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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. Here's my version on the Maitreya body started with the curvy body shape 1 and changed the proportions to something more pleasing to my eye.
  2. Well, that's good to know. Maybe I will try again, I have the demos in a folder that I set aside for later. I'll post an update after I give it another go.
  3. So, in my continuing adventure in starting over, I'm trying to put together a new avatar and I think I'm ready to get a head. Kali has a pre-evo Lelutka head that I've worn for years and refuse to change because I've looked that way so long that it's me. But I don't particularly like their hud and I don't use it often enough to understand it. I got demos for their new line but found it way too frustrating to match a skin to both head and body and quit in disgust. I went to the Catwa store and was overwhelmed with the choices there and left without ever getting demos. Ditto Genus. Today I went to the LAQ store and was delighted with the demo so far. Maybe it's because I've been stumbling about with various free skins and my system head long enough to get the hang of it again, but, I was able to put demo head and skin on and matched the skin to my Maitreya body right out of the box! They get an A++ from me for ease of use. I just saw there's a free head out there and so I halted my adventure with LAQ to go pick it up. I'd love to find out if the free head is not to hard for this old newbie to learn. Meanwhile, I thought I'd take advantage of the knowledge base here and ask, what head do you think is the easiest?
  4. I think maybe it was Firestorm's. They did show both the firestorm and the official viewer instructions for everything.
  5. So I made a new alt yesterday to see what SL is like for a newbie these days. The new person orientation was not bad. Not much different than the old Caldon Uxbridge walk through of old. It gets you through the how to move, how to look around, fly, sit, jump etc. I hit my first snag with the media screen which told me if I could read the text I was looking at then my media wasn't working and I should start it. I tried and failed. Not sure why but I moved on. The most fun thing I did was to rez a horse and go for a ride. I tried a few of the newbie avs and cluttered up my inventory right away. The starter avs are a huge improvement over the old pink polka dot dress, but still didn't like how I looked. The whole how to choose a skin thing occupied me for the next several hours until I got frustrated and quit. Matching a skin for head and body should not be such an ordeal!
  6. The idea of an intangible qualification the lack of which enables others to view you as less is rather diabolically evil.
  7. I remember you! Welcome back! I can't remember if I was Kali when I knew you or Kattatonia though.
  8. I don't know about newbies, but SL is too hard if you've just been away from it for a few months. It's way more work than fun just to come back for a visit. The work/fun ratio is so skewed that I rarely have the energy to log in.
  9. depends on where I am. average about 80 unless I am site seeing, then I raise it far enough to see what I came to see. I lower it when I'm lagged or if I'd rather not see what's around me.
  10. That's the thing though, isn't it? If you are against abortions you see it in terms of babies born or aborted. If you are pro choice, you see it in terms of who has the right to control what happens to a woman's body. You can be against abortions and be in favor of a woman's right to control her own body. It's not just one thing or the other.
  11. Like with every Microsoft release, I will wait until they get the kinks out. I clung to 7 until i bought a new laptop which had 10, managing to skip over the nightmare 8 and don't even recall, was there ever a 9?. My desktop stayed with 7 until things stopped running on it, when I finally caved and installed 10. I'm still not thrilled with 10 and I don't even want to think about 11.
  12. I wanted to laugh and thank you and like your post so I thought I'd just reply. Yeah, Those are my overlords too. I deleted my real life FB account many years ago but still have one as Kali Wylder. I'm pretty careful to keep my real life details off but some of my real life friends are Kali's friends too because they know me. I don't friend anyone I don't actually know. I respect most of the regular posters here in the forums as fairly trustworthy. Many of you are far more tech savvy than I am and I like that about you.
  13. I just don't remember very well these days. I went to check that per @LittleMe Jewell 's instructions and found to my relief that I had already turned that little feature off. Can't recall doing that but I'm so relieved to see that I did.
  14. I was exaggerating. They did want me to upload pictures of my ID though.
  15. Thanks! I will look up LastPass and see if it might fit my needs. Like you, I dis-trust the big names like Microsoft and Google but am stuck with them. And I still use Firefox as my main browser most of the time. I had Firefox's Lockwise password manager on my phone but removed it because half the time it was jumping in and trying to put in passwords for me in the wrong place and got too annoying. For many years I also used Abine's Blur for passwords and to generate single use email addresses but that product is also annoying these days as it jumps in whenever there is a prompt.
  16. My brain hurts. The day started with me reading documentation from my health insurance about changes in policy for 2022. Then I was playing with my phone's settings and saw this "Link your phone to your PC" in the helpful hints section. This lead me to some microsoft website since my PC uses Windows. I then was asked to sign in and I got a pop up on my phone to see the authenticator ap gave me a choice of some numbers to prove I was me. I chose the correct number to match me up and it failed and gave me a GIGO message "...from identity provider 'live.com' does not exist in tenant 'Microsoft' and cannot access the application... (RedirectionUxProd) in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account." and then to add insult to injury it wanted me to answer a short survey and would I recommend authenticator. This reminded me of the time last week when I was trying to access my social security account info online and they wanted pictures of my first born (front and back). I gave up that day and I'm still getting emails reminding me to complete the my ID process. I've also recently had to go through the nightmare of losing my phone and playing find my phone with Google. Found the phone but had some trouble unlocking google again once I found it. I've not even dared to read the MULTI FACTOR AUTHENTICATION !! I peaked at it and shuddered. I'm getting too old for this. My short term memory is not as good as it used to be and remembering all my passwords is a nightmare. Seems like everyone wants to jump in there and remember them for you. How do you decide between the myriad of entities who are clamoring to meet your security needs?
  17. I agree that it is perfectly ok to be a child avatar. I have nothing against child avs. I made one for myself way back when just to see what it would be like. I got bored with it pretty quickly. I met a person who wanted to RP as my mother but it felt really strange to me so I declined to continue. It wasn't any thing bad, just not something I wanted. I know that pedophilia exists but I didn't encounter it and I think the majority of people who want to be a child in SL are not the same people as the ones who use SL for sex.
  18. So is it possible to be charged with watching tv without a license in your country? How do they catch you? Is it paid per television set or per viewer?
  19. I vote yes, not that I believe that the answer to your question is the sort of thing that can be voted on. Emotions are real and love is an emotion. It's not necessarily permanent and there are no guarantees but that's true in real life as well. It's an interesting question though. I'm also interested in whether or not it's possible to truly know another individual in a virtual reality. And moreover, can you love someone without truly knowing them? I thought that I knew and loved a few people I've met in SL and later learned that I didn't know them as well as I thought I did. But I still felt love. The fact that I later learned things about them that I didn't know at the time doesn't change the way I felt.
  20. Same thing happens to me! Every year! My true rez day is 6/22/09 which I never remember because that was my first av and she rarely logs in so I don't see that profile very often. I had to go look it up in my friends list just now to even know the date was the 22nd. I remember it as one month prior to this av's rez day which if July 23rd. So it looks like I missed my 12th rez day just a few weeks ago. But anyway, Happy rez day to all, whether it's today or not!
  21. Same thing happens to me! Every year! My true rez day is 6/22/09 which I never remember because that was my first av and she rarely logs in so I don't see that profile very often. I had to go look it up in my friends list just now to even know the date was the 22nd. I remember it as one month prior to this av's rez day which is July 23rd. So it looks like I missed my 12th rez day just a few weeks ago. But anyway, Happy rez day to all, whether it's today or not!
  22. Is Gacha gambling? Yes. Is gambling illegal in the US of A where Linden Labs is based? Yes. Does it matter who or how many people want Gacha to continue? No.
  23. I'm glad that they are doing away with gachas. I stopped even looking at them a long time ago because I hate the feeling of being suckered in. I'd much rather pay the going rate for an item than gamble on the chance of getting a bargain. I imagine it was a lucrative business model since they were so prolific.
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