
  7. This is why I like the idea of a HUD that shows me a decent sized picture of the event item (like the Fly By Friday HUD) and then TPs me to the store. Firestorm has a "Fly Override" feature that I turn on as soon as I log in every time (really wish I could set it permanently). The setting lets you go back to flying even if flight is disabled where you are at. So even after you land somewhere, you can still go back to flying. However, some sims/stores have started using scripts to detect if you are flying and they will boot you if detected. If it is not a RP place where 'no flying' makes sense, then those places go on my "never shop there again" list.
  8. There you go trying to use logic again. Not allowed around here.
  9. This is actually typical of many of our laws - they seldom result in what folks desire and instead have unanticipated consequences. Our government isn't great at fully thinking things through.
  10. The video / graphics quality, synchronization and lack of any apparent lag is amazing. I wonder if the taping of the actual performance was done with the watching avatars there or if it was taped separately and spliced together. That would sure help explain the lack of any lag.
  11. Still listening to Poets of the Fall. This one gives me chills - wonderful music, but the video sure has a not-so-nice part in it - though the lyrics sure don't give that away.
  12. The FaMESHed GO HUD simply shows you the featured item and then TPs you to the store if you are interested - so you are still shopping inworld. The idea here is to avoid having to attend the overcrowded events.
  13. Posts do give a lot of insight into people. Yours show that you are most definitely not dull and your wording sometimes shows an interesting creative twist on things.
  14. A comment in another thread introduced me to this group, so I'm listening to their many songs while I work today. I don't like all of their stuff, but some of it definitely appeals to me.
  15. He is right in that I never considered him unimaginative or dull.
  16. I think the whole damn thing is worthless. LL's attempt at mimicking Facebook. If I want FB, I'll go to FB. The entire idea in social media that everyone needs to know (or even wants to know) what someone is up to every second of their day shows just how self-centered many people are.
  17. I like the sound of the FaMESHed GO. I wouldn't necessarily have to shop in a full alpha that way. One of the problems with a full alpha at an event, is that in order to demo something, you have to come out of full alpha mode and put on some sort of actual outfit. Or you can gather lots of demos, go home, try them, and return to buy whatever you like. I tend to buy things more if I can try something on right away, without having to go home first. If I go home to try on a bunch of demos, I could easily get sidetracked and maybe not ever make it back to buy something. Not to mention that I usually much prefer browsing a store rather than just the few items they chose to present at an event.
  18. IMO - No event should ever have a forced landing point so that people could TP directly to stores if they want, possibly from an LM provided to them by the store, or at least bring up a map and TP in somewhere away from the hoard of people. Or if there is going to be a central landing spot, there should be a way to randomize it within a specified area. Way too many people do not move away from the landing spot until EVERYTHING and EVERYONE around them has rezzed. And yeah, then there are those that cam shop from the actual landing spot - those are the folks that think SL should revolve around them. I have my viewer set to 'always fly after TP' and then when I arrive anywhere I immediately start flying farther up and then away from the landing point.
  19. I rather liked some of these definitions: and especially this one:
  20. Actually, logging in to Home is the default log in method for all of the viewers and in all of them you can override that to be your last location or any specific sim.
  21. When I recently decided to bump up my land holdings - and make a group of alts premium to help offset costs - I was doing all of my calcs simply based on the 1024 sqm that each premium gets. However, once I started messing with the alt accounts and tier donations, I discovered that in the end I would only need to pay for 512 tier monthly rather than 1024 monthly I originally thought I'd have to pay for, simply because the group got enough of a bonus to cover that extra 512. When working with 'normal' plot sizes, one doesn't really get any true benefit from the bonus for smaller plot sizes, thus it is easy to forget about that bonus until you increase your land size.
  22. By not remembering the 'login', if you simply mean the password, but that you do know the account login 'username' (which is not the same as a 'display name'), then you just need to submit a Support ticket. LL will ask you questions to help them confirm that you are indeed the owner of said account. If you truly do not know the actual Username, but still remember the exact email address, even if you cannot access that email any longer, then you can also open a support ticket and give LL that info. Again, they will ask questions to confirm the account is really yours. If you do not know the username or the email address then you are basically screwed.
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