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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. I hear you on the stiletto moody thing, the worst of it was, the shoes took so long to rez and the people who wore them didn't seem to realize this so instead of these "wonderful" shoes, all anyone saw was greyed out prim balls and cubes and a gap where the ankle ought to be. No sense in paying for that!
  2. i loved Dany French Touch, Think I had everything she ever made, including the men's outfits, so romantic! And Pixel Dolls. Such good textures!
  3. That is pretty much the way I do it too. I don't fly, I just step off the landing zone then change to friends only and cam my way through the event. I'm as likely to bump into people as anyone, since there is lag and other avs don't always render right away. I just say pardon me, and move out of the way. Once I am off to the side, I just hold still and cam. Bumping and being bumped is rather a silly issue to get all excited about, no harm is done.
  4. I think it is just silly for USAicans to claim to be Americans as it is for them to claim to be Irish, Italian, or whatever. I'm an Earthling.
  5. I remember when The Junkyard Blues Club had to go private in order to keep griefers out who were burning out the graphics cards of the DJs and hosts. They stayed private for a few years due to that. Never charged a fee, but you had to belong to the group to get in.
  6. I just finished my cross country road trip and I'm now in quarantine for the next 2 weeks. I am high risk and was socially distanced before the plague came anyway, just because I worked at home and was an introvert. We chose the safest route between CA and RI and only learned after the fact that Iowa was a hotbed of plague. But people were masked for the most part even in the places that did not mandate it. We didn't eat out and the only contact we had was with hotel desk clerks and gas station clerks. I feel pretty good and I'm hoping that the next 2 weeks will pass quickly with no plague for us. My theory is that the more sparsely populated states were probably safer and we stopped pretty frequently until we crossed the Mississippi. Then we doubled our driving times to move quickly through the more densely populated states. Anyway, I'm glad we got out of CA before fire season came. Crazy times we live in.
  7. peeved that there isn't a place for me to post, Hey I'm back, didja miss me?
  8. Me neither. And to add to the book list I just finished Trevor Noah's Born a Crime, which I really loved. It's all about him being born during apartheid in South Africa, to a black woman and a white Swiss man. His mother basically had to hide him until apartheid ended when he was 5 years old.
  9. Shy, I think,and fear of embarrassing themselves is more common than being stuck up
  10. Moving there. So far Murphys law has been very active, but it's ok, we are not on a strict time table. We've made it to Utah and we're staying an extra day cuz reasons
  11. I'm still retired! and tomorrow we start our trek to the east coast. Excited? Why yes, I am thanks!
  12. I don't use RLV these days. But my first SL lover liked it for taking my clothes off. Life was simpler in those days, not so many clothing objects, mostly system clothes. I don't know how it works with mesh, you don't want to take all the objects off, you would be removing the mesh body, eyes, head, and hair, and it would not be romantic. I am not into BDSM, so I don't have much use for RLV anymore.
  13. you should check out the Linden homes sub forum, there is a running post about what's been released recently.
  14. I was able to get into the store and get the free head and a free skin that they also have out. Now to see if I can make the genus strong head look enough like me to merit wearing.
  15. 70 is the premium only limit. If you weren't premium you wouldn't have that many. There's been some speculation that the super premium might allow more but nobody knows how many more. It seems like each time they raised the limit, I find I get maxed out again, so I don't know if it does any good to get more at this point.
  16. Thanks, I can hardly believe it's true. Spent yesterday and today trying to survive turning in my work monitor that I was using for my home PC. It seems that my old monitor (the smaller one) doesn't have the right kind of plug to hookup to my computer which was upgraded without testing that. Took two trips to the PC components store, where I splurged and bought a bigger monitor which turned out to have only the old blue VGA plugs as well. returned that and bought an even bigger monitor which has the HDMI plugs I needed. But I got to tell every one I met in my travels that I am retired which was fun.
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